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#1 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

Nothing ever beats a top of the line PC in either graphics or performance. Having said that, ACO is one of if not the best looking console game I have ever seen on the X. Its flat out stunning in places and there's so much going on around you in every direction. You can't go wrong with either platform you choose.

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#2 shawn30
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ME: Andromeda without a shadow of a doubt. Such a failure all DLC plans were simply scrapped. So bad they felt there was no course of action to fix it or right the ship. EA simply shot it in the skull, said "**** you" to the fans and walked off. Battlefront 2's issues can be fixed or at least made accessible over time. Especially with so much bad press. But all plans for supporting the title are going forward. But as a die hard ME fan, one who feels the trilogy is the best three game trilogy of all time IMHO, Andromeda just shit on its legacy and EA takes all the blame for not realizing late in the game this was not going to work. MS gets shit for killing Scalebound and some of it is justified, but I wish EA had killed Andromeda because I wish I had never spent my money on it.

To close, ME: Andromeda and there is no second or third place. It simply shit the bed for the entire franchise and it may be near half a decade before we see another ME game if ever.

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#3 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@Heil68: Same here. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, but the microtransactions and overall lackluster gameplay despite the great graphics have me willing to wait till its free in the vault. I don't mind loot boxes if its like Halo 5 Reqs or ACO style, but this style is just ignorant. I will not support it with my money.

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#4 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

Best thing to do with System Wars is enjoy the entertainment of it and the meltdowns! Never, ever let it influence anything in real life. Fanboys have always and will always exist but just buy whatever it is you enjoy and **** everybody else. I've enjoyed the hell out of Xbox One since launch day despite PS4 curb-stomping it saleswise around the world since, well, launch day, lol. Nothing said on the boards anywhere should ever affect your opinion of the games you pay for....

Except for Star Wars Battlefront 2 - that's some epic ignorant BS and that's coming from a gigantic Star Wars fan. I'm not buying that shit.

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#5 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@xxyetixx said:

So y'all praising X1X are your praising with fanboy goggles on or does it legit make a difference in what your looking at?

Cause look I don't see a difference in Xbox One and PS4 games, yet people claim there's a significant difference in those games.

Years ago when the PS4 and Xbox One came out I used to argue on these boards daily about the difference being not that big of a deal at first, but as time passed as framerates on the One choked it and resolutions made the difference very obvious it became obvious hardware wise to the PS4 was just better and only the most dedicated MS First party stuff really compared to PS4 IMO. So while I preferred Xbox eco system and games, hardware-wise the PS4 is just superior.

With the X though, its first off a night and day and night again difference in overall quality from the One. Like its literally next gen from the One. I played a ton of Halo 5 and thought it always looked good, but on the X its damn near a new game and I haven't seen one X owner who as tried Halo 5 and said that it doesn't look a world better. There is only one Digital Foundry comparison vid where the PS4 Pro is superior to the X and its a bad patch issue in TF 2 that will likely fix. What the X does for current and old games is pretty amazing and there's enough footage out there to see for yourself. MS truly delivered and I just hope against hope that within the next year they change their policy and make some games exclusive for the X. For now though playing Wolfenstein. ACO, Halo 5 and Forza 7 on the X is extremely impressive IMO.

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#6 shawn30
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@jahnee said:

@shawn30: Wait I reallllly want to know about how Mass Effect 1+2+3 runs. When you say upscaled to 4k, is the resolution actually 4k?

I honestly don't know for certain as I'm only going by what I saw but it appeared to be upscaled 4K and it looked great

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#7 shawn30
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@jtothamtothap: Yea I think State of Decay 2 will turn out great, and my fingers are crossed for Crackdown 3 - that game could be amazing or get canceled altogether. Just don't know. Phil needs to deliver next year for certain. But they have the hardware now to shine. Just gotta deliver more exclusives.

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#8 shawn30
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Just a few thoughts after playing 6 games thus far.

1. The difference in Enhanced games is staggering coming from Xbox One. Halo 5 looks like a new game altogether. Incredible details, increased draw distance and animation. ACO looks and plays amazing, while Wolfenstein looks great in 4K as well. Gears 4 looks amazing. The details and draw distance in these games, especially ACO highlight the power of the console and why 4K HDR is a game changer IMO graphics wise. There is a huge fucking difference. To my knowledge of the games I played only Gears is native 4K and I think all the others are dynamic but I'm not certain and couldn't tell the difference.

2. Load times for all the games I players were at least twice or three times faster booting into the game and post cut-scenes.

3. Console is creepy quiet. I didn't hear it at any time even when I tried.

4. Two of my all-time fav games Mass Effect 2 and 3 look great upscaled to 4K. Again you notice details you never saw before due to the huge resolution jump. That this system automatically makes your older games run smoother is a testament to MS engineering.

5. Games with the 4K textures really, really stand out.

All in all for what this system does on current games,, recent games and old games it absolutely delivers a massive upgrade over the Xbox One and pretty good one over PS4 Pro IMO. System runs, looks, and plays great. Installing from my external HD after having downloaded all my account details and games prior to launch had me playing games within 20 minutes of turning the system on (Initial patch to install)

I honestly think MS lucked out this fall with the third party games being pretty high quality as they really stand out for the console. Next year will be huge for them to nail the first-party games. All in all MS delivered one hell of a console. And since I'm not a PC gamer this looks incredible. Wating to see The Witcher 3, Battlefront 2, and CoD WW2 enchanced games next.

Anyone else care to share their impressions so far?

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#9 shawn30
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Makes perfect sense to me. There are some PC gamers who don't ever intend on buying any console. But they can buy MS games. There are some Xbox gamers that just have no interest in Playstation or building a PC and they can buy a Xbox and MS games. Their are Playstation gamers that will never buy a Xbox and have no interest in PC, but would like to play some MS games and will be able to. There are some gamers who just want to play on the console or PC of their choice and want MS games. There are gamers who only want to play only whatever is the most powerful at the moment. MS got you covered too.

Its a brilliant long-term strategy. You're going to need Live. Outside of that its money from every direction for MS. It won't hurt Xbox sales cause people who like Xbox will continue to buy it just like it is right now. Only this strategy opens up the door for any gamer that wants a MS game wherever they play and MS doesn't give a shit. This will ensure Xbox never sees the console leader status. Not ever. But obviously they don't give a shit as they will have revenue streams all over the place someday. Smart, bold move MS. Now just work on more first-party games and studios.

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#10 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

State of Decay 2, RDR 2, and Anthem (the latter being a hunch as I feel very comfortable in the quality of the first two)