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#1 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@Heil68: My old friend. Its been to long. Still fighting the good fight against Lems and Microsoft I see :) Now I'm a bit out of touch with System Wars arguments. Lets see if I still remember how to do this.

Sony sucks... Now that felt good to say :)

Back on topic, you picking up the X or no interest? Mine's arriving Tuesday.

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#2 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@Sagemode87 said:

@shawn30: Lmfao, haven't seen you in months. Almost forgot you existed. Goes to show how bad this forum has been for Lems. I give 2 shits what the reviews say about this game, I'm still picking it up. Good to know Kevin Vanords opinion means that much to you. Stay mad Lem. Xbox One is selling like shit lol.

Almost forgot is the key, lol. Not mad at all over you or anyone else wanting to own Driveclub. I stand by my claim that Ryse is a 8.0 score and a very good game.. Alas, reviews damn us both, lol.

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#3 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@ghostwarrior786 said:

@shawn30 said:

@kuu2 said:

Ok @ghostwarrior786 it is time to pay the piper.

Your new sig will be.

I am the Court Jester for the League of Lemmings. I am here to serve my Lemming Overlords @kuu2@FoxbatAIpha and @shawn30 and provide them endless amounts of laughter and comic relief with my posts. I bow at their greatness and the greatness of The One.

LMAO!! Driveclub now sits as one of the all-time greatest system wars flops ever! But in a way I love that just cause a game has amazing graphics doesnt means its good. Graphics arent everything. Driveclubs metacritic score is 71. That's fucking terrible :)

Speaking of the devil here he is, where hav u been brah?

Started a new job last month, and getting ready for a new baby early next year ate up a ton of my time, but I'll be around more now that the dust has settled a bit. Even I'm shocked at Drive clubs score here and overall. This is a landmark exclusive racer for the PS4 and had a ton of hype. It flopped hard as a motha! I always felt FH2 would be the better game, but not to this degree.

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#4 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@kuu2 said:

Ok @ghostwarrior786 it is time to pay the piper.

Your new sig will be.

I am the Court Jester for the League of Lemmings. I am here to serve my Lemming Overlords @kuu2@FoxbatAIpha and @shawn30 and provide them endless amounts of laughter and comic relief with my posts. I bow at their greatness and the greatness of The One.

LMAO!! Driveclub now sits as one of the all-time greatest system wars flops ever! But in a way I love that just cause a game has amazing graphics doesnt means its good. Graphics arent everything. Driveclubs metacritic score is 71. That's fucking terrible :)

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#5  Edited By shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@Animal-Mother said:

@shawn30 said:

Nope. Great game, Reviewed well. Sold nearly 4 million as a new IP. It didn't move as many Xbox Ones as MS hoped for, but from a game perspective I love it and its still the most played game amongst the majority of my friends. Not a perfect game, but a damn good one. Its a win. Not the win MS had hoped for, but as a game, new IP sales, and platform to build more its a success. I can't wait for Titanfall 2.

Do you have official stats on those numbers?

Also yes IMO titanfall was a failure.

It failed to be the big AAA game MS and EA were hoping for, failed to move a massive amount of units. It wasnt the flagship people were expecting it to be.

Good game nonetheless.

No official numbers at all, sadly. - I read somewhere 4 million, but vgcharts

Has it at 3.28 million copies sold, with over 2 on Xbox One. And I disagree. Its a AAA game and new IP. They wanted to sell 7+ million and sold 3.28 (likely very close to that) I don't think EA or Respawn are disappointed as MS paid then a shit-ton of money upfront. And they will no doubt make Titanfall 2 for all systems unless MS dumps another huge check on their desk. MS is likely disappointed that the game didn't move a ton of Xbox Ones, but it still sold great on the console and has a robust community on it. To me it was a moderate success with a great future.

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#6 shawn30
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They will have delivered 12 new maps and a couple of modes once the last map pack comes out. I wanted more Titans, weapons, Pilot and Titan customizations, but it looks like its full steam ahead on Titanfall 2. And while its not a perfect game, I have well over 100 hours on Titanfall. I certainly have enjoyed my time on the game and after playing the last map pack coming this fall I'll be satisfied overall that Respawn delivered. Great game IMHO.

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#7 shawn30
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Nope. Great game, Reviewed well. Sold nearly 4 million as a new IP. It didn't move as many Xbox Ones as MS hoped for, but from a game perspective I love it and its still the most played game amongst the majority of my friends. Not a perfect game, but a damn good one. Its a win. Not the win MS had hoped for, but as a game, new IP sales, and platform to build more its a success. I can't wait for Titanfall 2.

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#8 shawn30
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@gamersjustgame said:

Drive Club has better graphics. But Forza Horizon 2 is everything else and I do not see DC comparing anywhere close to that of FH2.

At E3 The Crew and FH2 dominated awards for racing games. People again are raving at gamescom over The Crew and FH2.

Yeah, this is true. Drive club won zero awards, and wasn't even nominated in the sports category (where racers are included) FH2 was the only racer nominated. AS for graphics, DC looks fucking incredible. Better than FH2, which looks great as well. Content wise FH2 shits on DC, so FH2 for the easy win.

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#9 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

Nah, Drive Club won for best graphics. Its amazing. Hope game-play and content match those visuals.

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#10 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@Desmonic said:

@shawn30 said:

This. I think Uncharted is good, but not great. I think DC is the best looking racer ever, but its graphics don't overwhelm me when compared to the content of Forza Horizon 2, which looks great in its on right. I don't care for games like Bloodborne where you die 100 times to make a bit of progress. Not my cup of tea. The Order 1886 looks promising. Not much else does, and compared to 5 absolute buys from me (Halo 5, Gears of War 4, Crackdown, Scalebound, Quantum Break) I just don't think the PS4's gaming line-up compares at all. But if and when a PS4 game grabs me and won't let go I will jump it. It having more powerful hardware doesn't compare to the better games, features, and OS on the One. So I see no need to own one yet. But I don't hate Sony and will jump in likely within the next 2 years.

All of the PS4 games you mentioned will release by the end of 2015.

Not all of the XB1 titles you mentioned will release by the end of 2015.

The lack of a release date for QB (heck not even a year was mentioned) + the aquisiton of timed exclusiveness of Rise of the Tomb Raider implies that QB won't make it for 2015 (not surprising if one remembers how delayed Alan Wake was). Gears 4 is another 2016 or beyond game, likewise for Scalebound (PG has been working on Bayonetta for a long time and it's yet to release. I expect the same thing to happen with this. They are probably still pretty limited in "man-power"). Likewise for Crackdown, it's doubtful it'll be released in 2015. So in essense, only Halo 5 will be in the near future with 100% certainty.

So, by the end of 2016 the XB1 may or may not be a pretty interesting buy for you :P Should have bought a WiiU bro lol

Lol, funny. Tomb Raider will be out Holiday 2015. Halo 5 will be there. I'm willing to be Quantum Break is Fall 2015 as well. Season 2 of Killer Instinct will play out all year long. Ori will debut next year. No doubt MS has more coming that hasn't been announced, likely timed exclusives. They're fine in 2015. :)

As for the Wii-U, when Zelda debuts I will buy it and rent Bayonetta. Will beat both in a month and then sell the system for as much as I can get, lol.