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#1 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

That's flat out amazing and one hell of a turnaround. They know their fan-base well

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#2  Edited By shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@navyguy21 said:

"All told though, Skyrim on Xbox One X delivers the goods - by and large you do get the 4x resolution upgrade the hardware is capable of, and unlike the Pro version, there are no disadvantages versus the same game running on base hardware. There's definitely the sense that more could have been done here - perhaps more of PC's quality sliders could have been pushed further - but as things stand, Xbox One X does deliver the best console version of Skyrim available."

Apparently they have reached out to Bethesdsa for feedback. TF2 had the same issue

Yeah, lazy patch for sure. But the thing that has and will always separate the two consoles is mods. I added 27 mods to my Skyrim last night on the X and the difference is pretty damn amazing. Added quest, costumes, weather, textures, lighting, terrain, ect. That's when Skyrim really shines.

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#3 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@oflow said:

because its not gambling. You can get lootboxes in the game without paying.

You cant walk into a casino and play blackjack without paying. You cant get dealt a hand of poker without anting up.

You QQers need to go find something else to whine about.

I could not agree more. The root problem is some games have a extremely bad progression system that I will not support (Battlefront 2) But to call it gambling makes me wonder if those who say it is have ever gambled in real life.

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#4 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

Its pretty obvious when devs take time and put effort into patching a game to the fullest on the X versus just a quick res bump. The Killer Instinct guys probably patched for the X in one day, whereas Halo 5 damn near looks like a new game entirely.

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#5 shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

@lexxluger said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:

Cows now moving on to bragging about sales, since they can't brag about graphics anymore. LOL.

I've told you how wrong that statement is before and why but since you're a basement dwelling xbox fanboy who likes to create his own narrative, it's best you hear it from a professional industry spokesman on technical graphics on video games.

There's the sense that the artists and designers have been unleashed to create one of the most striking open world environments you can experience. Everything from the density per scene, the choice of colour, the fluidity of the animation and volume of assets really impresses here. We've seen a lot of large, open-ended games this year but it's clear that Guerrilla Games stands at the top of the industry with its efforts. Even with the growing sense of open world fatigue, we found that the world and lore was interesting enough to carry us through the game, while the quality of these visuals and the solidity of the presentation is unparalleled. For us, Horizon Zero Dawn is an essential release - and The Frozen Wilds genuinely adds further to the experience.

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As long as Sony has industry leading AAA devs looks like cows have more reason to talk about graphics than most others.

Not a "cow" or any other version of system wars fanboy. It's high time you learn the difference between resolution and "graphics" bud because you're clearly confused if you didn't think sony fans could talk about graphics lol.

Hold this L.

That game looks incredible, no doubt about it. But ACO on the X or a high-end PC still beats it IMO. That world is far more alive. But still, GG has done a incredible job here.

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#6  Edited By shawn30
Member since 2006 • 4409 Posts

I could give less than a **** about microtransactions if:

1. I think the game is great fun

2: Microtransactions don't enable a player in online modes have constant unfair advantages to the point where if I don't buy I can't compete at all.

3. The natural progression system is complete bullshit.

For me, I personally have spent money in Halo 5, Assassins Creed Origins, and Forza Horizon 3 as all three felt fair to me and I never felt I absolutely had to buy anything to complete the game (ACO) or compete online (Halo 5, FH 3)

But as a die-hard HUGE Star Wars fan Battlefront 2 is the top of the shit-pile of horrible microtransactions systems. Destiny 2's progression system is damn near illegal. And I would never, ever buy anything in COD. So while I will protest certain games who's systems I personally feel are broken and unfair by not spending any of my money on them, I am not against all microtransactions as I have spent money to progress faster in ACO but played through half the game with no issues with the progression system in place. Its just I have two kids under the age of 4 and not nearly the hard grind time I used to have when playing games. And since I enjoy ACO so much I have no issue spending some extra cash to progress faster. Especially since I know if I had more gaming time in my life I wouldn't need to. Its just an adult perk in my eyes.

To close I don't think all microtransactions are bad. On a case-by-case basis considering the microtransaction system in place and natural player progression system, as well as the quality of the game those factors judge where my money does and does not go.

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#7 shawn30
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@KungfuKitten: When microtransactions/lootboxes are in single player games where they cant give you an advantage over another person its perfectly fine to me cause I don't have the time I used to have to grind games to death and I don't mind buying some things if I really like the game and feel its worth it. Plus if you never bought anything in ACO you could absolutely get everything in game just by following the main storyline. Having said that ACO is amazing. I highly recommend it.

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#8 shawn30
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@Heil68: Same with me. Not paying a single dime for this game ever outside of my EA access bill.

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#9 shawn30
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@MBirdy88 said:
@FLOPPAGE_50 said:

@MBirdy88: dude you are a hardcore hermit we already know you arent going to buy it

You present this argument each time and people will tell you reasons and you'll brush em off with the usual PCMR, rinse and repeat

The console has great value for those that are not looking into getting a gaming pc or those that simply pefee the xbox ecosystem.

But you already knew this.

I use to have an Xbox One. It's the only one I don't posses anymore, so yea, you can say "eco system" means nothing to me that is very true. No eco system does, especially a walled-garden eco system, you are never getting "value" in those.

This is system wars, the baseline "if nobody owned any console, this is actually a good deal" sorta argument rarely holds up.... as nobody here fits that category.

This isn't even PCMR related, my sig is ancient, I couldn't care less, my time spent is 50/40/Phone with PC/Switch/Phone these days, as I spend most of my PC time studying net sec (Kali Linux etc).

Hell my game at the moment is Fire Emblem 7 on an emulator on my phone this weekend. (while at the pc.)

So no, hardcore hermit doesn't stand, if I saw ANY value, I would pick one up.

UHD player? in 2017 where there is barely any UHD disks and they are complete rip offs? where only 5% of streamed content is 4k even?

Exclusive games? nope.

Unique features? nope.

You know the only advantage, and that a console releasing 1.5 years after the PS4 Pro ... is mildly better than a PS4 Pro. How is this worth bragging about? the price point is nuts.... its especially nuts for someone who already owns an Xbox 1.

A few notes of disagreement.

1. Exclusive games: Halo 5/Gears/Forza 7/ Forza Horizon/Quantum Break/Sunset Overdrive/Cuphead all out now. To come State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves are already announced. Maybe they don't appeal to you and that's cool, but to say there are none is silly.

2. Unique FEATURES: everything Xbox looks and plays better on the X, with full backwards compatibility to the original console a decade ago. Again, maybe you just don't care for or like Xbox and that's cool. But to say there are no unique features is again, silly.

3. Mildly better than PS4 Pro... Digital Foundry's take on Battlefront 2, Wolftenstein 2, CoD WW2, and Shadow or Mordor would like to have a word with you. Or maybe not, because to you the difference might be legit mild. Who knows :)

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#10 shawn30
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@neversummer75: I couldn't agree more. I know there will never be a day where any console made by anyone ever beats a top of the line PC. But I have no interest in building one, spending more money, and dealing with configurations and launch issues based on what video card I have, ect, ect. At my age I just want to sit down and play games that look and play great. The X legit covers that. I have mad respect for all PC only gamers as those guys build monsters. I just personally have zero interest in doing it and the X has impressed everyone I've shown it to. I only have one of out 4 buddies who PC game that is buying a X, but all were damn impressed by X's quality for its price, size, and graphics.