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#1  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

Pachter is an old suburban white guy that only wants short term profit with no passion in his life. He forces himself to play games to look credible. The Xbox One has fundamental image problems. You can remove Kinect and price it the same as PS4 and PS4 would still outsell it. If he actually liked games, if he was actually one of us, he would realize that.

Titanfall will make a difference though cause at the end of the day, AAA exclusives like that are what matters. But Titanfall alone won't do it. They need way more of those. Microsoft has the cash to do it but not the willpower since its now mostly owned and run by old people like Pachter with no passion in their lives. A company like Google would do it cause more than money or anything else, it's a fun thing to do.

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#2 dbtbandit67
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@FreewayKingpin said:

I have a 660ti video card in my rig and im still running new games - Thief, at full specs.. what is the incentive to upgrade?

None. That's a great card. Even when that can't run max anymore, what that can run at 60 fps will always look good.

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#3 dbtbandit67
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@k41m said:

All of a sudden I have a ton of MMO's and games I never bought show up under "My Games" on STEAM. Age of Conan, Wizadry Online, Vindictus, Fallen Earth, Haunted Memories, Just Cause 2 MP. I can't name them all because its about 100 games that showed up!

On occasion Steam will add games to your library (in faded font showing you the option to download it) as part of games their promoting. Developers can pay for that type of promotion.

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#4 dbtbandit67
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@Vuurk said:

For people who have played both which game do you prefer and which do you think is superior?

I have been playing League for awhile and have over 600 games played now. I have just been invited to the dota 2 beta and have played only about 5 games.

So far I still enjoy LoL more, but I think Dota 2 might become my favorite of the two over time. I love playing as Vayne so much though and haven't found a champion in Dota 2 with a similar playstyle yet.

I've played both, I like League better. Dota 2 just reminds me too much of Warcraft III. Like, Warcraft 3 back then, not a modern Warcraft 4 now.

LoL doesn't get any credit whatsoever for its graphics, art design, and optimization. The junkies that are addicted don't care, they just want to shoot up more heroin. It's a great game, full of a lot of poor addicts tho that ruin the experience. Makes me want to avoid multiplayer, that's why I stopped playing.

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#5 dbtbandit67
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@d_ano said:


Does anyone who is primarily a playstation/xbox gamer kind of feel this way too?

A console's financial success doesn't have any impact on the quality of its games. Wii U has a few cool games, and some good ones on the way. If I had the money to burn, I'd get one. I've owned and sold 2 already. I had fun with them. I might get it for a 3rd time with the next Xenoblade comes out.

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#6 dbtbandit67
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@hashcrypt said:

So I have a budget of $400. I want to get back into gaming, so updating my system is a must.

My options are to get a PS4, or upgrade my old "gaming" PC.

Current PC Specs:

Phenom X3 720 BE

4gig DDR3 1300 RAM

Radeon 5750

Earthwatts 500W PSU

Antec Sonata III case

I've really wanted to build a new PC for some time now, but haven't had the funds or desire to do so. Now I possess both of those and want to get started.

After some research, I'm leaning towards picking up X4 760K, a 750 TI, and a FM2+ Mobo. This comes up to around $350, so I have a little extra to spend elsewhere.

Can I get more performance for my dollar by going a different route? I would like a decent upgrade path as well if all possible.

Thanks for any help ahead of time.

I say get the PS4. It's an awesome system

But if you had to spend $400 on your PC I'd say to spent the bulk of it on a new video card and whatever other modifications you'd have to make to support a new card

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#7 dbtbandit67
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@topher78714 said:

Hello. I am VERY new to PC gaming (been a console gamer my entire life) but there are too many games out there that interest me now that I would love to play. My question is I know NOTHING about computer specs or what I should look for so I was hoping somebody could help me out. Below is what I am looking for:

- I am looking to replace my old laptop with a new computer tower that I can connect to my 55in HD TV (not a computer monitor) via HDMI.

- I don't need to be too powerful currently but would like it to be easily upgradable over the next few years (aka easy to find and replace parts for. All I've ever done is replace the HDD in my PS4, so I don't know much about how to rip apart computers)

- built in wireless (optional) not 100% necessary.

- I would like it to stay at or below $300....again I'm not looking for a powerhouse, just something to play South Park Stick of Truth, DOTA 2, LoL on medium settings.

I would appreciate any input, thank you!

You won't be able to build any sort of custom build with new parts even of the lowest settings at $300 or below

If that is really your budget, buy older used rigs on Craigslist

There are still decent ones up that can still run games at minimum settings

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#8  Edited By dbtbandit67
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For the time being, me3x12 is gone -- one half of the annoying Xbox One duo that's making all owners look like fools, you're welcome -- so now might be the only time we can actually have a decent discussion about the Xbox One, and it's potential as a solid gaming platform.

I've been playing both the ps4 and Xbox One, and it seems both platforms have some interesting strengths. Ps4 has the more obvious strength in the superior graphical output, which is apparent immediately, but the Xbox One's got some interesting features as well.

I have to give props and a waving, shameful finger at the controller. I like the design, and I love the idea of rumble triggers. But if you're not a racing fan, that's exactly what they are -- an idea. I tried out the Forza demo and actually felt the proper execution of these triggers, and I have to say they're pretty awesome. But it seems like Forza's the only game that's utilizing them. I was bummed the Titanfall beta didn't have an implementation of these triggers, and I hope newer Xbox One games will utilize them because I wish every console -- ps4 included -- had this idea.

Graphics are going to be great for exclusives that utilize the console. Hell, even first party Wii U games look outstanding, so I'm pretty excited about what the internal studios at Microsoft will do with their games. And for the love of God, I hope Rare's IP -- not made by Rare, themselves -- make a comeback. In terms of exclusives, I think Microsoft has a library that rivals Sony's. The difference of course is that Microsoft hasn't used hardly any of it, instead opting for Forza/Fable/Halo/Gears, instead of trying their hand at a Banjo game, a Conker sequel, or even a Jet Force Gemini reboot (which would be amazing if done correctly).

Of course, the Xbox One is subject to a lot of negativity right now, but for people who aren't fond of the console -- the ps4 owners, mostly -- what would it take to turn the Xbox One into a solid platform in your eyes?

I know it's unreasonable on an internet forum, but we've got something like five days until me3x12 comes back from his temporary ban and turns this into a bunch of nonsense again. Can we please have one decent conversation comparing the ps4 and the Xbox One?

They need to pump out more exclusives like Titanfall.

That's it.

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#9 dbtbandit67
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First off, none of those games you mentioned are "PC-centric"

All those games are mostly first person shooters, and a lot of people prefer to play those with a gamepad.

PC centric is where, having a keyboard and mouse is the organic experience to the game, like a game like Hearthstone or SimCity or X-Com and other strategy/simulation titles where you really need that mouse pointer and a keyboard. This applies to MMORPGs also.

The short answer to your question is: higher install base. It's easier to be a console gamer, not everyone can, or is willing to be a PC Gamer. But really, who cares. Playing games like X-Com is way better on PC, having a mouse and keyboard helps a lot to that sort of game. Being a console fanboy is just as bad as being a PC fanboy, just shutup and game.

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#10  Edited By dbtbandit67
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It's perfectly normal to take breaks. I've been gaming for 22 years now. I'm not old either, it's just that video games have been a dominant part of my life for a very long time. I still remember getting my Sega Genesis Madden bundle for my birthday.

You should at least say which systems you own. On PC I like Hearthstone. I use to collect Magic and Pokemon cards so this game was right up my alley. It's extremely easy to learn, and very fun to get into. You will be surprised how easy the basic rules are but how complex deeper strategy can be. Minecraft is also good and it's available on just about everything, but I think that having a mouse and keyboard really goes along with the crafting system, plus you can install mods! There's pretty much no way a new user won't keep getting lost from their bed if they don't have the map/compass mod with waypoints. You simply are not gonna find the iron and ingot without getting lost lol.

On PS4, Zen Pinball really surprised me a lot. You wouldn't think pinball would be fun on a video game console, but this game really pulls it off. It's F2P but the free table is crappy. They have licenses from Marvel and Star Wars, so they have Hulk and Darth Vader themed tables. You'll be surprised, it's really good, the animations are great. I myself bought the Star Wars pack. Blacklight Retribution is also F2P, and you don't really have to buy any of the money packs. It's much cheaper in quality than the likes of COD or Battlefield 4 but at the same time it enhances multiplayer since you take away many of the advantages players can get who simply put in more hours. It's more of a raw game where everyone is on an even level, so there are less unfair kills and BS.

Xbox One, Dead Rising 3 is tons of fun. GTA 5 is best played on PS3, and on 360 I still like booting up Black Ops 2 and killing zombies. If you're really looking for something quirky and unique, refreshing, maybe you should turn to Vita or 3DS. Terraria and Gravity Rush are pretty good, and on 3DS Animal Crossing is a sort of Sims with a Nintendo twist.