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#1 dbtbandit67
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I think this is the REAL Arkham City sequel, and WB shouldn't have wasted money on that shitty ass Origins game that was a blatant and shameless cash grab that was terrible. Shame on them.

Most casual gamers won't know that Rocksteady developed this one as opposed to the crappy developer that developed Origins, and may grow fatigue with the Arkham series, since it's not yet established that Batman may see annual releases like Assassins Creed. Being able to roam around Gotham City is promising but I'm afraid there will be some limited scope to this, and it won't quite be the size of Los Santos. Gotham City is modeled after New York City, it's freaking enormous, both in raw land mass and even density. It's probably a little bigger than Los Santos, and just as dense as Arkham City. I'll be really surprised if they pull that off. If they do, it would take more than the Batmobile, you would need the damn jet!

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#2 dbtbandit67
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I bet there are some games that have already been released that you haven't played yet that will look good on your new card.

Have you ever played Borderlands 2?

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#3 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

intel celeron

gtx titan

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#4  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

No, 59.99 is still the standard for a console release in the U.S.

Other countries have higher prices, but that is nothing new. I don't believe they will attempt (or sustain if they do) even a $5 price increase at this point. $59.99 is the ceiling for the U.S. for most console releases. If anything, it could go down, cause at that price, gamers are more conservative about what their buying, which explains the extreme disparity of a game being hit or miss, of a studio riding high one year then going bankrupt the next.

If anything they are indirectly increasing the price through DLC. But I personally have not played a game yet where I thought the DLC was crucial to the experience, thank God.

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#5  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

I was a game tester for about 6 months. It's not as enjoyable or even as easy to get into as you would think.

Game testing jobs are seasonal, and many companies only hire on a part-time and temporary basis (i.g. You are a tester for Cod: Ghosts, the project ends, the studio won't necessarily pick you up for another project, it's back to LinkedIn to see who's hiring for QA). Right now is kind of a weird time in the industry with the transition to the next consoles. But generally I think the future looks bright. You typically will have a hard time finding work in the winter while work will pick back up in the summer, and it'll be painstakingly difficult for you to find anything paid out the gate with zero experience.

The hours are also very rough and the job gets very old very fast. You're not going to be testing Titanfall or Destiny, out the gate you're going to be testing lots of shitty mobile and web based games, because that's probably where the most QA work is at right now. And if you do get something on consoles you are doing very repetitive and cerebral tasks to try to intentionally generate bugs and glitches. It's a bit of a numbers game because they want to see how many bugs you can find, and some companies will mandate quotas. It's also easy to get cabin fever very fast.

If you are still serious about getting into QA (Quality Assurance) my advice would be to start off looking for something non-paid at first and see how you like it. A lot of the testers I knew actually enjoyed it. Good for them. I recommend getting something non-paid at first cause it's an easy way to rack up experience, get better at the job, and begin building your LinkedIn contacts. They may attempt to put pressure on you, but believe me, the company knows their being stingy (or they've accepted they have no money) and they know their getting what they pay for, lol, so there isn't as much pressure to rack up high numbers as there would be in a paid position for a big budget game.

If you do become a game tester, never take anything personal (like getting hours cut or a better/more experienced tester getting the gig over you) cause for every game tester you have to have the mindset that you're always looking for work. So even when you're working on a project, always hit up your LinkedIn contacts to see what their working on and if the company their with is looking for anyone. Goodluck!

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#6 dbtbandit67
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Nice thread. For me, I am going with the Xbox. It was the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast. Microsoft may have never pursued a home console, at least at the time that it did, had it not been for the Dreamcast and it's fall. Dreamcast had Windows CE as its OS which gave Microsoft the idea to install a Windows kernel on a home console.

It was also its spiritual successor in other ways, such as its aggressive push to popularize online gaming in a home console. Xbox Live would not catch on until the 360, but it was with the original Xbox that it built a solid foundation, debut, learned from its mistakes, and would continue to build upon its foundation that would help make it so popular on the 360. And then, there are direct Sega-Xbox correlations as many Sega games would be published on Xbox.

The GameCube is a console that actually gets better overtime, cause at the time it was a real POS and I hated it. The miniature cube shape was such a gimmick, and it had a very distinct personality. You can call it gaming-centric yes, kid-friendly maybe, but it sure as hell wasn't as hardcore and adult as the Dreamcast and Xbox. And there was no online, at all.

But overtime and looking back on it in retrospect, it had a lot of solid games, and a game just being on the GameCube, the GameCube's personality rubbed off on it, like with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. As a vintage console, it actually is one of the better systems I own. And even though the graphics are dated by now, there is a sort of distinct lush art style look to its games, like with Metroi Prime.

But ultimately my vote goes to the original Xbox, one of my favorite consoles of all time. An exclusive;y hardcore gamer's machine, unlike 360 which really was the PS2 of its generation.

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#7 dbtbandit67
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This kind of thing is easily decades away, but do you think the future is leaning more towards full customization across the board, or do you think we'll eventually get to the point where custom builds are no longer necessary, as everything will become streamlined enough that specs won't be something that's a factor, rather it's simply expected that any machine you buy will be compatible with all software on the market?

No that's crazy, as long as there are gaming PCs you'll always be able to custom build. The very concept of a "custom build" isn't something you can take away. "Custom build" isn't a product, it's the very act of assembling. You will be able to assemble anything you want at any time you want for all of eternity.

PC Gaming is great, it's PC Gamers that are stupid. Stop shouting at everyone with how much better your $1,500 PC is compared to an Xbox 360 and just enjoy your games.

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#8 dbtbandit67
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@Slimmin360 said:

Nintendo needs to introduce a new Wii U SKU call it a Slim unit, a Wii U Plus, whatever, but it needs to have the following items out of the box:

A minimum of a 250gb hard drive.

The Pro controller only with recharge cable, No touchscreen gamepad.

A software update that includes the following:

Support of the Pro controller with every Wii U game that exists and is about to release. Also needs to have a revamped online system with easier access to online purchases and multiplayer support.

Needs to be bundled with the as yet to be released new Zelda Wii U game.

If such a system is put out by Nintendo, it will not only save the Wii U, but will fly off store shelves so fast, the sales will easily catch those of XOne and PS4.

Even though the graphics won't be on par with the competition, it won't matter if this above bundle is created and released it will sell like crazy.

All of those things wouldn't save it.

Cut the price by $100, ship it with a pro controller instead of the tablet, then have fully-3d Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Donkey Kong/Kirby/Star Fox/Mario Party/Martio Kart sequels in addition to their other IPs that they've outsourced to other developers like Xenoblade, then we're getting somewhere. Oh, and they'd have to start releasing titles of those calibur once a month for the next 2 years beginning next month, in addition to the price cut and ditching the tablet.... That's just not happening.

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#9 dbtbandit67
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@ghostwarrior786 said:

list the franchises that u think need to die.

halo - original trilogy was good but has been horrible since then. multiplayer now also sucks and the story in halo 4 is terrible so best they stop making this garbage series now

killzone - for the love of god sony use your resources elsewhere, this trash has never been good ever. the sooner they kill it off the better. im hoping gorrila new ip means the end of this sh*t

god of war - trilogy is over, time to change the scenery now. either switch to a different time period, like egypt or kill it off

gears of war - the story was garbage in the trilogy and now that its over they can only make prequels because the main quest is finished. multiplayer was good but its better if they make new game using similar mechanics

Resident Evil and Final Fantasy.

More Survival Horror and traditional JRPGs, please, but enough of those series'.

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#10 dbtbandit67
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@mrintro said:

Maybe you guys don't really give a bleep but there was once a time when games were games and they felt complete and you actually owned them. And you didn't have to pay for online, and you didn't feel like the publisher deliberately released half a game so they can keep milking you with DLC or micro transactions. If they wanted your money, they earned it with good expansions. And there was once a time when the publisher released a game and they couldn't simply "patch" it later, it had to be good to go from the start. And you didn't have to wait 2-3 years to actually get the final game. And finally, old school was about enjoying the console by yourself, or if you wanted, with your friends. You didn't have to have online, and you didn't feel like you were missing out without it.

This brings up my point about the Wii U. It's a dying breed, and we will most likely not see anything of the sort with Nintendo's next home console. Sales are too poor, and we all know Nintendo will have to make a drastic change. The next generation simply wants a different experience. And admittedly, Nintendo could use some change, but I respect them for trying to preserve what made the old times great. How about you SW? Are you finally done with Nintendo's consoles as we know them?

But the Wii U isn't an old school gaming console either with it's tablet controller. The Wii sure as hell wasn't an old school gaming console. The GameCube was their last old school gaming console. Their last GOOD old school gaming console was the N64.