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#1  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

Watch Dogs is coming out soon.

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#2 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@ps4hasnogames said:

I hear its like 2 hours long, I am a huge metal gear fan but if its just a glorified demo then I don't think its worth the $.

At full price, hell fucking no.

Just borrow it from someone or gamefly it or ebay-flip it or something.

I'd prob just wait altogether though for MGS5.

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#3 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@solarplex said:

So Xbox Labeled this version 'One' do you think after this console they will begin making sense of their consoles by naming the next Xbox 'Two'

No, they'll go with some other name. Xbox (fill in the blank) that goes with the theme of the console.

Maybe it'll be something virtual reality related.

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#4  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@BattleSpectre said:
@ObxChillin said:

I can only hope, so my xbox one doesnt continue to collect dust.....

Both my Xbox One and PS4 are dust collectors at the moment, slow start but that's what you get with launches.

The PS4 has numerous independent digital titles out for it right now, it wouldn't be collecting dust if you opened your mind to games that weren't only AAA releases.

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#5 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@danyopizzle said:

The community has gotten more competitive over the years, according to most gamers titanfall is not competitive, which is true, if thats all you look for in a multplayer game. Im almost a level 50 on this game i truly respect this game for not being competitive, it even goes so far that your KD can not be seen by other players.

I love it, its a good all around fun shooting game, why does it need to be competitive to be fun? its still fun regardless, and it beats the new COD games that are loaded with so much BS packed into every single game i play, theres a miniscule amount of BS in titanfall imo thats what i love, every fight feels like a clean fight and not a dirty unfair fight like all cod games and most shooters

The decision to limit it to 6v6 hurt it. "But DOTA 2 style bots cause we draw inspiration from MOBAs and other non-FPS games [cause we're cool]." No. You're not cool. Those bots are fucking retarded and useless. I do believe them when they say it wasnt a technical limitation, but it was a mistake. 6v6 is fucking small, even for counter-strike standards.

Also, no single-player was a mistake too. A single player campaign helps setup a backstory, environment, and give the game and maps a lore. Like crossing a map or section where a particularly good moment from the campaign happened. No single player, 6v6 only; a half-game charged at a full price.

But Msft shouldn't give up on it, it still has potential, just keep improving it.

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#6  Edited By dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

If mine broke yeah. I love how it turns on and off my TV and controls volume.

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#7 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@tendoboy1984 said:

I find it very functional, especially when browsing Internet Explorer. Controlling the pointer with a smartphone is almost as good as using a mouse. I also love using it to check messages and watch recorded game clips when away from my console.

I like the ability to control your TVs volume with it, but you should also be able to do that with the controller also (like a volume sub-menu, or app, or something). Please read this Phil Spencer lol.

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#8 dbtbandit67
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@Garfield360UK said:

So Phil Spencer is now the Xbox Division boss at Microsoft. He has said that he wants to have the core gamer needs served by the Xbox.

Link to Gamespot news story.

So what are your thoughts on this?

Great pick. A programmer and a GAMER to run a GAMING division, not an old white guy that doesn't even like computers.

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#9 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

@walshieeu said:

I really wanted to buy Forza 5 shortly after launch to play on my Xbox One as it simply looks amazing and its been a very long time since I've played a racing sim. However I was extremely put off by all the negative reviews regarding micro-transactions. I haven't played it myself so please correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I heard there was basically a progression wall where if you wanted to get the best cars you either; a) grinded for an endless number of hours, or b) pay extortionate prices for them with real money. I found this scandalous, and as a strong opposer of micro-transactions in full retail price games this completely deterred me from buying it.

However I've only recently found out that they have since changed this (in December afaik), by significantly reducing the cost of cars when using in game currency while at the same time increasing the rate at which you earn said in game currency.

Without a doubt the game play and visuals are fantastic, the huge gripe myself and many others had was the in game economy. So, my question is, have these changes solved the issue, allowing you to unlock cars at a reasonable rate without purchasing them via micro-transactions? Appreciate any feedback from players who have played both before and after, or even just after this update.


What really killed the game more than the micro-transactions were lack of tracks and game modes. I suppose microtransactions had a negative effect on car selection since you had to grind so much before you could get to the F1 cars, although even if you could buy any car, there were still lack of cars.

Hopefully they'll learn their lesson and make Forza 6 even better. Forza 5 had missing tracks, cars, and game modes because it needed to be a launch title. It would be cool if Microsoft kept putting out DLC releases for Forza 5 to add those cars and tracks and game modes without getting un-necessarily greedy... Probably not.

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#10 dbtbandit67
Member since 2012 • 415 Posts

Digital is becoming more popular, but will never fully gain traction until you can rightfully re-sell the license for a digital property you own. Not being able to re-sell your license should be made illegal, in parts of Europe it already is.

Physical copies will always have that re-sale factor over digital. You own physical copies more than you own digital copies in the sense that you can play with it and also re-sell it, so it has more financial value and worth.

Hopefully one day we will be able to re-sell our digital licenses in the U.S.