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#1 Zeliard9
Member since 2007 • 6030 Posts

[QUOTE="Awinagainov"]PS: hopefully Resistance 2 will be the shooter that killzone 2 wants to be. my money is on resistance2Mordred19

Can someone tell me why there was ever any hype for Resistance? I rented the game and I've been playing through it, and it's probably the most underwhelming FPS I've played this gen. Completely average in every single aspect, from the graphics down to the gameplay. It's mystifying to me that there was ever any hype for it at all. Just goes to show you how hungry Playstation owners were for a shooter, any shooter. Eurogamer's 6/10 review for Resistance is incredibly accurate.

What makes it worse is I'm coming to Resistance after playing R&C: Tools of Destruction, which has ended up as one of my favorite games this gen. Doesn't even seem like Resistance was made by the same company, it's so inferior.

Killzone 2 will probably be much better than Resistance 2, if Resistance 1 is any indication. Unlike Killzone 1, Resistance 1 was created in this gen, and by the same team making the sequel.

You're underwhelmed from a 1.5 year old FPS? You played it recently right? Putting it in the wrong context will indeed make it sound bad like that.

I assure you that I would've been equally underwhelmed if I had played it when it first came out. Resistance doesn't do anything that many other shooters don't do except 40-player MP as far as consoles. The gunplay is incredibly average, the level design is paltry, the engine is technically inferior even for a launch title, and the aesthetic is just hideous. Gears of War holds up significantly better 1.5 years later. I'm playing Motorstorm right now and it's excellent fun, over a year after its release.

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#2 Zeliard9
Member since 2007 • 6030 Posts

PS: hopefully Resistance 2 will be the shooter that killzone 2 wants to be. my money is on resistance2Awinagainov

Can someone tell me why there was ever any hype for Resistance? I rented the game and I've been playing through it, and it's probably the most underwhelming FPS I've played this gen. Completely average in every single aspect, from the graphics down to the gameplay. It's mystifying to me that there was ever any hype for it at all. Just goes to show you how hungry Playstation owners were for a shooter, any shooter. Eurogamer's 6/10 review for Resistance is incredibly accurate.

What makes it worse is I'm coming to Resistance after playing R&C: Tools of Destruction, which has ended up as one of my favorite games this gen. Doesn't even seem like Resistance was made by the same company, it's so inferior.

Killzone 2 will probably be much better than Resistance 2, if Resistance 1 is any indication. Unlike Killzone 1, Resistance 1 was created in this gen, and by the same team making the sequel.

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#3 Zeliard9
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[QUOTE="Beastfrog"]The intelligence of the A.I. depends on the difficulty setting. Don't ever say that a game has bad A.I. until you've seen them on the highest difficulty setting. A lot of gameplay videos for any game are played on the easiest difficulty so they don't die while showing off their game.Metsvideogame

thats a good point, but it just seemed overly scripted to me. I think the guerilla team focused too much on making the game look like the trailer and forgot that it needs awesome gameplay to really be what they want it to be.

The core gameplay appears to be about as good as you're gonna see in a linear FPS with scripted set pieces. It has as refined gunplay as we have pretty much ever seen, the audio-visual presentation is masterful, and people who have played the game have said some good things about the A.I. (especially the friendly A.I., which is supposed to be excellent).

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#4 Zeliard9
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God, and this just after our discussion not too long ago about how so much fantasy these days, especially in video games, is derived from Tolkien.

And it had to happen to Dragon Age, of all games, Bioware's first attempt at a PC masterpiece since Baldur's Gate 2. I mean yeah, the game is called "Dragon Age", but that doesn't mean it has to look like a giant bag of cliches and incrediblyuninspired design. I was half-expecting the Knights who say Ni to pop out.

It's probably as disappointing as a 30-second teaser could possibly be, when you consider that the game has been in development since 2004 and this is the first thing we see from it. Look at Diablo 3, by comparison. The game is a long ass way from release and we've already seen a 20-minute, 100% gameplay video of it. And in HD quality, no less, and they could've easily waited until E3 to release it. And we also would've all been fine with just 3 minutes of D3 footage. That's why Blizzard is king.


I'm starting to think Bioware can't really make their own mark on lore of any kind.

Every game pre-Jade Empire was using some previously established universe. All Bioware did was make a seriously awesome RPG in those respective intellectual properties. Jade Empire was their first original setting which did fine, but didn't feel as fully realized as the other universes they dabbled in.

Then comes Mass Effect, which looked promising but turned out to be the great big melting pot of science fiction cliches.

What's sad is that this setting looks even worse. I honestly just got turned off at the thought of playing through some sort of Helm's Deep knock-off. I watched it and played it in the Lord of the Rings IP, and I really don't need to see it again, five years too late.

Bioware has been dissapointing me lately.

I think there's been some universal disappointment regarding this teaser and the setting and characters it shows. It's not insultingly bad or anything, it's just very generic and incredibly underwhelming, and it's all made worse by Bioware's own hype that it would be a proper successor to BG2. Even though Bioware isn't the company they once were, many still thought they could produce something special.

I know some will say it's just a teaser, but the point of a teaser isn't to turn off its audience, as this one seems to be doing. A short teaser is enough to convey quite a bit about a game, especially the setting it takes place in, and this one seems to be your basic fantasy, LOTR-style romp. The gameplay better be legendary.

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#5 Zeliard9
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Less linear, more free world would do this game a lot of good. Based on KZ, I really don't have a lot of faith in Guerillas ability to make good games. It looks really cool, but the gunplay looks like KZ...and that gunplay sucked. Wheres the reticle? Wheres the healthbar? I hope they don't use the horrendous healthbar from KZ. Also, the cinematics showing more Hellghast coming, need to stop. When do enemies announce they are coming? MadExponent

How the hell does the gunplay look like KZ? :lol:

And you're actually complaining that there's no health bar? You're reaching, man.

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#6 Zeliard9
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What are these games about? Can it be compared to something like Warcraft 3? I think the game looks cool. :)


Relic make better RTS games than Blizzard imo (raises flame shield)

You don't need a flame shield for that. Relic has made way too many excellent RTSs. They're easily in the conversation for best RTS devs.

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#7 Zeliard9
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[QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]I don't know about anyone else but I had a very strong reminding of Lord of The Rings from that, looks like a great game none the less.FrozenLiquid

Their gameplay direction sounds good but damn does their world sound so bloody derivative.

Even the title "Dragon Age" doesn't bode well for its lore.

God, and this just after our discussion not too long ago about how so much fantasy these days, especially in video games, is derived from Tolkien.

And it had to happen to Dragon Age, of all games, Bioware's first attempt at a PC masterpiece since Baldur's Gate 2. I mean yeah, the game is called "Dragon Age", but that doesn't mean it has to look like a giant bag of cliches and incrediblyuninspired design. I was half-expecting the Knights who say Ni to pop out.

It's probably as disappointing as a 30-second teaser could possibly be, when you consider that the game has been in development since 2004 and this is the first thing we see from it. Look at Diablo 3, by comparison. The game is a long ass way from release and we've already seen a 20-minute, 100% gameplay video of it. And in HD quality, no less, and they could've easily waited until E3 to release it. And we also would've all been fine with just 3 minutes of D3 footage. That's why Blizzard is king.

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#8 Zeliard9
Member since 2007 • 6030 Posts

Here's that vid in 720p:


Linking it doesn't work for whatever reason, it just goes to the gamevideos homepage. Just copy/paste the link into your address bar. Or better yet, use your PS3 brower to download it and watch it on your HDTV (file, save target).

No more needs to be said about the graphics, which are definitely the most impressive on consoles, but the gunplay is also looking awesome. Probably the best in any game this side of F.E.A.R./Project Origin, though we won't be able to know for sure until at least the demo.

Project Origin and Killzone 2 are very comparable and will probably own the linear FPS genre upon release, with games like Far Cry 2 owning the open-world FPS genre. They're two completely different types of games. But if you're talking about a strictly linear progression with crazy, scripted set pieces, you aren't gonna do much better than PO and KZ2, unless your name is Half-Life.

Though even HL is a different breed, since its gunplay and AI is relatively weak in comparison, but its plot and storytelling are some of the best the genre has seen. KZ2 and PO probably won't do very well when it comes to those aspects. But if you keep expectations in check (as in, don't expect it to reinvent the genre), it's hard to see how Killzone 2 will disappoint.

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#9 Zeliard9
Member since 2007 • 6030 Posts

Good god the game is beautiful. Absolutely jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Look at this new HD vid:


The gameplay doesn't look like anything we haven't seen before, but if the gunplay is tight enough (which it seems to be), it doesn't really matter. Not every game has to innovate.

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#10 Zeliard9
Member since 2007 • 6030 Posts

Well we haven't seen any real gameplay videos, only these colorful trailers, so yeah, I don't know why people are hyping Mirror's Edge. It's like hyping Killzone 2 because of the CGI movie. People should wait until they see gameplay footage, but hey, let them hype what they want.


The trailer's in-game, that's one of the things that makes it so astonishing. Perfect mix of technical depth and striking art design.

From Eurogamer's recent (highly positive) preview:

Things kicked off with a leisurely play through the original trailer level - presumably to convince the many doubters present that this is in fact real in-game footage. The blue sky and white buildings are already c|assics, but the slower pace of the demonstration allowed us to more fully appreciate the way the Runner's Vision washes a layer of pure primary-colour information over the sheer HD city.Eurogamer