lo266's comments

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@Grenadeh @zemc77 Really? Did you even play the game? Here's one flagrant example for you. An enemy looking for me tries getting through a door but can't because Ellie is his way. Instead of attacking the teammate (or Ellie fighting him), the enemy walks in place for a few minutes until he gives up and leaves. That is just awful. No way around it. And that happens all the time.

For the record, I am enjoying the game otherwise but I do think an 8 to 8.5 is right.

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Edited By lo266

First, let me say I am a big ND fan and love their games but I actually agree with most of the review and the score. My biggest gripe is the friendly and enemy AI. Enemies don't notice you strangling someone nearby and ignore your teammates no matter how close they are to them or how loud they talk and move. Teammates all too frequently stand out in the open.

For a game that places so much emphasis on these mechanics, they sure are broken and it really takes you out of the experience. They probably should have delayed this a bit longer to clean that up. That being said, the story and gameplay (other than the AI) are great and make up for the problems. Solid 8.

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@shagrath1987 Going digital has a good deal of benefits but the way it's implemented here also has its downsides. There are way too many variables that factor in when you require an internet connection constantly. Routers, servers, ISPs, modems and more can all go out for unspecified periods of time. I live in NY and FIOS was out for a solid week and a half because of a storm. Still had power but no internet. With the Xbox One, I wouldn't be able to use it for games. I can't support that.

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@COVAtheNOVA @kratos-lll You are seeing the whole thing through your lenses only. Just because you have no issue with their policies doesn't mean they won't genuinely affect someone else. There are billions of people on this planet and, sorry, not everyone is just like you.

You're also being ignorant and hypocritical when you tell people to read before posting yet it's clear you haven't done that yourself. Relax a little before you start attacking others.

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@Ryan495 You're missing the point on price here. I don't have to spend that extra money for a Vita or the camera. Sure, I can start adding in costs too if you want to play that game. Let's see - there are batteries I need to get for the controller for the next 5 years or more, a tablet to play games like Spark if I want the "full experience", yada, yada yada... That's your argument - still think you're right?

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Edited By lo266

I think MS has a good set of features but at the end of the day the market conditions say this isn't the right time for half of them.

I actually like the idea of having access to my games from any box without carrying a copy of them on me. But I also use my system in places where I just won't have access to the net sometimes and so do millions of people around the world. And sharing with 10 people seems generous enough (if the restrictions aren't crazy for that) but still I need to know I can use my system when I don't have a connection or when MS servers go down.

They also need to sit on Kinect a little longer. Even the new version isn't ideal for games outside of casual party games. Ryse was supposed to be Kinect only but I bet they couldn't really make that work too well. Because of that, I am not willing to pay the added cost for a camera I probably will use only occasionally. When the tech improves some more, maybe but right now, not a chance.

Then you have 3 operating systems running eating into resources that could be used for the games. Who thought that having nearly half you RAM (which is already slower than the PS4's) unavailable to developers was a good idea?

I think I'll pass for now. Also, instead of coming off as arrogant, MS should be explaining the benefits of their approach to the online check-in and ditch the potential fees for used games. That would go a long way to helping their cause.

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@LimpTool Right, since those are the only ones you can sell or lend.

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@Dbizzles Sony should get as much heat when they announce their plans. But MS didn't come out and openly address the problems so let's not make them out to be the honest, open company you make it sound like. Details got leaked and the press followed up so they had to deal with it.

Just like you think Sony should get the same treatment, don't be so quick to heap praise on MS for "coming clean."