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@darkscape if you actually paid attention you'd notice they're going back to a lot of what made DA:O great and improving it a lot

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Edited By doometernity

@Splincir I read an article a while back that said the xbone imposed a fee to be able to play a used game or someone else's game. Maybe that's changed or maybe that article was inaccurate.

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Edited By doometernity

@Samucabrazil your arguments are flawed. you say keep with xbox one, but that doesnt really make any sense. Microsoft doesnt have any, or at least hasn't announced yet that it has any plans for supporting 360 games on XB1. As for the controller, both microsoft and sony have redesigned their controllers and you've not touched either of them. As for price, you also need to take into consideration the online price, which is more expensive on Xbox. So bottom line, PS4 is cheaper.

What it comes down to is that you are picking Xbox one just because you like xbox360 but they are very different consoles. for this generation, Sony has developed the console with gamers in mind whereas microsoft is developing it to be an all around entertainment system. Sony was also getting input from developers in making the PS4. In terms of technology they're probably about equal but it's likely PS4 is superior since PS3 was superior to the 360, it was just harder to develop for which is why the non-exclusives worked better on 360. What it comes down to is exclusives, which in my opinion are looking way more promising on PS4 than on XB1

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@Romeric87 everyone is cheering because we were afraid there would be restrictions on used games like Microsoft has, where if you buy a used game you have to pay again a fee of full price to be able to play it. A lot of people can't afford to always buy new games at full price. There wouldnt be as much cheering if Microsoft wasnt imposing all these restrictions because it would just be expected that used games are supported

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@NAZIFULLAH it's mirror's edge, why would it be in 3rd person? The first person parts of the trailer were actual gameplay or at least exactly what the gameplay looks like

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@Atalion I dont have to play the first one to be able to read. I just pointed out stuff from what I've read and my experience in the last two games(and i missed the part about the citadel being a mass relay so sorry). I'm well aware that collectors were modified protheans (and modified is a big difference from created. reapers dont "create" anything), but again, they, along with their technology were mostly destroyed. you dont see seeker swarms in me3 for the same reason you dont see any other collectors, though apparently some were used on Palaven. the main point being there werent enough to be used in force throughout the galaxy.

I never said I got the whole story but i know enough to see stuff that you missed. apart from the ME1 stuff, nothing I said was wrong. You say you know the whole story from playing the first game yet all the incorrect stuff you said was from the other two...clearly there was more important lore in the other two games than you cared to notice.

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@Atalion Collectors were doing what the reapers were doing, turning humans into reapers for the next cycle. they only built one reaper because we destroyed them (duh).The seeker swarms that paralyzed colonies were a Collector technology, and all the Collectors were destroyed at the end of ME2 so the reapers couldnt use it. and no, Reapers dont need mass relays, they existed before/at the same time as the mass relays so why would they. The MR just made their travel faster. Since you destroyed their entry point MR (which was in Batarian space btw, the Alpha Relay, not the one near the Citadel) at the end of ME2, it delayed them by a few years, so it wasnt just "walking in". there is no mass relay inside the Citadel so I have no clue what you're referring to there. I never played ME1 but I've gathered Harbinger the first reaper the galaxy encounters but overall has little impact on the rest of the games except as a harbinger of the impending invasion. the second game the collectors were being controlled by reapers as sort of like a headstart on the reaping so they werent just an enemy to fight off. in the third the reapers were fulfilling the same purpose that was set out in the first game, though the exact purpose wasnt made clear until now. The main reason you dont like it is because you're misunderstanding or completely missing key points of the story. not to say there werent plot holes, they just arent as numerous as you think and none of the ones you stated are accurate

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@Flamerdragon It's not as though you need to play it just because it's there. I never even touched the multiplayer on Uncharted 3 and treated it as a pure single player experience

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Edited By doometernity

@Genesis9100 Changing gameplay too much in addition to all the other changes will just give you a new game/franchise. The new powers and the weapon they've shown already change gameplay with new ways of traveling and fighting and there are most certainly more powers yet to be revealed. i know its cliche but if it aint broke dont fix it. You love the gameplay of the first game (or at least you should since that game is awesome), so there's no need to change it that much