King_Wii's comments

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@KingofCabal Here-here, good post.

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@Slade968 I likeed Lucas Arts, but I agree with you it's not the end of Star Wars games. In fact you have a point, KoToR 1 & 2, as well as Battlefront 1 & 2 were all developed by teams outside of Lucas Arts, even the Lego Star Wars series (which is great) is from a different development team. With that said Star Wars gaming has a bright future, not that it didn't with Lucas Arts, but Disney has a ton of money and I know they'll milk Star Wars for more so that means more games, movies, toys, Legos, and other great fun junk I need. (Did I just type that?)

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@Thanatos2k well in reality it is a next gen console, the key fact is that its *Nintendo's* next gen console :P (not the rest of the industries next gen console).

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I like the Wii U, in fact I enjoy owning and playing on mine. However I'm not naive enough to think that the Wii U will keep up with the PS4 and Xbox-Next. I'm not to shocked that new engines won't be supported for the Wii U but in reality the hardware under the hood wouldn't be able to take advantage of those new engines anyways, its just pure logic. As he said the Wii U has Unreal 3, and its a tried and proven engine. What Nintendo and other Wii U devs need to focus on obviously isn't graphics but rather gameplay. That's the path Nintendo has chosen and if they stick with good design (which lets be honest was easier said then done when it came to the Wii) then they'll continue to carve out a respectable slice of the market.

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Honestly calling people out as fanboys is imature at best. Most games come out on all systems so with that said which system you pick is literally a "flavor" choice. PC gaming is probably the most advanced of all gaming... :P

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Awsome post, and very true. A lot of people expect massive jumps each generation but as you stated in your post a lot of what is needed to move beyond what we currently have is going to take a ton of computing power. I can only imagine how much a 20,000x the power of Xbox 360 would cost! What people also need to realize is that to keep profits going they have to sell the system at a reasonable loss and I just can't see them doing that with the specs needed for truely next gen stuff.

If anything PS4/Xbox 720 will have beefer CPUs and GPUs, will look very similar graphically to what we currently have and will sport more RAM and bigger hard drives for more storage. They'll also have their own gimicks like Microsofts tablet syncing and PS's Vita support.

Its funny PCs tend to be the most powerful gaming machines and Chris Roberts is making Star Citizen which will be the "most graphically amazing game yet" in his words. I've seen what it looks like and its very similar to what we already have. In reality the true "next-gen" will be photo realistic in my mind.

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Before I get stated yes I have a Wii (and hated it with a passion and became a PS3 gamer) and yes I did buy a Wii U and I'm still on the fence about it.

Now then in response to the "next-gen" stuff: For Nintendo this is "next-gen" the Wii was a beefed up gamecube and it took a lot of flack because if it (including from me... King_Wii). If you compare the Wii to the Wii U then yes its a massive jump forward. In my opinion Nintendo has found a market selling cheap hardware to the masses, in its first few years Wii sold more unites than PS3 and was trailing behind Xbox360. Alot of this had to do with price point. I remember when PS3 launched roughly at the same time as the Wii. It was somewhere in the range of $600+. At that price most people would rather just buy a gaming PC and in most cases you'd be better off too unless you wanted a Bluray player.

I would say before bashing the Wii U to much consider the fact that the Wii U is the next step from the Wii. It's hard to expect Nintendo to jump forward TWO generations (I say two because they're already behind by one due to the Wii's lack of power). Nintendo has come to the conclusion that they're all about making games that no other system can support (due to a lack of hardware specificaly designed by them). They know they can't compete with Sony or Microsoft so rather than doing so they've carved out their own market. By the time PS4 and Xbox Next comes out Nintendo will have carved out a place for itself with hardware that is unique compared to the other systems. In the end Sony and Microsoft are competing against eachother while Nintendo is off doing its own thing, almost literally. By the time the next gen arrives Nintendo will have devs making games specificaly for their system. If this will work out in the long run we don't know. It did for Wii perhaps it will for Wii U. I just know I love my PC best... it's a beast!

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I got my WiiU however I will admit that there was a serious lack of fan fair at my gamestop and heck in general about the WiiU. A system just launched and honestly it feels like the quietest launch yet. I'm a bit worried but I'm going to enjoy the system and have some fun with it.

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@Steba93 @nate1222 @JamesThePrince

I agree, things have moved forward a lot but the problems are getting bigger and bigger.

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Looks good I'll be following this one.