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Edited By GlaciusXL

The whole point of a console to me, is that it's convenient. Which is why I think a lot of people like them. You have your exclusives and things but the simplicity of no installs, no need to check specs, no need to upgrade, no auth codes, no EULAs. You just buy a game, pop it in, and play. Easy. Everything is just getting more convoluted. And adding more stuff is fine. I don't care about TV or watching sports or whatever but as long as the system retains those key aspects of a console, I'm cool with it. You want ENTERTAINMENT, not a headache. But all I see are restrictions, fees, limitations, mandatory this and that. There's enough of that in the real world. That's the kind of crap you're trying to get away from when you sit back to enjoy a GAME. My God.... GAAAAMMEE. These are supposed to be GAMES. It's supposed to be fun, not pissing everyone off with them trying to tell you everything you CAN'T do. I'll of course see how everything pans out with each system but at this point, I have no interest. We'll see what the future holds.

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And I'm just imagining the hours of End User Agreement and Privacy Policy screens you'll have to agree to. And then anytime you refuse to connect to the service or if you ever declined an update, BRICK. Contracts and forms and legal this and that, checking in, reporting back like a child or some sort of servant... to play videogames... and watch TV. Sounds like a BLAST. Can't wait.... to let that 9 years of XBL Gold run out. I can't play online right now anyway. *GASP* "How would I be playing my 360 right now without internet. OH NO!" We all managed gaming just fine without XBOX, and I can do it again if that's how it has to be. I've got tons of systems to play and someone will have a better option for the future than this I'm sure. And if not, well, F* the future of gaming. Return to Retro and Indie.

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"We've got you little sticky notes that say 'My bitch!'"

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Edited By GlaciusXL

"If you name your third XBOX, 'XBOX ONE'.... you're really moving things forward."

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I only scanned the first few comments but I was waiting for the usual "I'm not impressed by anything" comments. To my delight, I see not everyone is spoiled beyond belief and can take a moment to appreciate how insanely far real-time graphics have advanced over the years. Maybe it's different for people who pretty much started gaming with PC/360/PS3 quality but if you take a trip back to the 80s or even the 90s and then look at this stuff, it's absurd. I like when people can take off their rich-kid glasses, take a step back, and actually appreciate all the crazy "standard" features we have these days. Good job.

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Edited By GlaciusXL

@ToMegaBorreh_ You just said you were using facts and then said "DS3 is the best entry in the series" which isn't a fact. Saying I didn't like the games isn't a fact either. I didn't say anything about whether they were great or not because I haven't played the full games. The irony of it all though is that my purchasing decisions based on interviews with Steve Papoutsis, videos, demos, and reviews is misinformed (and I agree there is no substitute for playing it yourself and once it's $20 I will) but you've labeled me a HIPSTER KID and made an inaccurate quote based on a comment about wanting game genres to stand their ground.

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I don't want the studios to close or anything but I'm glad Dead Space 3 and Resident Evil 6 sold a lot less than expected. I didn't buy either one for the mere fact that they're changing their games to try and gain sales. I was hoping there were a lot of people like myself that decided to let them know it's also a great way to lose sales. Shooting games are fine. But there are different genres for a reason. Stop trying to make Stealth, Horror, and Adventure into Shooting Galleries.

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I love that picture of King and Paul Pheonix. Hahaha that's THE move in Tekken I hate with a passion. One of my friends will play as Paul, have rage + counter hit and half my energy bar depletes before my eyes in one quick move and every time I'm like "MY GOD!!!!! That's ridiculous!" then I yell at him and kick his ass. Ah, good times. :D

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GO BIG! When you release a new system, launch with Super Mario Bros 4!!!!!! How huge was the N64 launch??!... Well, there were only two games at the US launch, but one of them was a completely new Mario, and that's all they needed. You HAVE to have that one game that people have to have. I thought after failing to do this with Gamecube and Wii, the next time would be different. But not like another NEW SUPER MARIO BROS WII U US THEM. But a NEW game packed with ideas like Mario 3 or World that made you want that system even if you didn't buy anything else for it. That one game justified the system purchase. But that's missing. Get a 2D Metroid going like Retro did with Donkey Kong Country Returns. OR just start making SNES games again! I'm on-board with any of those things. :D

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Edited By GlaciusXL

Ohhh, so THAT's why I didn't buy SFxT or RE6. Interesting. I thought it was because of their BS on-disc characters and their inability to make a good RE game since 4. They're just pissing people off shady "DLC" and ACTION SHOOTER RE games. RE4 was great but stayed just enough in the horror zone to work. I think it could have used a little less shooting and fewer checkpoints with a few more puzzles but it was awesome. RE was successful because it was a different style of game and did it well. Now it's just like everything else, and compared to everything else that it's like, isn't so great. So why bother. How about some real item collecting, puzzles, some .... backtracking.... yes, returning to places you couldn't access before is fun in my opinion even though it doesn't seem popular... and an emphasis on "threat" over numbers. 3 zombies in RE1 is more unnerving that the biggest boss in 5 ... and I'll assume 6. And ONE hunter would have you in a panic if you were low on health or ammo and hadn't saved. That consequence of death in a game is what makes it tense. If you know you had a checkpoint 10 seconds ago, who cares. They can say they get it but they don't. They see a lack of sales but blame everything but the real problems.