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#1  Edited By Speeny
Member since 2018 • 3357 Posts

I can usually only spend 3-4 hours max until I feel the urge to go and do something else. (Apart from using the bathroom of course.)

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#2 Speeny
Member since 2018 • 3357 Posts

I've experienced this with quite a few games. If it's achievable enough, then of course I'll 100%...but I usually play until I'm satisfied.

I remember my first taste of hardcore grinding (at least back when I didn't know what I was doing) was going for the Ultima Weapon in KH1.

Especially not having collected enough materials for the rest of the synthesis items...it was a pain.

Took me roughly a week and a half. Getting those Serenity Powers was tedious as hell. Kind of made an oath to myself that I'll never be doing something like that again.

I've come to the conclusion that I like games I can spend less than 30 hours on.

How about you?

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#3 Speeny
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I feel as if I should look forward to it. But at the same time I’ve strayed away from the series over the past few years.

I enjoyed the games immensely as a kid. But the idea of visiting ‘new worlds’ is all the series has to offer these days. At least that’s what it’s like for me. I’ve lost excitement in that.

The plot is fairly complicated. I never cared for the organisation XIII stuff. It’s also been such a long time since I played BBS & DDD.

I say this because I’ve recently played through 1, ReCOM and 2. But to be totally honest, I didn’t enjoy them as much this time around. The combat is great, but apart from that there’s cutscene after cutscene and heavy amounts of grinding.

I found myself yawning through most of it.

Idk! Maybe I’m just more of a simpleton as I age.

Your thoughts on the series?

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#4 Speeny
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Mine has gotten bad over time. Especially in the morning where it's more of a static/hissing sound coming from both ears. (Or so I'd assume.)

Throughout the day there's a constant high-pitched ring. It's especially bad when I'm around electronics such as a computer or a T.V. It's extremely faint yet it seems to overwhelm everything else.

I've had it due to a number of factors but noticed it had gotten worse after using a compressed air unit.

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#5 Speeny
Member since 2018 • 3357 Posts

I'm sure this question has been asked numerous times, but I'd like to read different opinions for my own sake anyway. ;)

I had great memories playing mainly Twilight Princess and Wind Waker as a kid. Truthfully though, I've actually grown apart from Wind Waker.

I recently tried replaying it again and it was okay but far too slow for my taste. (Had to do with the sailing aspect I guess.) A game of that scale was amazing back then for sure nevertheless.

As for Twilight Princess...I haven't played it in a long time. I believe people have fairly mixed feelings towards it? I think what was most appealing to me at the time was the more "mature graphics." You can see what I mean coming straight after playing Wind Waker. I also enjoyed riding the horse and turning into the wolf.

I'd say that Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past are my favourites all in all though.

Even though I was late to the party with both as I didn't really grow up in the N64/SNES era...I played Ocarina and A Link to the Past both on the 3DS. Ocarina doesn't age at all in my opinion. A timeless classic. I enjoyed every second of it. Arguably I think there's this simplicity about it that is really nostalgia if that makes any sense. I can't put my finger on it exactly though.

A Link to the Past is just a great game in general...especially the feeling you get when you first go to save the princess, and escaping from the castle through the alleys.

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#6 Speeny
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@RSM-HQ: Let me know how you find The Ultimate Choice. It’s pretty tough. Especially the last two modes.

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#7 Speeny
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Final Fantasy 10 or the KH games. (In terms of the cinematic openings and closings.)

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#8 Speeny
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I thought it was enjoyable but not as good as others I've played. (That being Triple Star Deluxe or Adventures in Dreamland. I enjoyed GBA titles also.)

For some reason I also found it to be shorter than some of the others...which is unfortunate seeing as it's on the Switch.

Final boss fight was as epic as always but had no challenge. (To be expected from a Kirby game I guess.)

Now to decide whether I'll finish 100% or not.

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#9 Speeny
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@Macutchi: Yeah it really is a different place compared to when I first joined. I went ahead and deleted my profile last night. Apparently it can take up to 90 days for everything to be completely erased.

I wanted to go ahead and get rid of it before I couldn't if you know what I mean. A lot of websites now don't offer deletion only deactivation, so I'm glad I did.

As you said I think we can both agree that yes indeed it lifts a weight off your shoulder. :)

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#10 Speeny
Member since 2018 • 3357 Posts

So I'm contemplating heavily on deleting my Facebook account I've had for over 5 years.

I've unfortunately wasted so much time on it. Plus, it's changed drastically in so many ways over the years. It's the stem of most of my issues these days.

It just feels like one big "life comparison" that I don't want to be a part of.

So, with that being said, the title states all...:)