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Of course Ninty doesn't care! Unlike the Wii U 'because of god awful R&D making production prices higher than it should've been' The Switch, every system will be sold for a profit. The original Wii was sold for 'huge' profit margins, and look what happened there. Few games, but ninty was still banking money.

tl;dr Nintendos Strategy- you go buy system, we makes da money. Hope u lik squeezin cow utters for 49.99$!

'in all seriousness, hopefully ninty pulls their head out of their butts and tries to get competitive with this thing! I went from interested, to walking back after that god awful showing. Marketing and research doesn't seem to exist. Reggie gives the worst canned responses anymore.

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I'm curious about the final game performance. So running on my i5 4690k/gtx980/8gb ram and installed on a ssd, the demo. Hmm... It looks super pretty. Its 'far' superior than what I'm seeing on the youtube videos. But theres a specific spot, like the second half of the home, it stutters for a second and comes back. Right by the bathroom. Granted, I'm running maxed out at 1080p.

I'm hoping it isn't a 'since you didn't find this, you're dead!' sorta game. The demo is absolutely that. Those seem to be great for your youtubers you kids love to watch commentate over, nowadays. But as someone who perhaps wants a better 'experience' than a 'gamey game' we'll see! I'm really hoping with 7 in the title, it has some story connections. And doesn't go full on reboot.

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Edited By hazuki

Coming from someone who still feels a bit burned on the god awful 2013 pre-e3 microsoft conference, where they 'more-or-less' said the console is online only/games being locked down to a system. I hope they succeed with the scorpio!

Microsoft felt on top of the world, after the awesome 360 success. Got complacent. Now I feel like Sony is getting complacent with the original ps4 success.

No 4k uhd drive on what is essentially advertised as a 'for 4k' system, when the competitors cheap box has one. Taking away optical on the ps4 slim! So your fancy headsets, unless your tv has it and outputs it right, are useless. No native 1440p or 768p output display support. I use mafia 3 as a example all the time. Running at native 1440p, BUT! You can either upscale that to 4k, 'then' the monitor to downscale it back to 1440p for a monitor. Creating artifacts, 'if' the monitor will downscale at all. Then the common 32" or plasma 1366x768p resolution, your tv has to either upscale or downscale it. Creating lag, in the case of my 4 year old lg. The xbox 360, supports this even.

tl;dr Competition is great! The winner is only one person, us.

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The PS4 sold over 50m in its first 3 years. So they're at least not over expecting what it'll sell.

I'm just curious to see how many people react to the price! For us the normal gamer, we know its a bit too expensive. The number of games announced are still wii/wii-u levels low. Peripherals-rediculously priced.

But reading from your more casual game player, I see alot of excitement. Like the 'trying to recapture the wii magic' is hitting it with some. Which you think. The original wii, wasn't worth much more than 100$. The original xbox, had more powerful hardware. But people gobbled it up at 250$. That was just a regular console too! The no-hard drive 360 was being sold for that. I think they're missing the ball, by not making it a full on useable tiny-tablet at launch. No netflix, hulu, social media. I'm sure it'll have a browser at least. If they can grab the 'wii' crowd, I think we might see this thing around for awhile.

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Answer me this. If Zelda wasn't being released alongside the system, why would you want to buy it at launch?

There is next to no 3rd party support! Even your ports/remasters, you have mario 8 in late april and skyrim in the fall. I mean you could have the whole mass effect trilogy, on the go! Something! Crysis 3 already ran on the tegra x1, you could brag about crysis on a handheld!

I want ninty to succeed, I do. But this is looking much 'worse' as far as a lineup. Then they go on about marketing. They haven't showed if you can use the tablet alone, to watch netflix/hulu/internet browsing yet. You'd think it would. But being marketed as a tablet, its a huge selling point. I just feel like nintys marketing/research team just doesn't exist.

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Edited By hazuki

@ohjtbehaaave: As much as I'd let to see Ninty get back on the bandwagon, I have to agree. People go on 'well all launches are bad!' But in reality? Zelda is 'it' for many of us. There are no big ports, no updated games, or literally anything at launch! You have Zelda, and then the Mario 8 port in late April 28th. A skryim port in the fall. And Mario Oddessy late in the year.

The Wii U launched with many more solid games. Most of them ports. But it had 'something.' Then someones going to reply about 'ur furgettin 12 Switch man! Its gonna be xcore!' I've had launch systems since the snes. And this very well may be, the worst launch I've ever seen.

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@ojmstr: Huh? If you don't have a 4ktv, or don't plan on getting one, why are you buying a ps4 pro in the first place? Many/most ps4 games now, are running at 1080p or close to it. Sure, there are a few games that take advantage of extra power at 1080p, but it seems to be mainly downscaling the image.

And the xbone s was out a few months before the pro. I must've really drank more brandy and mudslides than I thought, or you didn't realize the Xbox one S came out xD You can find them for 249$ and cheaper, with a 4k uhd drive.

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Edited By hazuki

@doctor_mg: Bingo. Sony has already started going back down their 'ps3' rabbit hole.

06, sony got complacent and launched a 500$ system that had lower specs. No proper full upscaler, so some early hdtvs didn't work so hot. Later systems had backwards compatibility cut, and resold games. Released subpar games like Lair, that required the sixaxis motion controls at launch. Absolutely busted.

12, Microsoft got complacent. Basically wanted harsher DRM than steam/origin. Not always online required, but close enough. Sony had their e3 conference, and microsoft backed down. Launched at 500$ with a gimmick and lower specs.

16' Sony was on top, until the Pro. Sony gets complacent, again. Not including a 4k uhd drive, just to up sales on their standalone players. When their main competitor, has one of the cheapest uhd players out there. The xbone s. Ps4 Pro had a very limited scaler. 900P-1440P on monitors still not supported natively. So mafia 3- renders at 1440p. But! The system can either upscale that to 4k, and THEN the monitor downscales it to 1440p. Or downscale to 1080p, then the monitor upscales it back to 1440p. I know not 'that' many people game with monitors. But even some projectors, are 1440p based. 768p 'common on 32" & plasma tvs" is still not supported. Which on my few year old 32" lg, introduces lag having to scale 720p to 1366x768p. The xbox 360, even supports this. Where the ps4 pro, doesn't.

So yes. Competition is great. Keeps people on their toes. And it benefits one person. Us. Why did I type all this? I have no clue.

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Edited By hazuki

Hey! Why don't ya look at that. A company giving away games to keep, just because you pay for their service! Microsoft and Sony both! Hey humble bundle just was giving away Dirt Showdown, for absolutely nothing. Free upgrade for Skyrim on steam? Ooo, I like this. Wait, you're telling me many of my XBLA games from the 360, just work on my xbone? I don't have to pay for them 'again?' Awesome!

Wait, I don't have to give it back or pay extra after the months up? All I have to do is continue paying for the service? Rad! Wish that 'other' company would even switch a glance, at their competitor!