hazuki's comments

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Edited By hazuki

So the price kinda dissapointed me. If it is the tegra x1, its definately not expensive to manufacture. NOW! If they integrate media functions like netflix/hulu/hbo/amazon into the system 'well', and allow you to use it as a tablet without controllers- that helps tremendously.

Just, we know how bad nintendo is with digital downloads. Its hard to hand ninty money for that. Zelda looks fun. I think it'll do well enough as a system. Just, 299$ and 'nothing' grabbing me, not right now. Maybe 199$ and some software. What did shock me, paid online play. Given how 'bad' the services have been before. I guess we'll see though!

I'm just curious. Ps4s/xbones going for 200$-250$ and less used. I did just see a ps4 pro go for 359$ new. Will it being portable, win over audiences. Could! Just, that new battery life is scary. And batteries do go bad over time. 2 and a half hours on the low end. Which, given the 'always' lackluster audio amplifier on ninty portables and I like the brightness high- would likely be that 2 1/2 on games for me.

Heres a kicker. The mario game reminded me so much of sonic adventure 1. Which we know what happened with that system ;-) I'm hoping it does well. I do. The hardware guys seem to have done alright. It is so highly software, and not just game software, dependent.

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Edited By hazuki

Hope they're smart and announce a huge wii u price drop for the final units. Now this does include different models, and excludes sales/refurbs. But the wii u released late 2012, with a 299$ base unit price. The msrp, nearly 4 and a half years later, is still 299$. Just you get memory with the current models.

Not a problem except: when you have a 250-299$ switch on a walmart shelf. And a 299$ wii u right next to it. Soccor mom with yoga pants, like many, is going to think the more expensive thing is better.

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Edited By hazuki

Be careful if you take this article looking for original Rurouni Kenshin. As far as I can see, its only the god awful 'new kyoto arc' that came out a few years ago.

Service itself, eh. I know its essentially day zero, but for 5$ a month ontop of prime, you don't get much. Like the original Vampire Hunter D is on there. But it isn't the original classic english dub, but rather the 'also' god-awful bored redub they did a year or two ago.

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Edited By hazuki

@Tomcat2007: You make the perfect point about the NES classic. Again, its what would you say- maybe 10-20$ worth of parts? If that. But at 60$, its not a outragous price. You'd think by now they would drop the Wii U price, as you think. Its a super confusing pricing scheme to those not like us. Soccor mommy goes to Walmart, and sees the switch for 250$, and a wii u for 299$. You'd almost think the wii u is the better system.

You think for a minute. The original sony psp. Everyone was going on at the time that it'd be 150-200$. Because it came out in japan, and it was like 160$ with the conversion at the time. Out in america, and its 250$ with some throwaway accessories. So it didn't exactly kill sale numbers in america at all.

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Edited By hazuki

@wanderz: See do you remember before origin did their big update, with the new skin and all that? At that time, I totally agree with ya. It was the best service, since it'd just work if you didn't have internet. Lord even moving games over, for say you're doing a new windows install, it worked wonderfully. Much better than steam even.

But then they did their big update what, october-november? Anytime my origin client knows theres a update, it won't let me log in offline anymore. Even if you click the button, it'll say 'you must be connected the first time you log into origin.' And its been like that ever since. Its not the end of the world now, since origin has dramatically fixed its network speed issues from even 2 years ago. Still can be annoying, if I'm just wanting to play crysis 1 some.

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Edited By hazuki

250$ in the US, and it'll sell like hotcakes. 199$, and I think you'll have a hard time finding them. I'm betting nintendo realized that overpricing the Wii U, was a horrible mistake. Anybody who knows hardware, knows all the money was in the gamepad screen. Sure there are sales/refurbs for 200-250$. But the msrp for a wii u right now, is still 300$. Thats used ps4 pro territory. Thats business suicide, and it didn't do so hot. They've been using the same powerpc chips since the gamecube. You can't tell me the new models suddenly got expensive on them on the wii u.

Yes, the wii was overpriced at 250$. But it wasn't a 'unreasonable' price. Plus it had a hook of a gimmick, that hooked new people in. Hell, that e3 demo of Twilight Princess? Sold me.

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@Dark_Mits: Bingo. Thats why when people label them 'pirates' they actually misuse the definition. Theres no actual exchange of money or profits going on. Its simply copyright violations, or could be considered theft in a way. Unless, the media isn't available in your country somehow. Then theft, wouldn't hold up in court one bit.

But this always interested me too. Lets be real. Schools, public viewings for fundraisers and whatnot, ain't contacting the movies distributors and asking if its alright in many cases. But thankfully, I haven't heard of a case where companys cracked down on this.

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I rather enjoyed the original movie adapatation. I know its more its own thing, rather than a straight novel-to-screen deal. But you know? If you actually read 'IT' I'm kinda glad they did. The first 800 pages or so were great. Then we get to the last bit. So very minor 'spoilers' if you haven't read it. And it makes me curious if they'll adapt this all the way, or do their own thing again.

So towards the end. The kids are lost in the sewer. 6 boys, 1 girl. Basically one big orgy. I'm going to paste a amazon review quote, and try not to laugh.

"I also really didn't think the gang bang where all 6 boys had sex with Beverly (11 years old!!) was needed, but I will take a stab at the relevance. Right before it happens, Bill believes that the reason they are lost in the tunnel is because they are quickly losing whatever power they had to fight IT and were reverting back to scared children. I thought the sex scene was an attempt to get the "power" back since Beverly refers to feeling the "power" returning while she was banging the boys. Also, it was a way to ground them again because instantly they were thinking clearly, feeling in control again and Eddie magically gets his direction skills back."

Yes, its a symbolic deal especially with Bevs dad. But lets be realistic here. That, when you get there in the book, makes you wonder if you've been drinking/smoking something. So before you go 'omergod Currys movie is so outdated!' Think about the actual novel for a second.

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Now were you able to at least log into the service to play your games?

Big problem is, unless you have steam set to start in offline mode every time, I never have actual luck getting it to start in offline mode. And even then, at least once a week it requires me to sign online. Think if they had a month+ downtime like psn awhile back, whew. You can at least play your ps4 games offline anytime. Not so much on steam.

Hah, and don't even get me started on Origin. Since the 'big' update, offline mode never works. Always says 'first time signing in, you have to be online' when I've signed on many a times in the past 4 years.

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Edited By hazuki

@Jersalaw: So..all of us should live by a town/city. Where you live even. That some of us who don't like neighbors, and don't have internet or cell signal available to us. We are meant to suffer eh? Where I live in WV, more than 100,000 of us just got DSL available the beginning of last year. 12mbps, being the highest available. 'plenty though.'

Now take this. White sulfer springs, WV. Home to one of the Bunkers, the president can escape to if he needs be. Guess what internet is best available there in many parts of town? 256kbs.

So your comment, is that of a 12 year old mindset. And really needs flagged to be honest. Just because you have luxuries where you live, doesn't mean we all do son.