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#1 Sigil-otaku
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I know you are all really excited about these games and think they will be great (clearly put alot of faith in them) but I must admit I am not too impressed with Killzone 2 but MGS4 meets the target perfectly and even exceeds it. If I was going to get a PS3 (which I will eventually) MGS4 would be one of the games that makes me want the console. Why do you flame the guy for just saying he wasn't impressed though? It's like delusion to ignore the possibility people expected more, from Killzone 2 I expected more (it does NOT live up to the CGI trailer at all) because the trailer was much better but MGS4 has maintained what it showed so I am impressed with that. Killzone 2 is still impressive and interesting but no, a trailer of a guy playing a game is not the same as playing the game. It may look good but not feel good (not saying it won't because I believe if the game has improved in the graphical department so much the designers will be able to improve the gameplay alot too) so you should wait before claiming it's the best ever.

Snakes new moves like laying on the ground impressed me alot though, looks very good and I'm glad they added a new camera cos it really shows the great graphics but it's a bit too free roaming in my opinion. You could look round corners or behind your back which takes away the fear factor a little (I'd have preferred a Resident evil 4 kind of camera).

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#2 Sigil-otaku
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I never denied it. I've been around games long enough to know that. this case, the software argument is moot since we are talking about exclusive games going multi-platform. That means NEITHER system has a software advantage.ghaleon0721

To be brief, you're right, but what you are not acknowledging is that although it is not a literal advantage for either console to be in possession of the same game, it is an advantage to Microsoft to have gained the game, and it is a disadvantage to Sony to have lost its exclusivity (whether it is a loss to gamer's in general, however, is a more complicated matter). As such, many take it as a net gain for the Xbox 360, and a net loss for the PS3, which it is. Symbolically, this is presumed to show the decreasing stock of the PS3 in the console war (though only in a major way if taken in conjunction with the loss of other exclusives such as Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil, Virtua Fighter and Assassin's Creed).

 The point is not moot.

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#3 Sigil-otaku
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For all those arguing as to whether it is software, hardware or anything else than wins a console war, and or have argued that software or hardware did not win game console war X or Y:

No, hardware does not win a console war. No, software does not win a console war. No, fashion and popular opinion do not win a console war. No, marketing does not win a console war. The truth is that all of these factors, fashion and popular opinion, marketing, software and hardware, as well as many others on top, are what win console wars. And for any who will say "ultimately its software", you have not figured into your argument the effects of hardware etc. on influencing developers to create software. We can all take a pseudo-philosophical stance and say "without software the console would be a brick", but all of the factors I mentioned, and many others are important ("without the hardware, the software wouldn't exist"), but are not strictly equal, nor equal in their relative importance within each console war. One console ware may be won predominantly by hardware, where another is won predominantly by software, but there is always a biplay of many factors, and the latter two tend to be the most important. The PS3 will appeal to a certain number of people for its hardware, but for the majority that will only be one factor, and second to software, which is generally the most important factor (though again, the biplay of a console's software and the other factors is always important).

On the main subject:

The loss of exclusives is naturally disheartening, though many Sony fanboys (and I use the term loosely, for any lack of definition as to what constitutes such a person, or willingness to name any) have taken the route of pretending all the games they once held in high esteem, and enshrined on their PS3 exclusivity lists, which have subsequently gone multiplatform, are forgettable, or just as well on every console. I agree that from a developers perspective, more money and a larger fanbase for their handcrafted worlds is a good thing, so is allowing a greater number of people to enjoy the games, but it is disheartening nonetheless. Exclusives are a good thing because they give a reason for people to choose one console over another, particularly when the majority agree that software is more important than hardware in their choice. It is also a matter of pride and character, exclusives become iconic of their console, and gamers come to identify with them. Multiplatform games, on the other hand, are (or were, as there are now so many) generally of a greater significance to casual gamers, ensuring each console had a suitably robust library, a minimum number of relatively soulless and characterless, but functional games, and a greater appeal to the mainstream - resulting in increased sales for the console. Essentially, exclusives and multiplatform games are both good for gaming, but the majority of the more serious gamers tend to identify a console by its exclusives, take pride in them, and because of it, enjoy them (albeit unconsciously) that much more, for their exclusivity.

The loss of an exclusive game is not always a band thing for gamers, and for the developers it is a good thing in terms of profit, but it also weakens the fanbase, who - in being more general and less proud of the game - tend also to prefer it less, and be less dedicated. Each gamer then has to decide for themselves whether each exclusive game going multiplatform is a good thing in their eyes, but for the console manufacturers it is always a bad thing. In the case of Devil May Cry 4, I think it is a bad thing, because previous Xbox owners are less likely to have enjoyed the three prequals, and the fanbase, as has been seen today, will be diluted and weakened. The pride people take in the game will decrease, and unless it is more than just marginally better than its prequal (relative to what we expect of a next-gen sequel), the review scores it gets in gaming magazines are also likely to decrease somewhat, as the press also take less pride in the game, and identify with it less. I would also say that the PS3s loss of exclusives in general has been a bad, but not a terrible thing, because Virtua Fighter 5 is a timed exclusive, Assassin's Creed was unlikely to be another Halo, Mario or Resident Evil, and so long as Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy remain on the PS3, it's most iconic and proud exclusives will be intact. It is perhaps the loss of Resident Evil, which has never appeared on a Microsoft Console, which hurts the most, but even that is a blow which has been softened by the Gamecube's turn as the series' host.

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#4 Sigil-otaku
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[QUOTE="Hulabaloza"] [QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="Hulabaloza"]

The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?eclipsed4utoo
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

The 360 is going to have all new SKU's this year, and it will line up clearly against the Wii and against the PS3. And price cuts. Just watch. Regardless....Even as it currently sells, the 360 sold twice as many as the PS3 did last month alot of people will need to have their head examined.

do you think it's a great thing that Microsoft is releasing an "upgraded" 360 only after a year? what does this say about the original 360?

 Not much. They release new televisions all the time, what does that say about yours? Not much. All it says is that it could be better, and the PS3 could as well, because if the 360 were released with HDMI and a 120GB hard drive, it would have a larger hard drive than the PS3 and games wouldn't have to be installed on it for the load times to be reasonable. I'm not criticising the PS3, but I don't think it says much about the original 360. I will say that it would make me angry though, because yes, the original 360s hard drive was too small and too expensive, it's lack of HDMI may also be a problem for some people, but I wait so how big a problem because I don't understand what it's all about.

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#5 Sigil-otaku
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In other words, we have the exclusives that matter. ricd1999
??? Where'd you get that from? Exclusives are all about preferance so it could be if you prefer those games that Sony has gt the ones that matter. For me FF's have gone a little stale and worsened since FF7 so I don't bother with them anymore (if they make a remake of 7 or 8 I'm jumping straight for a PS3), God of war isn't as good as ninja gaiden in my opinion, lair looks okay but I want to see real game play not trailers, havenly sword looked unimpressive to me, I want metal gear solid 4 really bad cos it looks great but still not seen any gameplay, Don't care about socom (will stick with gears of war), don't know what white knight is and Warhawk isn't a full game anymore cos it's going to be on the playstation network as a download since theyv'e had problems making it. For the 360 DOA4, Lost oddyssey, Ninja gaiden 2, gears of war, Mass effect and a few others are good for me so I like the 360 alot aswell. But I really would like Tekken 6, MGS 4, GoW 3 (I prefer ninja gaiden but it's still good), FF 13 (I prefer the oold ones but FF is FF so it gets my money) and ofcourse I would love to try some other games but can't think of any at the moment.
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#6 Sigil-otaku
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Any PS3 games will work on any PS3. PS3 games are region free. doolies
They are but the publishers have the choice to turn the region locking on so it's possible some games will not be.
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#7 Sigil-otaku
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[QUOTE="cvasquez311"][QUOTE="the_drop_man"][QUOTE="ginraisama"]chill out, i've got 4 letters for you all H O M E

Home is not going to save Sony. If Sony doesnt do something their game division will be the next DreamCast. Lets hope that doesnt happen then Microsoft will have a monopoly in the game industry too, then games will start to suck. Sony isnt playing the chess game right. If sony wants to win this next gen war, They need to do the following. 1) Buy Take-Two 2) Keep Exclusives, Keep Square Enix on its side 3) Give free Laptops to all the News Media and Ps3s. Just like Microsoft Did. 4) Drop the Price. 5) They need to create new IPs 6) They need more advertisement 7) They also need too announce news frequently. Instead of being quite all the time. This is something MS does very well.

it's too late, games are already starting to suck because of MS. and what's wierd is since microsoft gained popularity and Sony gained negative press people are more into playing "crappier" games (on the 360). I bought a 360 and havnt played it in almost a month (look below) because I'm still too busy playing more "quality" games on PS2. I played the Lost Planet demo and it SUCKS, and EVERYONE FLIPPING LOVES THAT GAME. And I won't even talk about the Wii (no good games PERIOD) Unless Sony can come out with a miracle, all of quality console gamingdom has come to an end (with the 360 and Wii).

Well thats really preferance and I can state a few good Xbox 360 games. Gears of war (much better than I thought it would be), Dead or alive 4 and Oblivion. I'm not the biggest fan of Microsoft and there the only games I've seen fit to buy but you can't really say all games are crap becuase MS moved in, I know for a fact lots of crap games were on the PS2 and have sold quite well. I hate virtua fighter 5, limited movement, slow fights (I'm used to DOA), boring square levels, crap characters and stuff so I think thats crap and they rave it up and down. I also dislike racing games so Motorstorm wouldn't interest me but it's not a bad game it's just my preferance. Plus there's gonna be so many more games coming to the 360 now, PS3 won't even have 4 million sales when microsoft is moving on 13 or 14 million so publishers (who need money) will naturally want to make games on the 360 or Wii.
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#8 Sigil-otaku
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1,782 out of 2,451 ps2 titles. Not bad.donmohsin
The EU launch is in 3 days....I doubt it can get much better. Thats still nearly 30% of games not working, I am both dissapointed and pleased. Firstly it's a great figure for sony and a great achievement to get so many working (much better than Microsofts efforts which I was most displeased bout) but seriously just under 700 games don't work on it. Thats a lot, if it's any good ones it's even worse too so I'd prefer to see what games are working aswell. Much better than I antiipated though so Sony gets my thumbs up this round.
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#9 Sigil-otaku
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[QUOTE="calandbolg"]The only thing that bothers me about DMC going multiplatform is that it will propably not tap as much power as it could from every system.Shut_Me_Up
Well that's reason enough to be upset. This is a major series that people love. Every little detail counts, and not reaching it's potential because it's multiplat could be a very big loss. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.

Well the statement said that they were going to use the hardware strengths of each console so no need to worry about it not being as good for the PS3 cos it should stay the same good it's the 360 version that will most likely be worse. Not to say it will be they just have to port it onto the 360 cos they've been working on the PS3 version first. H O M E. Not really my thing, it's a slow, limited forum in my eyes so I don't really care about it. I know some people will like it so it's a good idea for sony (or whoever made second life) to try and get this copy..I mean feature onto playstation network. It's really just second life except modified for consoles and since I wouldn't play second life guess what I'll not be doing with HOME if I get a PS3
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#10 Sigil-otaku
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So we buy the console and comment on them, don't wanna listen to it then go somewhere else. This is a forum for discussing the PS3 so here we are discussing it.

I'm not trying to insult the PS3 cos a lot of people call it overpricedd which is wrong, it's a high price but the blue ray drive alone makes it worth the money. It's got free online, bound to get great games as it goes along and for those interested in home and stuff it's a great console but  it's just not my thing for the reasons I already said. People like it for reasons and people don't like it for reasons so you'll just have to accept it will get bashed a little because it's hardly perfect.