Fewer Sony Exclusives.....so what?

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#1 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
I see the forums this morning are bursting with threads related "exclusive" games. No doubt this has stemmed from the news that DMC 4 will appear on the Xbox 360. Alot of Sony fans seem to be in a huff, but I don't understand why. YOU'RE STILL GETTING THE GAME! So what if it appears on another console. You still get to enjoy a great game. Sony has said that they will not pay for exclusives. They never have, and they never will. They only had so many exclusives in the past because they had such a dominant hold on the console market. PS2's were outselling Gamecubes and Xbox's exponentially. So if you were going to make a game that was designed to have the highest profit potential, the PS2 was your "go to" system. It makes sense that the same logic applies here. There are four or five times as many Xbox 360's out there than PS3's. So if you are going to get your game to the most gamers, then you should go for the Xbox 360. I think the fact that these games are ALSO coming to the PS3 is a testament to developers belief in the longterm viability of the system. It is my opinion that the 360 does not have the same longterm staying power that the PS3 has. Therefore, as the 360's lifecycle comes to a close, you will begin to see more PS3 exclusives. I can understand PS3 owners being upset if they learned that one of these games that was supposed to be a Sony Exclusive suddenly became a Microsoft Exclusive. But that has not happened. NOTHING has been taken from the PS3. So why all the whining?
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my thoughts exatly. someone said what third parties do we have left. my response was all of them. it is not like were loosing out on playing the game. games cost alot to make this gen so why not make more and put it on muti-plat.
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#3 ghaleon0721
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Frankly, I think the problem is pride. There was a time when PS2 owners could look down upon the xbox gamers of the world and laugh. Sure the xbox had better graphics, a hard drive, and xbox live. But the PS2 had the games. It had the killer apps that were just too good to give up. Also, I think alot of PS3 gamers have grown weary of reading reviews of PS3 games and hearing that they don't measure up to their Xbox 360 counterparts. I believe that will go away over time. Right now alot of the multi-platform games originated as Xbox 360 games and then were ported to the PS3. It is to be expected that the ports would not be perfect. Seriously, think back, how many glitchy dreamcast games did the PS2 get in its early days? Finally, I think that there may be some fear. Exclusive "killer apps" are what sold consoles, which drove the development of further exclusive "killer apps". If you lose the exclusives, it slows the sale of consoles, which slows the developers support for further games. So based on that, PS3 owners have something to be worried about. They don't want their 600 dollar machines to end up like the game cube (great system, few exclusives, low sales, less developer support). But there is no need to worry. Until the Xbox starts locking up exclusives of their own, the multi-platform culture of gaming is neither good nor bad for Sony.
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#4 KraftForgotten
Member since 2006 • 354 Posts
It all comes down to who has the better system... who picked the right choice.
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#5 kniveshurt18
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I think people are taking this as fear that the PS3 will fail and to people that spent 600 dollars on a system for certain exclusive games which turn over to multi anyway is rather disheartening for them. More exclusives would have sold more units, giving Sony some footing and ensuring PS3 owners that the system is being provided for with quality games. As it is, there is no point in in purchasing a PS3 for DMC4 now (unless the PS3 version is in fact supperior). That's the bad thing about multiplatforms, most of the time devs focus on one platform more than the other, which always yield a good version and a bad version. Most multiplatform games last gen were like that. Of course, Capcom is talented with porting as shown with past games like RE4 for the PS2, so we will have to wait and see.
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#6 Hulabaloza
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This threatens the PS3 survival. Without the game advantage the PS2 had, why will people buy the PS3? The 360 has all the same games for half the price. It's a vicious circle, no console sales means no game support, meaning even less console sales. It's because of this that Sony is never going to catch up to the 360 and will always get secondary support this gen......it's like roles reversed from last. The PS3 is the XBOX and the 360 is the PS2. Also, since the 360 has a larger userbase, it's going to have more exclusives. 3rd party exclusives come to a platform easier when they have a bigger installed base. This is why the 360 gets 3rd party exclusives like Bioshock and Mass Effect and is what almost guarantees Final Fantasy and MGS are multiplatform. The idea that the 360 will have a shorter life is ridiculous too. The PS2 has a long life for two reasons: It sold the most and it was cheap to build. Both of those awards will probably go to the XBOX 360 this time over the PS3.
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#7 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
I think that the gaming community has to embrace the idea that the console gaming landscape has changed. It is a completely different animal now that it used to be. Look at the previous generations of console wars. During the PS2 vs Xbox days, exclusives and a large library of games are what drove Sony's dominance. Prior to that, Sony dominated the PS1 vs N64 battle by creating a system that used CD's instead of cartridges and allowed developers more flexibility and virtually limitless capacity to make games. Now there is a new battle. Both systems use discs as the media so there is really no advantage, that is until PS3 games start pushing the capacity limits of the Blu-Ray disc. Xbox 360 came first and undercut Sony's strategy of exclusive games. So what matters now? Online? Community? Innovation? Integration? Longevity? Sony has all those things in spades. Online is free, Home is coming, the sixaxis is changing the way we play, and now we have one machine for blu-ray, internet, photos, videos, and games that Sony is committed to supporting for the next ten years. Exclusives are NOT going to win this generation's console war
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#8 hunter8man
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It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.
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#9 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
[QUOTE="Hulabaloza"] This is why the 360 gets 3rd party exclusives like Bioshock and Mass Effect and is what almost guarantees Final Fantasy and MGS are multiplatform.

Sorry bud, but you're dead wrong. I think that the one thing that alot of people seem to forget is that Sony has a STRANGLEHOLD on the japanese gaming market. That means that games from Japanese developers such as Final Fantasy and MGS will be designed with the PS3 in mind. Also, the japanese dominance that sony has will ensure its long-term survival.
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#10 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.hunter8man
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.
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#11 Hulabaloza
Member since 2005 • 1322 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"]I think that the gaming community has to embrace the idea that the console gaming landscape has changed. It is a completely different animal now that it used to be. Look at the previous generations of console wars. During the PS2 vs Xbox days, exclusives and a large library of games are what drove Sony's dominance. Prior to that, Sony dominated the PS1 vs N64 battle by creating a system that used CD's instead of cartridges and allowed developers more flexibility and virtually limitless capacity to make games. Now there is a new battle. Both systems use discs as the media so there is really no advantage, that is until PS3 games start pushing the capacity limits of the Blu-Ray disc. Xbox 360 came first and undercut Sony's strategy of exclusive games. So what matters now? Online? Community? Innovation? Integration? Longevity? Sony has all those things in spades. Online is free, Home is coming, the sixaxis is changing the way we play, and now we have one machine for blu-ray, internet, photos, videos, and games that Sony is committed to supporting for the next ten years. Exclusives are NOT going to win this generation's console war

Um, exclusives are the only thing that can win and Sony doesn't have any online community at all. The larger media size is going to do no more than the original XBOX's hard drive did to improve games. The 'power' of the PS3 will never be used, cause 3rd parties won't invest the time and it isn't all that much more extra power to begin with.

Again, compare it to last generation. The original XBOX had the better looking of every multiplatform game released, did it matter? No. Notice that there was not lag before its games got better.....cause it was clearly more powerful. Not this gen. It's 50/50 at best....some times 360 games look better, sometimes PS3....usually you can't tell them apart. What power advantage is there? None.

Sony is so far behind online that it is a joke at this point. You have obviously never played XBOX Live if you think any differently. And don't confuse 'Home' as some answer, cause it treats game matchmaking as an afterthought....it's a product no one will want once they experience it, a flashy 2nd life.....it's going to be a disaster, trust me.
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#12 Hulabaloza
Member since 2005 • 1322 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="Hulabaloza"] This is why the 360 gets 3rd party exclusives like Bioshock and Mass Effect and is what almost guarantees Final Fantasy and MGS are multiplatform.

Sorry bud, but you're dead wrong. I think that the one thing that alot of people seem to forget is that Sony has a STRANGLEHOLD on the japanese gaming market. That means that games from Japanese developers such as Final Fantasy and MGS will be designed with the PS3 in mind. Also, the japanese dominance that sony has will ensure its long-term survival.

Stranglehold with the PS2, sure. Look again at the sales figures for the PS3. It's selling very poorly. If Japanese devleopers are so dedicated to the PS3.....why is Dragon Quest not going to ship on it? That is the biggest game in Japan by far and the lifeblood of SquEnix. I could go on.....but just know the days of the PS brand dominating Japan are very much over.
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#13 Airek49
Member since 2003 • 1081 Posts
Exclusives are what make a system. Plain and simple. Why do people buy a Wii? For games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, SSBB, etc. Why do people buy a 360? For games like Gears of War, Halo 3, etc Why do people buy a PS3? For games that 360 will now get? All fanboyism aside, IF 360 was to get the same games, why get a PS3? That being said I have never and will never own a 360. It's just hard to justify a $600 purchase when I could play the same games ALONG with the 360 exclusives for cheaper. Sony must know at this point how important exclusives are. Surely they have someone browsing THESE forums, to see what the public is saying.... right? =\
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#14 Hulabaloza
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[QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.ghaleon0721
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

Wrong again. It's going to be decided by software, it always is. If the hardware comes into play it will be the price. That's why the last gen technology Wii took off and the high tech PS3, even with the great brand, can't get a foothold. It's also why Microsoft has all the cards to play with the 360....it scales nicely and is high tech....it can be made dirt cheap as time goes on.
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#15 emitsu97
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[QUOTE="Airek49"]Exclusives are what make a system. Plain and simple. Why do people buy a Wii? For games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, SSBB, etc. Why do people buy a 360? For games like Gears of War, Halo 3, etc Why do people buy a PS3? For games that 360 will now get? All fanboyism aside, IF 360 was to get the same games, why get a PS3? That being said I have never and will never own a 360. It's just hard to justify a $600 purchase when I could play the same games ALONG with the 360 exclusives for cheaper. Sony must know at this point how important exclusives are. Surely they have someone browsing THESE forums, to see what the public is saying.... right? =\

Why didn't you list any of the Sony exclusives?  I know it appears more dramatic the way you have it but there are in reality many exclusives for the PS3.  Why don't you list them for all to see?
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#16 emitsu97
Member since 2003 • 10720 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.Hulabaloza
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

Wrong again. It's going to be decided by software, it always is. If the hardware comes into play it will be the price. That's why the last gen technology Wii took off and the high tech PS3, even with the great brand, can't get a foothold. It's also why Microsoft has all the cards to play with the 360....it scales nicely and is high tech....it can be made dirt cheap as time goes on.

The Wii has had success because it's inexpensive.  The 360 has had success because it was the only kid on the block for about a year.  The PS3 still hasn't launched in all the major markets.  Let's review this thought in 2 years and see what the story is then.
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#17 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
IF you are right and the war will be decided by software, then how is the 360 at an advantage? What exclusives does it have? Halo is the only big one that comes to mind. Right now, today, if you compare multi-platform games across both systems, usually the 360 is the better version, but that is because it came out first. Ports are never perfect. Grandia 2 looked alot better on the dreamcast than it did on the PS2, and where is the Dreamcast now?
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#18 eclipsed4utoo
Member since 2006 • 10578 Posts
It all comes down to who has the better system... who picked the right choice. KraftForgotten
that has nothing to do with third party exclusives. SALES are the only thing that matters to third party developers/publishers.
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#19 eclipsed4utoo
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[QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.ghaleon0721
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

now that's just stupid. SOFTWARE is what sales a system.
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#20 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
[QUOTE="KraftForgotten"]It all comes down to who has the better system... who picked the right choice. eclipsed4utoo
that has nothing to do with third party exclusives. SALES are the only thing that matters to third party developers/publishers.

YYYEEEEESSSSS. Sales are what matter. So using that logic, there should be SCADS of Xbox 360 exclusives because right now there are about 4 to 5 million more 360's than there are PS3's. But wait.......there aren't scads of 360 exclusives. So what does that mean??? It means that teh 3rd party developers BELIEVE in the future staying power of the PS3
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#21 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
[QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"] now that's just stupid. SOFTWARE is what sales a system.

Funny, I remember SSX, two Zelda Games, Mario 64, Perfect Dark, and many other exclusive, high-profile, software titles appearing on the LOSING system. Sony won the PS1 vs N64 war with hardware, not software.
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#22 Airek49
Member since 2003 • 1081 Posts
Why didn't you list any of the Sony exclusives? I know it appears more dramatic the way you have it but there are in reality many exclusives for the PS3. Why don't you list them for all to see?emitsu97
Just for the dramatic effect. Trying to prove the point. And also, at this point, I honestly don't know what exclusives PS3 has any more. So many rumors going around all the time. I wasn't trying to hate on the PS3, just showing how important exclusives really are.
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#23 Hulabaloza
Member since 2005 • 1322 Posts
[QUOTE="Hulabaloza"][QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.emitsu97
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

Wrong again. It's going to be decided by software, it always is. If the hardware comes into play it will be the price. That's why the last gen technology Wii took off and the high tech PS3, even with the great brand, can't get a foothold. It's also why Microsoft has all the cards to play with the 360....it scales nicely and is high tech....it can be made dirt cheap as time goes on.

The Wii has had success because it's inexpensive. The 360 has had success because it was the only kid on the block for about a year. The PS3 still hasn't launched in all the major markets. Let's review this thought in 2 years and see what the story is then.

Will do. Look at when the sales of the PS2 took off. It wasn't at launch (even though there were shortages). Based on history, my estimate is that the 360's dominance will be clear in about a year, after a price cut and a very solid lineup for Christmas. Lets talk about this next spring.

The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?
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#24 Hulabaloza
Member since 2005 • 1322 Posts
[QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"][QUOTE="KraftForgotten"]It all comes down to who has the better system... who picked the right choice. ghaleon0721
that has nothing to do with third party exclusives. SALES are the only thing that matters to third party developers/publishers.

YYYEEEEESSSSS. Sales are what matter. So using that logic, there should be SCADS of Xbox 360 exclusives because right now there are about 4 to 5 million more 360's than there are PS3's. But wait.......there aren't scads of 360 exclusives. So what does that mean??? It means that teh 3rd party developers BELIEVE in the future staying power of the PS3

No it means developers can't change on a dime. It's not going to happen overnight. What you are seeing with DQ going to the Gameboy and DMC (and everything else) going multiplatform is exactly what we should expect. DMC, and eventually MGS and Final Fantasy, on the XBOX 360 very much proves the point. Developers have bailed on the PS3.....there is just a delayed reaction. What you are seeing now is a reaction to the launch events too. It takes 6 months at least for a change in the market to be expressed in public product announcements. Just wait till August.....when we'll know where eveyrthing stands for the business in 2007. Then you'll have a clear picture......support for the PS3 has already crumbled.
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#25 ghaleon0721
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The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?

Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.
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Member since 2007 • 2149 Posts
IF you are right and the war will be decided by software, then how is the 360 at an advantage? What exclusives does it have? Halo is the only big one that comes to mind. Right now, today, if you compare multi-platform games across both systems, usually the 360 is the better version, but that is because it came out first. Ports are never perfect. Grandia 2 looked alot better on the dreamcast than it did on the PS2, and where is the Dreamcast now?ghaleon0721
Gears of War, Lost Planet, the Tom Clancy games, Mass Effect etc. There are actually quite a few.
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#27 Hulabaloza
Member since 2005 • 1322 Posts

The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?ghaleon0721
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

The 360 is going to have all new SKU's this year, and it will line up clearly against the Wii and against the PS3. And price cuts. Just watch. Regardless....Even as it currently sells, the 360 sold twice as many as the PS3 did last month alone.....so alot of people will need to have their head examined.
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#28 hyofinkl
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[QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.ghaleon0721
I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

If you honestly think the next-gen console war will be decided by hardware and not software, you're not thinking.  Consoles are defined by their games, to be specific exclusive games.  Hardware can only get a console so far until the need for great games arise.  The next-gen and any future generation of gaming will need games to decide the winner, without great software, online..community...innovation...integration...longevity means absolutely nothing. 

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#29 ckyro1
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when PS3 was announced GTA4 was the big exclusive to kill the 360. than it was assasins creed couldn't be done on the 360. 2 weeks ago DMC4 was a huge exclusive for PS3, now all of a sudden it doesn't matter to sony fanboys that it is multiplatform. what happens when MGS comes to the 360. killzone and FF are the only possibly big name exclusives left.
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#30 j1b2e3
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[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.hyofinkl

I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

If you honestly think the next-gen console war will be decided by hardware and not software, you're not thinking.  Consoles are defined by their games, to be specific exclusive games.  Hardware can only get a console so far until the need for great games arise.  The next-gen and any future generation of gaming will need games to decide the winner, without great software, online..community...innovation...integration...longevity means absolutely nothing. 

YEAH I AGREE... It's all about software, not hardware.. We are talking about gaming consoles, so games really matters most... Why would I want PS3 if there's 360??
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#31 snyper1982
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[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"]I see the forums this morning are bursting with threads related "exclusive" games. No doubt this has stemmed from the news that DMC 4 will appear on the Xbox 360. Alot of Sony fans seem to be in a huff, but I don't understand why. YOU'RE STILL GETTING THE GAME! So what if it appears on another console. You still get to enjoy a great game. Sony has said that they will not pay for exclusives. They never have, and they never will. They only had so many exclusives in the past because they had such a dominant hold on the console market. PS2's were outselling Gamecubes and Xbox's exponentially. So if you were going to make a game that was designed to have the highest profit potential, the PS2 was your "go to" system. It makes sense that the same logic applies here. There are four or five times as many Xbox 360's out there than PS3's. So if you are going to get your game to the most gamers, then you should go for the Xbox 360. I think the fact that these games are ALSO coming to the PS3 is a testament to developers belief in the longterm viability of the system. It is my opinion that the 360 does not have the same longterm staying power that the PS3 has. Therefore, as the 360's lifecycle comes to a close, you will begin to see more PS3 exclusives. I can understand PS3 owners being upset if they learned that one of these games that was supposed to be a Sony Exclusive suddenly became a Microsoft Exclusive. But that has not happened. NOTHING has been taken from the PS3. So why all the whining?

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. Why would they support the 360 all the way until the end(when it will have an even bigger user base), and then suddenly start going PS3 exclusive? Makes no sense to me.
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#32 Correyov31
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Everyone needs to stop worrying about the PS3 phasing out because of this one loss. In time there will be more exclusives. Every system has them and they don't determine the success. They are a good factor in it. Halo 1 and 2 didn't destroy the PS2. MGS, DMC, GTA, and other titles didn't destroy the XBOX. As long as there are still some good first party games, that can't go multi platform, you should still be happy with your console purhase.
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#33 EvilSpeaker
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[QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"][QUOTE="KraftForgotten"]It all comes down to who has the better system... who picked the right choice. ghaleon0721
that has nothing to do with third party exclusives. SALES are the only thing that matters to third party developers/publishers.

YYYEEEEESSSSS. Sales are what matter. So using that logic, there should be SCADS of Xbox 360 exclusives because right now there are about 4 to 5 million more 360's than there are PS3's. But wait.......there aren't scads of 360 exclusives. So what does that mean??? It means that teh 3rd party developers BELIEVE in the future staying power of the PS3

dude, u should just stop agruing because clearly you are just trying to back up your logic with stupidity lol

Xbox360 have alot more exclusive than PS3.  i'm not gonna waste my time typing out all their exclusive but u should take a look and see for yourself.  Put it this way, if you are a game developper, what system would u make the game for?  you have 10 million customer on this side and you have Sony PS3 user base...lol.   Any smart developper would pick the Xbox360.  Ease of uses, larger base, hell even their tool of making game is better.

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#34 snyper1982
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[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="Hulabaloza"] This is why the 360 gets 3rd party exclusives like Bioshock and Mass Effect and is what almost guarantees Final Fantasy and MGS are multiplatform.

Sorry bud, but you're dead wrong. I think that the one thing that alot of people seem to forget is that Sony has a STRANGLEHOLD on the japanese gaming market. That means that games from Japanese developers such as Final Fantasy and MGS will be designed with the PS3 in mind. Also, the japanese dominance that sony has will ensure its long-term survival.

Sorry bud, but Capcom is a JAPANESE developer.... People said the EXACT same thing about DMC4, and yet here it is on the 360 as well.
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#35 amapi
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I see the forums this morning are bursting with threads related "exclusive" games. No doubt this has stemmed from the news that DMC 4 will appear on the Xbox 360. Alot of Sony fans seem to be in a huff, but I don't understand why. YOU'RE STILL GETTING THE GAME! So what if it appears on another console. You still get to enjoy a great game. Sony has said that they will not pay for exclusives. They never have, and they never will. They only had so many exclusives in the past because they had such a dominant hold on the console market. PS2's were outselling Gamecubes and Xbox's exponentially. So if you were going to make a game that was designed to have the highest profit potential, the PS2 was your "go to" system. It makes sense that the same logic applies here. There are four or five times as many Xbox 360's out there than PS3's. So if you are going to get your game to the most gamers, then you should go for the Xbox 360. I think the fact that these games are ALSO coming to the PS3 is a testament to developers belief in the longterm viability of the system. It is my opinion that the 360 does not have the same longterm staying power that the PS3 has. Therefore, as the 360's lifecycle comes to a close, you will begin to see more PS3 exclusives. I can understand PS3 owners being upset if they learned that one of these games that was supposed to be a Sony Exclusive suddenly became a Microsoft Exclusive. But that has not happened. NOTHING has been taken from the PS3. So why all the whining?ghaleon0721

If it was a 360 exclusive jumping to Sony, most here would be celebrating...much like 360 fans.

The "who cares" act don't play.

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#36 snyper1982
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The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?ghaleon0721
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

Not everyone wants all the features, which make these comparisons all but useless.
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#37 eclipsed4utoo
Member since 2006 • 10578 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"] now that's just stupid. SOFTWARE is what sales a system.

Funny, I remember SSX, two Zelda Games, Mario 64, Perfect Dark, and many other exclusive, high-profile, software titles appearing on the LOSING system. Sony won the PS1 vs N64 war with hardware, not software.

no. Sony has always one because it had the most extensive software library. you want a comparison? The Xbox had about 1150 games in the US. The PS2? close to 8000. this is why the PS2 won last gen. anybody who says hardware wins generations, knows nothing about the gaming industry. if hardware wins a generation....the Xbox was the most powerful console last gen. did it win?
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#38 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
So lets recap....what will win this generation's console war? Price? - Nope. It didnt' work for the game cube. And even if it did, once you add up all the extras you have to buy for the 360 to match the PS3 feature for feature, the price difference is negligible. Software Support? - It's not looking like it. The 360's headstart has created a market of 5+million gamers that is impossible for developers to ignore. And the number keeps growing. By the same token, PS3's are selling faster than Xbox 360's were in its fourth month after launch which means a potential gaming market that is also too big to ignore. It's not like last generation where the potential profits from the comaparatively miniscule Xbox market didn't justify the cost of multi-platforming the game. Besides if software support WAS going to win the war, then PS3 shouldn't worry until some developer says "Hey we used to be PS3 exclusive (or multi-platform) and now we are Xbox exclusive". That has not happened and probably won't happen. So what's left? The hardware. Free Online, Innovative Controls, Blu-Ray, Photos and Videos that integrate perfectly with your other home electronics. PSP connectivity. The list goes on.
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#39 eclipsed4utoo
Member since 2006 • 10578 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"]IF you are right and the war will be decided by software, then how is the 360 at an advantage? What exclusives does it have? Halo is the only big one that comes to mind. Right now, today, if you compare multi-platform games across both systems, usually the 360 is the better version, but that is because it came out first. Ports are never perfect. Grandia 2 looked alot better on the dreamcast than it did on the PS2, and where is the Dreamcast now?MCGSMB
Gears of War, Lost Planet, the Tom Clancy games, Mass Effect etc. There are actually quite a few.

Tom Clancy games aren't totally exclusive. they are not really time exclusive. the only reason the PS3 version comes out later is because the developers have a harder time developing on the PS3. that causes the delays.
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#40 eclipsed4utoo
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The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?Hulabaloza
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

The 360 is going to have all new SKU's this year, and it will line up clearly against the Wii and against the PS3. And price cuts. Just watch. Regardless....Even as it currently sells, the 360 sold twice as many as the PS3 did last month alone.....so alot of people will need to have their head examined.

do you think it's a great thing that Microsoft is releasing an "upgraded" 360 only after a year? what does this say about the original 360?
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#41 eclipsed4utoo
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[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="hunter8man"]It's not the fact that they are losing exclusives, it's the fact of paying $600 for a system just to play a game on that is now available on a cheaper system with not much difference between the two.hyofinkl

I repeat...Online..community...Innovation...integration...longevity. This generation's console war will be decided by hardware, not software.

If you honestly think the next-gen console war will be decided by hardware and not software, you're not thinking. Consoles are defined by their games, to be specific exclusive games. Hardware can only get a console so far until the need for great games arise. The next-gen and any future generation of gaming will need games to decide the winner, without great software, online..community...innovation...integration...longevity means absolutely nothing.

beautifully said.
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#42 ghaleon0721
Member since 2003 • 338 Posts
[QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"][QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"] anybody who says hardware wins generations, knows nothing about the gaming industry. if hardware wins a generation....the Xbox was the most powerful console last gen. did it win?

If you look back I said that games ARE what won last generation. That doesn't mean it applies to this generation. Go back one more generation and you'll see that hardware WON. It may appear that software did because the PS1 library was larger than N64, but that is because the hardware was more attractive to developers. The N64 was the more powerful system
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IF you are right and the war will be decided by software, then how is the 360 at an advantage? What exclusives does it have? Halo is the only big one that comes to mind. Right now, today, if you compare multi-platform games across both systems, usually the 360 is the better version, but that is because it came out first. Ports are never perfect. Grandia 2 looked alot better on the dreamcast than it did on the PS2, and where is the Dreamcast now?ghaleon0721

how can you say halo is the only big game they have, have you been under a rock lately? how can you ignore Gears of War? that game is a bonafide hit, and when the sequal comes out, it will sell BIG!

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#44 eclipsed4utoo
Member since 2006 • 10578 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"]So lets recap....what will win this generation's console war? Price? - Nope. It didnt' work for the game cube. And even if it did, once you add up all the extras you have to buy for the 360 to match the PS3 feature for feature, the price difference is negligible. Software Support? - It's not looking like it. The 360's headstart has created a market of 5+million gamers that is impossible for developers to ignore. And the number keeps growing. By the same token, PS3's are selling faster than Xbox 360's were in its fourth month after launch which means a potential gaming market that is also too big to ignore. It's not like last generation where the potential profits from the comaparatively miniscule Xbox market didn't justify the cost of multi-platforming the game. Besides if software support WAS going to win the war, then PS3 shouldn't worry until some developer says "Hey we used to be PS3 exclusive (or multi-platform) and now we are Xbox exclusive". That has not happened and probably won't happen. So what's left? The hardware. Free Online, Innovative Controls, Blu-Ray, Photos and Videos that integrate perfectly with your other home electronics. PSP connectivity. The list goes on.

its funny that YOU keep stating that HARDWARE will win the next-gen war. However, Phil Harrison has stated multiple times that SOFTWARE is what wins a generation. So we have you, who obviously has no idea what the gaming industry is like. Then we have Phil Harrison that heads the THIRD LARGEST DEVELOPMENT GROUP IN THE WORLD. You, sir, need to move on to another topic, because you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Out of the 15-20 users that have posted in this topic, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT BELIEVES HARDWARE WINS GENERATIONS. get with the program.
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#45 Pyromaniac8705
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I still get MGS4, FF13, and DMC4. I don't mind that it is on the 360. Just wait till the 360 3rd party exclusives come to the PS3. The only thing that I actually don't like about the PS3 is the fact that I can't use my Guitar Controller with it. If I could do that, I would sell my PS2.
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The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?ghaleon0721
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

what the hell are you talking about? what did he spend 200 on? buy the system for 300 or 400 buy the game and go online! what peripherals are you talking about? besides having to pay 50 for a years service of live I don't have any idea what else you need to get to play online...

please explain this to me....

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#47 eclipsed4utoo
Member since 2006 • 10578 Posts
[quote="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="eclipsed4utoo"] anybody who says hardware wins generations, knows nothing about the gaming industry. if hardware wins a generation....the Xbox was the most powerful console last gen. did it win?

If you look back I said that games ARE what won last generation. That doesn't mean it applies to this generation. Go back one more generation and you'll see that hardware WON. It may appear that software did because the PS1 library was larger than N64, but that is because the hardware was more attractive to developers. The N64 was the more powerful system

So wait, the N64 was the most powerful system....but the PS1 had more games and it won that generation? The Xbox was the most powerful system...but the PS2 had more games and it won that generation? So now you are saying that games don't matter and that the most powerful hardware wins? Did you forget to take your medication today?
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#48 alkaline_DnB
Member since 2006 • 1816 Posts

this has turned into a system war...the main focus should be about how greedy capcom is.  you guys are outta control.  N64, greatest system ever?  what?!?!

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[QUOTE="Hulabaloza"] [QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="Hulabaloza"]

The 360's advantage is that the Core can match the Wii in price, it has all NEXT GEN games and the Premium models can match the PS3 features, with all its games + Halo, for hundreds less. Do you see why it's positioned so well?eclipsed4utoo
Anyone who believes that the 360 is the better deal because of the lower price needs a head x-ray. There are so many periphereals and add-on services to buy that it's ridiculous. I remember the thread on here about the guy who spent $200 on services and periphereals just to play lost planet. Online play, a 60GB hard drive, blu-ray player, etc, all come straight out of the box with the PS3. If you try to match the Xbox 360 feature for feature with the PS3, you'll spend enough money on extras to make the prices almost equal.

The 360 is going to have all new SKU's this year, and it will line up clearly against the Wii and against the PS3. And price cuts. Just watch. Regardless....Even as it currently sells, the 360 sold twice as many as the PS3 did last month alone.....so alot of people will need to have their head examined.

do you think it's a great thing that Microsoft is releasing an "upgraded" 360 only after a year? what does this say about the original 360?

it might be a great thing to have an upgrade, if it does come out they can get rid of the 300 system, lower the 400 dollar system which will make the 360 an easier purchase. hey they made mistakes with the originals, they were faulty and didn't have HDMI which obviously people want. so by them making a new one is fine by me, I'm still going to keep the 400 version I bought.

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#50 snyper1982
Member since 2004 • 3407 Posts
[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"]So lets recap....what will win this generation's console war? Price? - Nope. It didnt' work for the game cube. And even if it did, once you add up all the extras you have to buy for the 360 to match the PS3 feature for feature, the price difference is negligible. Software Support? - It's not looking like it. The 360's headstart has created a market of 5+million gamers that is impossible for developers to ignore. And the number keeps growing. By the same token, PS3's are selling faster than Xbox 360's were in its fourth month after launch which means a potential gaming market that is also too big to ignore. It's not like last generation where the potential profits from the comaparatively miniscule Xbox market didn't justify the cost of multi-platforming the game. Besides if software support WAS going to win the war, then PS3 shouldn't worry until some developer says "Hey we used to be PS3 exclusive (or multi-platform) and now we are Xbox exclusive". That has not happened and probably won't happen. So what's left? The hardware. Free Online, Innovative Controls, Blu-Ray, Photos and Videos that integrate perfectly with your other home electronics. PSP connectivity. The list goes on.

Your argument is specious.