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#1 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

@sonic_spark said:

For 3DS fans this was a mediocre Nintendo Direct. Great limited editions of consoles, another trailer for MM etc. But the Wii U info sucked.

Do I have to wait until E3 to hear news of new games?

What are you talking about?

There were plenty of new games announced.

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#2  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

@illmatic87 said:

@Maroxad said:

Wake me up when

  • it has Combat that is not "everyone is a dps"
  • it has Guild Halls
  • PvP modes that is something other than conquest
  • PvP with any resembelence of balance
  • PvP has some freakin' variety
  • PvP is actually about skills rather than cheese
  • asuras dont dominate the PvP scene do to their lack of height.
  • WvW is something other than a shitty zerg
  • WvW comes anywhere close to the quality of Dark Age of Camelot
  • they have some decent customizability of the UI
  • PvE actually offers decent rewards
  • they dont punish you for doing the only thing you can do in PvE, Grind.
  • they design decent dungeons and boss fights
  • rewards dont come from RNG
  • they actually come close to putting out content at a rate that is equal to or rivals any other mmorpg during the same timeframe
  • better doesnt mean uglier, exotic weapons in GW2 almost always look too tryhard
  • you dont have to pay to access content that you cannot access because you didnt log in on the right week
  • combat isnt excessively spammy
  • they remove the Mary Salad race from the game, retcon preferably and fire whoever came up with that sad excuse for a race

So salty. Even took the time to dig up images.

Plenty of people enjoy the game, alot of positive will be said here and other places too. People go, come back due to the little overhead and find its relevant appeal in the busy gaming market. Let's face it: No matter what the game or community (in terms of WvW) does, even rectifying alot of those bullet points. You're never gonna enjoy or come back to the game despite the hundereds of hours and Marathon game binges that you put into the game.

It sounds like there are other options available if you want an MMO. Wildstar and ArcheAge looks to be up your alley just by looking at those bulletpoints.

Dig up the images? I have them on my Imgur account ;)

I spent time going to level cap, after I hit the level cap, I could barely force myself to play the game and even then, the only thing that made me carry on was "it will get better later, it will get better later", I quit (or took extended breaks) the game roughly 2 times just trying to make myself get 100% map completion. Furthermore, I didnt realize just how fully flaws the game was until the time around christmas. I might end up enjoying the game, if they fix my flaws with it. Especially the godawful support the game has recieved from the developers. Living story and temporary content was the worst feature that I have seen implemented in a video game since Oblivion's level scaling.

WildStar I played, and was bland as hell. And ArcheAge from what I hear suffered from too many flaws, that made me lose interest. Shame, because I was extremely hyped for it. That said, I would rather play those 2 than GW2.

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#3 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Nintendo you disappoint me.

Only one place here allows me to pre-order a MM n3DS.

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#4  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Wake me up when

  • it has Combat that is not "everyone is a dps"
  • it has Guild Halls
  • PvP modes that is something other than conquest
  • PvP with any resembelence of balance
  • PvP has some freakin' variety
  • PvP is actually about skills rather than cheese
  • asuras dont dominate the PvP scene do to their lack of height.
  • WvW is something other than a shitty zerg
  • WvW comes anywhere close to the quality of Dark Age of Camelot
  • they have some decent customizability of the UI
  • PvE actually offers decent rewards
  • they dont punish you for doing the only thing you can do in PvE, Grind.
  • they design decent dungeons and boss fights
  • rewards dont come from RNG
  • they actually come close to putting out content at a rate that is equal to or rivals any other mmorpg during the same timeframe
  • better doesnt mean uglier, exotic weapons in GW2 almost always look too tryhard
  • you dont have to pay to access content that you cannot access because you didnt log in on the right week
  • combat isnt excessively spammy
  • they remove the Mary Salad race from the game, retcon preferably and fire whoever came up with that sad excuse for a race

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#5 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Not bad, may pick up a few of these. WipeOut, Chrono Cross, Purse Owner 4 Golden, MediEvil and Ys: Oath in Felghana.

Thanks for the heads up.

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#6  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

First of all. This is a rumor. Very probable though, but jsut a rumor.

Second Guild Wars 2 or Good, pick one. Because GUild Wars 2 sure as hell is not a good game. One of the worst mmorpgs I have ever played.

I hope the game is set in Cantha or Elona or an entirely new region, Tyria was always the blandest of the 3 contintents in GW1. I also hope it adds more diversity to skills, to help diversify classes a bit. Right now the classes feel very samey. If that is too much, how about adding a new class that seperates it from the norm.

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#7 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Slighlty offtopic, but it seems like the RPG renaissance has been aknowledged elsewhere too, bringing up equally high quality games rather than the fast food junk that is DA:I.

RPGCodex has their top 10 RPGs of the year

Seems like those guys too have very fine tastes.

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#8 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

@DocSanchez said:

I don't care about what review sites say. They have proven themselves time and time again to be unreliable, and I've been playing video games for long enough to trust my instincts over anyone elses, so I just use the sites to see videos and to establish whether a game is an outright failure or not. The cast is one of the main things which bothers me. I only really cared about the two carried over from the previous game and a cliched qunari.

You aren't quite understanding what the term try hard refers to here. It doesn't mean I think bioware literally over developed her character. She was clearly a labour of love for someone who was trying too hard to make her significant and edgy. The chavvy aspect of her character, her annoying noisy opinions, her childish nature. She didn't fit in with an inquisition, she was annoying, and I sincerely hope that's the last we see of her. It's like she was a tribute to Lily Allen. I hated her, good job she is optional.

To be fair, nothing about DA:I felt like it had anything to do with an inquisition. Seems like they just called it one because it sounded cool.

Though it is not a very good game, Inquisitor actually did get the Inquistion feel right.

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#9  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

@lostrib said:

What's the point of using the old engine?

1. No need to invest in a new engine.

2. Developers already have plenty of experience with the engine.

It is about lowering dem indirect costs.

@rabakill said:

@blueinheaven: what a stupid thing to say.

Pretty much inline with the typical "quality" of his posts. Going by the divinity if your are stuck in the past non-sense... he still seems bitter after he made an absolute fool of himself in that Divinity thread from a while back.

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#10  Edited By Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 23998 Posts

Depends on their tastes.

The Boss

  1. Rise of Nations
  2. StarCraft
  3. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
  4. Age of Empires 2
  5. X-COM: UFO Defense/UFO: Enemy Unknown
  6. Wizardry 7
  7. Jagged Alliance 2
  8. World in Conflict
  9. WarCraft 3
  10. Divinity: Original Sin

That should provide plenty of variety between not only a variety of playstyles (some being RPGs, others being RTS, TBS and management games), but also from different eras

The Twitcher

  1. Freespace 2
  2. Thief 2
  3. No One lives forever
  4. Quake 1
  5. Doom 1
  6. Mount&Blade: Warband
  7. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
  8. Skyrim with mods
  9. Freelancer
  10. Iji

2 space sims, some ARPGs, some shooters, a first person action adventure, a sword and board action game and Iji, a grossly underrated platformer with metroidvania elements and a story that is determined by your actions.

The storyguy

  1. Planescape: Torment
  2. Gabriel Knight
  3. Homeworld
  4. Deus Ex
  5. System Shock 2
  6. Alpha Centauri
  7. Necromancer
  8. Grim Fandango
  9. Myst
  10. The Secret World

The SocialistSocialite

  1. World of WarCraft
  2. Dota 2
  3. Guild Wars 1
  4. Minecraft (PC version is that much better)
  5. Terraria
  6. Path of Exile
  7. Team Fortress 2
  8. StarCraft 2
  9. The Secret World
  10. CounterStrike

The reason I went with StarCraft 2 here instead of SC1 is because it might be a bit easier to find a game at their level in SC2. I would assume the average skill level of SC1 players is much higher than the average skill level of SC2 players.