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#1 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

@Suppaman100 said:

PC has the most dev support because of all the indie studios. And sure more console games are coming to PC because most current gen games are easily ported to PC thanks to current gen console's architecture.

So you're wrong then? Ok.

It's also ignorant to pretend all the extra games on PC are indie, but again, ok. Even if I let you have that argument, indies aren't a bad thing and it still makes you wrong.

@Suppaman100 said:

But let's look at all those AAA PC exclusives....

Oh wait.

Ah, shift the goal posts, that was fast.

Yes the PC gets big budget exclusives and guess what? They're not a constant string of duds.

Outside of some Wii U exclusives and Bloodborne what do you have besides the waiting game?

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#2 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

@Suppaman100 said:
@the_master_race said:


It's a simple fact.

As long as piracy is so rampant on PC, the platform will stay an afterthought for most devs.

You underestimate the effects of piracy greatly.

Interesting. This must explain why the PC has more development support than all 3 consoles combined. I suppose it also explains why nearly every console game is coming to PC.

Oh wait.

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#3 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

@tormentos said:

@thedork_knight said:

y first FF was 7 and that was only due to the hype it was given at release, for me i didnt enjoy it and never bothered with the FF series again. A lot of peoples only experience of FF is 7 again because of the hype of it, and looking at the sales of FF titles after 7 many people never picked up a FF again.

How popular something is doesnt always indicate quality, COD is massive popular but is it the best FPS? Justin Beiber, the avengers both high selling popular within their entertainment type, but are they the best?

like @ConanTheStoner said it came out at the right place at the right time, because most people hadnt experienced that kind of game before.

We believe you...

You were probably 6 when the game came

Yeah most people haven't experience FF before FF7 right.? Never mind that FF3 was hugely popular on Snes world wide rather than other chapter with lower

Between the two of you I would wager that you're the youngster here as you have no idea what you're talking about.

FFVI was not "hugely popular" at all. It was a smash hit with the critics, but it wasn't a resounding commercial success by any means. Sakaguchi recently expressed how annoyed he was due to the fact that FFVI is widely regarded as the best game in the series, yet people didn't go out and buy it at the time.

FFVII was the game that catapulted FF and jrpgs in general into the mainstream. Between the insane marketing campaign and the jaw dropping CGI cutscenes it managed to pull in non-rpg gamers by the millions.

"Right place at the right time" is a very accurate description.

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#4 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

MGS4 and The Witcher series.

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#5 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

Not really necessary.

@-God- said:

just call them xbox games.


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#6 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

@mems_1224 said:

yay, ps4 gets another slightly better version of an average game. $400 well spent.

lol. I actually thought it was a good thing that I had a PS4 sitting around. One of those rare situation in which the PC gets crapped on and I was actually going to use my PS4 for a multiplat! Such a win right?

Then it turned out that the game was average indeed. Should have spent my money on something else, but hindsight can be a bitch like that.

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#7 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

The only big game to disappoint me this year actually. Not bad, just not great. Certainly not the GOTY material that people were expecting.

I thought I dodged a bullet by not getting the PC version and opting for the PS4 version instead. Turns out my issues with the game have nothing to do with bugs or performance. It's more about some poor design choices.

I just came fresh out of a replay through City and thought I'd be moving into an even better version of that. Boy was I wrong. Seems like Rocksteady unloaded the best of what they had already and they were just trying to squeeze out one more Batman title with AK.

I can't even bring myself to finish it right now, but maybe some day.

And with that, another hopeful GOTY contender bites the dust. Unless some unknown challenger steps up, I think it's going to be between Bloodborne and MGSV. And I'm betting it all on MGSV.

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#8  Edited By sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

One of the best games this gen and the best game so far this year until MGSV releases.

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#9 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

I had more fun in the first couple of hours with Bloodborne than I've had in 15 hours of Witcher 3.

Witcher 3 is great. Bloodborne is just awesome.

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#10 sandbox3d
Member since 2010 • 5166 Posts

@anthonyautumns said:

That picture has no foliage shadows and the Level of Detail is low.

The evils of cross gen development.

@ConanTheStoner said:

The mission to find the weapon takes you through massive military installations tucked away in the desert. The scale of them is daunting.

This makes me excited. I hope by this he means even bigger than Camp Omega. I know I'll enjoy the natural landscapes, especially so in the African jungles, but I do enjoy some nice structured level design and Camp Omega was a great example of that.

Damn it come on September!