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@Kinguard73 I disagree when you say this is not MS fault. Politicians have no true power, as their alligiance is to the companies that sponsered their campain. And MS is one of these companies that runs the government.

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Wonder how many XBox One ordres are going to be canceled now. Oh well, it's what MS gets!

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@Yoeriman1 @e_rocket @ghstbstr Yes it can. The tablet is actually quit comfortable and fits nicely in a persons hands. But if you don't like it, there is the pro controller which is almost the same as an xbox controller with the exception that the the right joystick and button layout are swapped. But if that doesn't work, then there is still the wii classic controller that is like the PS controller with the exception of the 4 top buttons.

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Edited By Qmajinbuu

@Celsius765 @Rayzakk @Qmajinbuu I agree, for some games I can see it being really annoying and not helping at all, but there are otheres where it truly does help.

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@Rayzakk @Qmajinbuu First, I didn't prove your point and that attitude there is just cockiness in thinking you're right all the time. Second, if you have trouble looking away from the tv for a quarter of a second and claim you're a gamer, then something is wrong. Anyone who is a true gamer can easily look away for a quarter of a second, especially in this game for it's not very fast paced, and be fine because there are always distractions. And third, from the way it sounds your dislike isn't at the tablet because many gamers, including myself, can easily see the benifit from it and actually enjoy it alot. It's becaue you just dislike Nintendo all together and are looking for anything to complain about. So please, take your hate speech somewhere else becaue no one here is listening

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@Rayzakk @Qmajinbuu then you must have a very short attention span and forget very easily. The pad made it for I didn't have to constantly scroll through my menu's, for my menu was always there. The the only problem I could see anyone having with it is they have a bad memory and can remember where a specific item is located on the pad at the specific moment. And if your memory is that bad, then you don't need to be playing games anyway because you'll easily get lost trying to scroll the menus.

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@Rayzakk Try MH3U. Great game that used the Wii U pad extremely well

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@youngzen69 @jd7904 And although it was digital and not physical, I still did get a copy of Nintendo land in the ZombiU bundle.
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@youngzen69 @jd7904 I bought the ZombiU bundle when it came it, it was for a limited time and was 390$. Depending on how you look at it, you either got a a free game a 10 dollars off a a pro controller, or a free pro controller and 20 dollars off the game. Which every way you want to look at it, however, I saved 70 dollars, so it was a good deal as ZombiU isn't perfect, but it's a really good game that GS gave an extremely bias review on. Most of the stuff they said in their review was even an complete lie, showing they didn't even attempt to play the game and just rated based off the first few hours or so.

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@CrazyOldCracker It's because this site is completely against Nintendo. I've notive their bias years ago and I must say it's really annoying when every single bad story about Nintendo is talked about, yet the good stories are never mentioned. I will admit Nintendo doesn't have much good news about their main system, the wii u, these days. But it's just simple bias reporting when every time GS has a story about Nintendo, they must bring up the fact about how bad the Wii U isn't selling. After it was confirmed the XBoxOne wouldn't play old games and would always have to be online, I didn't see them mentioning that in every story about MS story. Now that they changed their policy, however, they suddenly want to bring that up every time.

So basically, if its good news for nintendo, it's never mentioned while at the same time bad news for them is constantly talked about. When it comes to MS though, bad news can only be briefly mentioned while good news is repeated non stop.

Here's a perfect example. How many people reading this know that when MS and Sony revealed their new systems, BOTH of their stocks went down while Nintendo's went up? Yeah, most people don't know that because GS didn't think it was news worthy. But look it up, when PS4 was introduced in Feb, Sony's stock went down 2.7 points while Nindendo's rose 2.0. points. Then when was the XboxOne was first shown in may, Nintendo rose 2.2 points and Sony rose 9.3. When this happened, GS did talk about how Sony rose, but didn't mention Nintendo at all. Which is funny because it's been stated that although the timing is funny, Sony's stock DID NOT jump because of the XBoxOne, but was due to changes in their entertaiment division.

So according to GS, it's news worthy when Sony's stock rises once and it has nothing to do with games, yet it's not news when Nintendo's rises twice and it has everything to do with games because it occurred when Sony and MS released their new systems?