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#1 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
Let me spell this out for you. When you pay your monthly subscription to World of Warcraft, you actually get something substantial in return....something that has to be built and maintained: dedicated servers. Blizzard has to run servers that support literally millions of subscribers. At the same time, they provide consistent updates with huge patches addressing game balance, bugs, or completely changing different aspects of the game/classes/etc. Make no mistake: WoW is expensive. It's a time and money vacuum and the game can go to hell for all I care. But at the same time I know that every time they bill me, I'm getting something actual, something physical, in return. Whereas when you pay for a year of Xbox Live, here's what you get in return. The right to play on their proprietary network (when free alternatives exist on every other platform on the market) service that operates in this way: it has literally zero infrastructure as far as hosting online matches is concerned. It relies on the players.....their internet connection, their Xbox 360' host their own ******* matches. It's a revenue generating scheme that people have bought into because of the ridiculous prestige factor tied into it....period. You get INFERIOR gameplay, INFERIOR performance, and you pay them MONEY so that you can be cheated out of a superior experience on other platforms. This isn't anything to be proud of, this isn't anything to scoff at, this is something to get legitimately worked up over and complain about. Why? Because the minute you stop DOING it the minute Microsoft turns down the heat. Want an example? Take Windows Live. Windows Live is ostensibly Xbox Live for the PC platform. It's functionally identical, down to the subscription fees, so much so in fact that if you had an Xbox Live subscription, they'd let you play on Windows Live. Except for one thing....they've now removed the subscription fee. It is Xbox Live Gold minus the Xbox Live Gold fees. Why did this happen? PC gamers have a CHOICE. They have an open platform and an open network and they get to choose where they play and what they're going to pay for. Xbox Live gamers don't get this option. The only thing 360 owners or Xbox owners can do is be loud and obnoxious, because they can't simply take their business elsewhere (although my opinion is that they should, when they're choosing a console to buy). When you're playing on Xbox Live, it's sucking up bandwidth from your internet connection and forcing your Xbox 360 to do two things a game from the client-side, and host the entire match from the server-side.
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#2 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
[QUOTE="Brownesque"][QUOTE="killab2oo5"]Eh, I agree. I never like mods that change the gameplay. Don't mind some graphical mods and new maps either.killab2oo5
Yes, by all means, if they're ONLY surface deep and superficial, give me all the mods you've got. If it actually breaks new ground or has a small, dedicated development team drastically changing the original formula and working painstakingly to reproduce something from their dreams, a game from the past on a new engine, I don't want ANYTHING to do with it! Oh, but if you've got 3 maps for $10, give me that too. As long as it's superficial garbage or overpriced DLC from the developers.....buhbuh the developers made it!

:? If your saying I would buy 3 maps for $10 then your horribly wrong...I've NEVER bought a map pack for any game.

Good JOB, sir. I can see your a man who prefers to purchase things that are of VALUE. So might I recommend that you search out some mods that are completely free and completely worth your time and effort? Might I suggest you try many of the few that are actually BETTER than most HIGH-profile full-retail games?
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#3 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts

I'll be honest, I didn't think the 360's graphics would be at the level they're at now. Infact, other than Crisis at full speed the PS3 and 360 are the dominators in graphix this gen

No. Not even close. Try UT3 on PC and compare it directly to the PS3 or 360 version. Then try not to gag when you play console games from that point onward.
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#4 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
Eh, I agree. I never like mods that change the gameplay. Don't mind some graphical mods and new maps either.killab2oo5
Yes, by all means, if they're ONLY surface deep and superficial, give me all the mods you've got. If it actually breaks new ground or has a small, dedicated development team drastically changing the original formula and working painstakingly to reproduce something from their dreams, a game from the past on a new engine, I don't want ANYTHING to do with it! Oh, but if you've got 3 maps for $10, give me that too. As long as it's superficial garbage or overpriced DLC from the developers.....buhbuh the developers made it!
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#5 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts

I'm a PC, 360, Wii & DS gamer this gen, so don't try to pigeon hole me (is that the right term?), as a fanboy.... but I really don't give two ***** about modding my games..... I want to play the game the dev created.... not something some fan threw together in his spare time using the devs code & placeholders, etc.

The only real benefit of a mod imo, is a graphical update to a game that's starting to show it's age,and you want it to look fresh and new.... thats great ya know.... but I really don't get what the big deal is. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. Am I the only PC Gamer around here that really doesn't give 2 hoots about MODS? Other than admiring the pretty visuals of a game that originally didn't look nearly as good? But by the time a good graphical mod is available, it's like WHO CARES? I've already been there done that, with the game.

Do us all a favor: Go to ModDB Search "Dystopia" under Half Life 2 PC mods Then let us enjoy your silence
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#6 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts

[QUOTE="HuusAsking"][QUOTE="rogelio22"]ok but the cases are still inside the store somewhere right??? so what space are they really saving if its in the freaking store to begin with!!! common sensePS3Gamer_1

I think what he's trying to say is that they only need one case for a given game instead of two. One case plus a paper sleeve takes up less space than two cases. And in case you haven't been to one lately, there's only so much storage space available to any given store. That said, what about keeping the original copies sealed and using cardboard placeholders that say "Take to counter to purchase"? These take up about as much overall space as the sleeves, keep the games themselves under reasonable lock-and-key, and keep them sealed to as to deflect the "opened new" game controversy.

This or have them invest in the anti-theft plastic that bestbuy, toys-r-us use. This way they can display the game case, to allow shoppers to read and see the game, and since usually only one copoy is displayed, or 2, this will take same amount of space, and prevent theft.

The reasons that Gamestop guts copies of games for a single display case on the wall are as follows: 1) Gamestop wants a single display case on the wall at all times so that soccer moms can browse and kids have something physical to gawk at and throw in random disordered places around the store to mess with the employees. Why do they want this? Because the consumer wants this. 2) Gamestop has chosen not to have locked display cases all over the store with anti-theft technology and scanners at the doors a la Wal Mart or whatever. 3) Gamestop has figured that the only cases that should be on the wall should be games that are IN STOCK. This helps employees and this helps customers. I cannot tell you how many times a middle aged mom or her young child have run up with a promotional case asking for a game we don't have in stock. The companies that sell these products basically force Gamestop into displaying these promotional cases. Whereas if you have one case on the wall for every game that's in stock, the customer knows what's in stock and the employee never has to look little Timmy in the eyes and tell him he's got to go to Detroit to pick up a new copy of Badminton Xtreme. In summary and in conclusion, their use of display cases is entirely contingent upon customers' willingness to put up with it. Frankly, having been forced to alphabetize the "walls" and the bins hundreds of times and often multiple times throughout the day and always after the store closes, I want them gone. I want a little catalog with fun pictures and short game descriptions so that you morons don't have to ***** and complain on the internet about a process you really should be complaining about to the corporate office at Gamestop. Believe me, they are not immune to your pleas, and you are far more powerful than any Gamestop employee or executive, even, that may be reading this. If everyone in this thread called the corporate office and said "I hate having unsealed copies sold to me! Make me look at a catalog/through the glass window!" I'm sure you would have your delightful little complaints addressed. In the meantime, stop venting your ridiculous frustrations on Gamespot. No one really wants to deal with display cases except for the customers, the minute that changes, the practice ends.
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#7 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts


What difference does it make if it hasnt been USED?

dude it makes a huge difference for alot of us!! something that is opened is used!! besides most of the games they put in sleeves get SCRATCHED and FINGERPRINTED! but still i ABSOLUTLY LOVE!!! opening a new game and getting that new game smell!!! what do you meen WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE GET OUTTA HERE!!

You just assume that everything that is opened is used when it really isnt. It honestly just depends on what Gamestop you go to. And the sleeves dont scratch the discs either. Its frickin paper. You guys act like like samurai swords are in those sleeves.

I can tell you exactly how you know whether it's been played or not. If it has the factory seal, the one with the folded edges at the top and the bottom, it's NEVER been opened. If it has stickers on it and it is unsealed, it has NEVER been played. It's only been "gutted" and the sleeve has been filed. It may have been mishandled, but games in this case will never be played, that much I can guarantee. If it has a shrink wrapping or no seal and no stickers, there's a very good chance it's been played. But those are the only instances, honest. The reasons for the factory sealed copy not being played are obvious. Still sealed? Never been opened. But if it has stickers and it has a filed copy, the game has never been played because a certain number of copies have to be there before the games can be lent. If it has stickers and the copy of the game is filed, then the game is the "display copy." One gut must be present at all times. If there is no gut, a gut has to be made or the case is taken off the wall. It would be a pain in the ass for an employee to have a copy of a game requested because a display case was on the wall and you don't find a gut....thus, there is ALWAYS one gut present, and it never leaves the store until the final copy of the game is sold.