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#1 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
Haha, that ONLINE gameplay looks incredible and puts most online games to shame.
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#2 Brownesque
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I'm embarrassed that it's so similar to Silent Hill and that it ended up being a survival horror game since none of the teasers suggested the gameplay would be anything like this. The plot also didn't capture my rapt attention....neither did the enemy designs. The gameplay may be interesting, and the situational horror seems effective, which may be enough to make it one of the better games of the year. I'm expecting a very strong AA.
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#3 Brownesque
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Kojima said, by comparison, in the interview, that he's not writing the script or directing the game. He's essentially to MGSR as Ken Kutaragi is to the next Playstation....a shadowy figure that plays around in the background, essentially irrelevant. He's going to do spot-checks and give guidance. I don't know, read the interview. This really sucks for me, because I played Portable Ops, and although I muscled through the poor control scheme (and ultimately was rewarded with a genuinely important piece of the MGS puzzle), I don't know if I'm going to be able to play another PSP MGS iteration. I guess it's good news that he's both writing the script AND directing MGS:PW, too bad both the title and the trailer were AWFUL. Anyway, I think this should count as ownage towards teh lemmangs and I'll put this little linky in my poqueto. I advise you all to read the actual text of the article, BTW.
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#4 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
Sweet, they're making a Van Halen game? I've always wanted to play Jump in my living room! So, answer to your question: are they oversaturating the genre? NO! GET OUT! These games are awesome and you're just mad that you don't make enough money to buy ALL of them, like I will! I'll play 'em one after the other! I'll be a band one minute, a Guitar hero the next, Van Halen third, then, who f'ing knows, but I'll be a smash hit, finally, wicka wicka, chicka-whirrrrp.....I'll be a DJ! OMG! The music genre is getting so PHAT, yo! I'm living out my dreams over here and you guys are having a heart attack because they've got so much incredible software to choose from!
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#5 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts


Here's what's a joke about the cows arguments: The Natal is total garbage, even though this is a new technology shown for the 1st time, yet Sony's 2nd rate Wiimote wannabe with a lit ball at the end is teh greatest. I guess gaming on a PS just weens you on accepting 2nd rate copies of everyone else...


I hate to break your heart Avid but the majority of PS users could careless. Motion sensing is this gen's buzz word will it last most likely but we still are a long way off from ditching controllers for ever. Nothing good can really come out of motion sensing in my mind. If you want to feel like a badass on a skateboard or a basketball court. Practice practice practice... Not stand in front of your TV waving a controller around or for that matter running in place.

Obviously Natal isn't going to be able to simulate anything involving reason why its going to be terribly limited in what kinds of software can utilize it. Frankly, when it comes to a game like Assassin's Creed....can anyone say they'd seriously take Natal over an analog stick and jump button? I don't understand the purpose of the driving demo, either. Anyone ever heard of a steering wheel peripheral?
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#6 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts

[QUOTE="Phazevariance"] Wow, the cowism is stong in this guy. For some reason you just can't believe that microsoft would make something that worked the way it was meant to be made, unlike that sixaxis crap sony tried blowing up your skirt. For someone who hasn't tried it yet, you sure have a lot of hate on for it. Natal is nto designed for all current games, its a new form of control and will spawn new types of games and gameplay mechanics. It will allow for more fine detailed control of games such as driving, changing a tire, refuelling the car, perhaps thigns like putting on a seatbelt and helmet... and these are just the 'car' related things. This puts sony's little motion light sticks to shame.flazzle

I totally agree! I can't stand the prejudice!

But it's not much different than was said about the Wii from Day 1 by BOTH Lemmings and Cows.

However, I disagree about the light sticks. I thought those were impressive as well, and there was ZERO lag, as can be seen in this vid:

The Natal does seem to have some lag as I stated in my previous post. Hopefully that can be worked out.

What really worried me was that the Project Natal "Family Fun" TRAILER had substantial lag on the off-screen gameplay. I'm talking half a second, easily.

In addition to it looking incredibly lame.....the technology doesn't worry me, but the software they've shown to demo this thing is terrible.

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#7 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
We sure can take him at his word on that one, considering how dedicated they've been to their other platforms.
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#8 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts

Meh, original was overrated anyway.

Not to mention not even worth the entry price. To this day, even, at thirty dollars, I refuse to buy L4D1. Imagine how that's going now? Not very well, Valve fails at getting my money.
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#9 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
[QUOTE="bobbetybob"]This is getting pathetic, OMG releasing 2 games in a year, how dare they. Shut up about, loads of companies do it, it's really starting to anger me having to listen to this, making out like they are they only company to do it, or they've betrayed you, it's just sad.aaronmullan
Yeah, they're just crying like children. If they knew anything they'd change their minds (Like I did).

Bend over and take it, buddy. I'll opt out of the milkage.
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#10 Brownesque
Member since 2005 • 5660 Posts
No, it's still ownage.siLVURcross
Agreed, and likewise with 360/PC multiplatforms. The Playstation 3 owners don't get it, and it should show up in the mutliplatform comparisons. But to claim that it is anything other than multiplatform is to lie. This concept of "console exclusive" exists only to serve whoever, incidentally, has the most of them.