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A console that is a little over 5 years or so old is obviously not going to be on the up and up for sales. Not to mention around this time in a consoles life, any gamer that isn't new to planet earth knows a next gen system has been in development for a while as it is, investing in an expensive console a year or so before its successor is released may seem like a waste to a great many people.

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@gamingdevil800: I think you are looking for Carnival Row. There is a trailer up for it on Prime Video as well.

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I agree with Ninja on all those points. One thing I would like to add in however, sometimes some older games on PS4 (my console of choice) digitally are still full priced after 3 or 4 years. When I go into EBGames (I live in Canada, they are owned by Gamestop) I tend to find some of the games I'm looking for for half the digital price most of the time. Don't get me wrong, when the games are a $5 difference, I could careless about that, however when a difference in price between from digital to physical is a $20 or more difference, that tend to make me visit EBGames or even Walmart instead of a digital copy. My best example from recent history is Dragonquest builders 1. It was still full price on the PSN store, so I decided to check in at EB. It was $30 cheaper new and $35 used when I went in. Thats a fairly large difference in my opinion.

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The reality is that they can choose to not show smoking in the videogame, thats their choice. In regards to people saying it influences children, sure it does, however to completely prevent a child from ever seeing anyone smoking, that pretty much cuts TV out, not to mention going out in public. People are seen in real life smoking while driving, walking down the street among numerous other situations. Ultimately the only way to prevent children from ever seeing anyone smoke ever would be to make tobacco illegal. Not having it in one game will not make the slightest difference. Its sad to hear someone loosing their father at 4, however saying smoking is responsible for it is also not as true as people would like to think. Diet, genetic predisposition among many other things can contribute to a heart attack. Being as my grandfather smoked atleast 2 packs a day for over 70 years and died in his sleep with no connection to his smoking habits according to the doctors shows that smoking affects each person differently. People are free to make their own choices sure, and as a parent you have to do the best you can to protect your kids, but there comes a point roughly when your kids turn 15 or 16 that you realize some things are out of your hands.

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Whats more surprising is that these people that are "surprised" have never clicked X on a trophy that says hidden on it once, ever.

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@gamingdevil800: I guess in situations like this (in-game) evil is more eye of the beholder. If something happens the instigating party may not be considering a evil act however whom ever is on the receiving end of the action might be considering it evil from the result. Its more of an objective point of view VS a subjective point a view for things like this sometimes.

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Tons of microtransactions in many games, many gamers are not fans of that.

Releasing games before they are actually finished to get money back because you do not want to put more money in to actually complete a game, gamers are not fans.

Caring more about the bottom line than putting out a quality game that gamers want to play, gamers are not a fan.

Pressuring developers to do what you want, regardless of the result of the game, gamers are not a fan.

EA has been out of touch with the actual gaming community for such a long time that coming back from all the negative actions and thus a horrible reputation is next to impossible. Many decisions made by upper management positions are what has put the company in such a bad situations. The vast majority of people working there are just normal people whom have very little choice in a lot of things the company does, I do not blame them for doing their job. When the upper management is more concerned with the bottom line and thus the shareholders opinions on how the company is doing is what cause poor products to be made. CEO's are scapegoats for shareholders and board of directors, as if thing are starting to get very bad, you pass the buck, blame someone, fire them and hire someone else. Not thats an excuse for management to do many of the shady things that have been done in the past.

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Pretty much after the initial disappointment that so many felt with this game, it does not matter if you make a second one, or continue to support this one, people are going to remember the initial impression from the very beginning of the life cycle. When you disappoint so many people, the publisher and the developer are going to suffer because of it, its a lasting effect. EA already is not held in high esteem by a great many people, and after Anthem its not getting any better and because of that, EA publishing games from other developers as well will probably be hurt in the sales department as well. Do these execs not actually look at the long term effects of their poorly chosen actions ? Execs are used as scape goats and when bad decisions like this have been made, they should probably start looking for another place of employment.

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@aross2004: I think he is just trying to say that more fans of JRPG type games tend to gravitate towards Playstation, as they have had a longer history of having JRPGs on their platform. Its not that there are not fans of them on Xbox, but that Playstation tends to get more JRPG exclusives and from my experience working in a gaming retail store in the past, many people choose their console based on exclusives typically.

I do not know much about asian gamers pertaining to their console choices, but I imagine choices might be made based on Playstation being a more 'local' type company than Xbox. I know in general in life, I prefer to buy local products over imported products, and I imagine there are many people like that. Everyone to their own really.