eastcoasteric's forum posts

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#1 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts


The TC is 100% correct.And the suspensions??? DONT GET ME STARTED ON THEM. Half of the time they suspend someone by something that they misinterpreted. And ALMOST ALL of the suspensions are nitpicky, its like "who cares, its only the internet". They also have threatened to suspend and ban people even if they only commented on topics that they deem offensive!!!!! One time, they suspended me for something that a said from a whole week before they suspended me!!!!!!

But this topic probably will be locked, due to the fact that they have a terms of service that is INFINITELY bendable.


Funny...You don't have any suspensions on THIS account...

lol. This is exactly what I was talking about.

Aren't you a MOD?

Why don't you do your job and MODERATE the boards instead of poking and picking apart what people are saying, he could be referring to a general experience.
That seemed almost like a blatant F U to him, pretty rude for someone who works for gamespot.

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#2 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts



Bringing us to the PG-13 rating.

My point is proven.

The fourms should be for logged in member's only then , that means to VIEW.

And have one community "general audiences" board if people want to see what the boards are like on here before joining.

So there for in law and retrospect it's all a hypocritical pile of ****!

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#3 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

The TC is 100% correct. And the suspensions??? DONT GET ME STARTED ON THEM. Half of the time they suspend someone by something that they misinterpreted. And ALMOST ALL of the suspensions are nitpicky, its like "who cares, its only the internet". They also have threatened to suspend and ban people even if they only commented on topics that they deem offensive!!!!! One time, they suspended me for something that a said from a whole week before they suspended me!!!!!!

But this topic probably will be locked, due to the fact that the Mods are backed by a terms of service that is INFINITELY bendable.


Yeah it just seems like over time it's gotten more and more strict I had my account suspended one time ( on a older account ) for simply picking on a MOD ( nothing offensive or hateful ) and calling him out for being a bit of a jerk to some people...he got butt hurt and had my account suspended. complete pile of dog crap that is.

But I remember the site years and years ago when swearing was no big deal, I guess that is what happens when your favorite game site sells out over time ( hopefully I don't get in trouble for that! )

And people are dissecting the word cla$$ when I said cla$$ic , there is a difference, there are more letters in the WORD that end off the SS part of it.
So you're telling me they should censor words like baseballs? Because it has the word Balls in it?
Or how about Dickinson because it has the word...well you know.

I could sit here all day and list words and go back and forth or be one of the trolls that is still going on about the word Cla$$ ( a MAIN word when talking about games in general ... if it's talking about a character cla$$ ,weapon etc ) I don't know why they are dissecting what i'm saying to favor what THEY'RE saying???!
I made a general statement showing a example and I backed up my statement saying this has happened many times with DIFFERENT words , random words that you wouldn't even guess... I mean geesh they might as well make this a "G" rated site and we might as well start reviewing children's games and Disney games only.

It's not ok to say a word like "damn" or "a$$" (which is what is normally said on cable television or in PG movies!!! SOMETIMES EVEN G ) but Gamespot can show pictures of women having next to nothing on and pictures of dismemberment?
I mean we might as well sensor everything on here if freedom of speech ( respectably speaking ) isn't allowed!
But that would mean game content would be down there for ratings would be down there for they wouldn't be making money so that's a no no, but if I want to say the word Cla$$ic , I should be shunned by poor programming and censor ship on a video game site that shows "M" rated pictures? Or video? OH wait their way of justifying that is by putting in your birthday, please a handicap 5 year old can scroll down to a random number and hit OK.

Maybe we should make the boards 16+ only and have separate boards for everyone under the age of 16 so people can speak their mind's about certain topics without having to be afraid of the "man" coming down on them and E-GROUNDING them from the website, it's rather childish.
Infact this whole topic is childish and i'm sure i'll get something for this and make account will receive a loss of "points" yeah the fake ones that are your account that decide what RANK you have on a fourm ( like it really matters in real life people ) or my account will get suspended , so if you're the Moderator reading this and about to click your action button ask yourself this.........are you really a gamer? A gamer is someone who NEEDS the basic right of freedom of speech, without it we would be playing nothing but Bible Games or MCkids for the rest of our lives.
It's a issue of respect for the consumer,the gamer and our constituional right. IT'S EVERYONE'S RIGHT.

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#4 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

and some people have even said that the Wii verison is EASIER...I just don't see that

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#5 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts


I don't know, I'm playing a 51' LCD flatscreen and it just doesn't look as "smooth" as the gamecube verison...of course the two Zelda games looked different in my eyes too.
It just seems more jagged in the Wii verison then the Gamecube verison.
But far as difficulty , I think it's much harder controling the character but not AIMING...now it takes real skill to play the game ( in a sense ) vs just using your two thumbs.
Fleeing from the enemy is more of a task, though a fun task, then it was on the gamecube controler of being able to just simply "turn around" I wish they re-did the other Resident Evil games like this , it would be fun to replay them with the Wiis controls.

Props to Capcom for re-releasing this game and giving a solid title to the Wiis library of games because personally I think the Wii only has a few solid games most of it is too "dumbed" down or casual for the normal gamer or hardcore gamer out there.

I think of thing's like this and I pray that the face of video games doesnt turn into a butt load of "family" friendly titles where it's "easy" to play the game for anyone.
Then the real face of videogames as we know it, is dead forever.
But thanks to little gems like this that keep popping out onto the Wiis list of games, hopefully there will be hope for the future! haha


You can do the quick-turn in this version as well.

Yeah i'm mighty glad they kept that, I noticed that shortly off the bat.
I'm just saying fleeing from enemies or dodging seem's to require a hefty amount more of skill then just moving a analog stick, it's the boss fights where it get's pretty darn tricky, though like I said it's not a complaint, it's a good thing...I though the game was rather easy to begin with when I first picked it up on the GC

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#6 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

Yeah maybe the word Clas$$ but Cla$$ic?
Come on.

And no that's not my only word I was complaining about, this has happened a few other times, I'm talking about my most recently problem, other weird words have come up also.
It was just a example.

Poor programming. It's kind of lame esp seeing when I want to right in the legacy platforms section the word Cla$$ic is such a common word in it, If I run into a few more i'll be sure to post them on here

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#7 eastcoasteric
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Boderlands is good too but you could burn through that game in a week if you REALLY want to

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#8 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I'm blatantly not going to read a novel while I'm on the forums so I'm gonna suggest games and hopefully you haven't got them. Demon's Souls. Modern Warfare 2. FIFA 10. Dragon Age: Origins. Fallout 3. Oblivion. Uncharted 2. SOCOM: Confrontation. Bioshock.Adziboy

Bioshock 100+ hours?

What are you smoking man??

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#9 eastcoasteric
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MAC DIES?!!!!! haha

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#10 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I've been having problems with the site lately...i've been coming to this website since it was just videogames.com ( yeah %90 of you on here don't even know what that was ) and I never really had a account, one a few years back but I forgot the login information, I normally just check reviews,news and sometimes the fourms.
I made a account to start blabbing my thought's in the fourms recently and it seem's gamespot has gotten so over the top about their censorship that I can't even spell words out like C-L-A-S-S-I-C(this is only way it will let me spell it out) and I trouble with another world eariler too that was CERTIANLY not a swear word.

I don't know if the mod's or anyone can help fix this situation but this is a little over the top now, anyone else having problems like this as of late?