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#1 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I have a tie up between 4 of them.

The Simpson's / X-Men ( the one where you could play as nightcrawler ) / House Of The Dead 2 and the Ms.Pac Man and Galaga machine.

I remember going to the Boys and Girls club when I was younger with my old school gameboy ( when it was cool to have the spinach screen one, before the pocket came out ) and rolling down to the play room downstairs where they had the xmen and simpsons arcades, man...me and my friends would spend so many quaters on that machine, drinking mellow yellow and trying to get to the end of the game.

I still love arcades , when I go to visit my family in New Hampshire they live a hour away from Hampton Beach so I get pumped because my wife wants to go to the beach and lay out while my nerdy ***(censorship) goes right to the huge arcade they amazingly still have there, I bring at least 50 bucks with me and go all out for the whole day , this place still gets new machines from here and there so it's pretty rad and they keep and maintain all the orignal ones.

If I had the money I would open a arcade here in Syracuse where I live now, I think there need's to be more of them...it seem's like everywhere I go there isn't many youth centers or anywhere to keep kids busy or keep their minds busy so they stay out of trouble...but then again if I had a violent game some idiot politician or parent would come in and blame because their kid got to shoot the head off a mindless dead zombie with a look a like gun and how offended they are...here's my tip...stop watching Fox News and stop being so paranoid...let your kid live life now (with positive RULES of course, there is a difference between negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement and you can set rules and respectable standards for your kid this doesn't mean *hey little Johnny go try every drug out there and do everything that your friends are doing and don't worry about getting in trouble!*) so by the time they are 18 and released into the wild all on their own they aren't overwhelmed by all the downs of man around us in society like most kids who are sheltered are for so long...they were always told no or don't look...they turned 18 went to college and now the are high on cocaine,drinking everyday and having sex with everything that moves and on a downward spiral of addiction and failure all because this is so new to them and hey...they are only 18...they'll get over it...some kid's are more naive then other's and never see the wrong in this and those are the people in society that corrupt us.
Not the kid who goes into a arcade to have some fun and shoot a zombie in the head with a pink plastic gun.

p.s. sorry for all the bad spelling, i'm in a rush.

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#2 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

P.S. looking around on craigslist or yardsales are the best way to get old game related goodies for cheap, if you go to a educated pawn or game store or ebay you're going to pay sell price...but if you do some hunting you can find some sucker that is willing to get rid of good stuff for next to nothing

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#3 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

Out of all the older systemsI have onlyownedthe NES, Genesis, and PSX so it is an understatement that I missed out on a lot of great games from the past. Where should I start? Which system is a good starting point and which games? Thanks for any help.


Hey man retro gaming isn't just NES,Genesis and the PSX.

You are forgetting about the TRUE retro systems such as the Atari 2600 or just the Pong home arcade.
Or about some other old school consoles such as the 3DO ( come on Night trap was amazing along with a list of a few other great titles ) , Sega Master System, Virtual Boy , Dreamcast , Phillips CDI or the Neo Geo.

You can't be a retro gamer without being INFORMED of the history man! Gotta know your roots

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#4 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I don't know, I'm playing a 51' LCD flatscreen and it just doesn't look as "smooth" as the gamecube verison...of course the two Zelda games looked different in my eyes too.
It just seems more jagged in the Wii verison then the Gamecube verison.
But far as difficulty , I think it's much harder controling the character but not AIMING...now it takes real skill to play the game ( in a sense ) vs just using your two thumbs.
Fleeing from the enemy is more of a task, though a fun task, then it was on the gamecube controler of being able to just simply "turn around" I wish they re-did the other Resident Evil games like this , it would be fun to replay them with the Wiis controls.

Props to Capcom for re-releasing this game and giving a solid title to the Wiis library of games because personally I think the Wii only has a few solid games most of it is too "dumbed" down or casual for the normal gamer or hardcore gamer out there.

I think of thing's like this and I pray that the face of video games doesnt turn into a butt load of "family" friendly titles where it's "easy" to play the game for anyone.
Then the real face of videogames as we know it, is dead forever.
But thanks to little gems like this that keep popping out onto the Wiis list of games, hopefully there will be hope for the future! haha

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#5 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

I think the sound and the graphics took a blow here on the Wii verison...it seemed that the audio was more "thicker" sounding and the graphics weren't as grainy looking as they are on the Wii

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#6 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

Does it look exactly the same or does the Gamecube verison look better?

And does the Wii verison have anything new or "extra" in it, I just picked this up and I'm starting to play it, I forgot how good this game was and how inferior RE5 is compared to it!
It's also fun how harder the game is playing it with the Wii controler, which is fun in my opinion.

Sorry if this needs to be in Legacy or Console Wars?

I think this is a correct place to post it!

Thanks everyone!

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#7 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

When I was growing up I never really cared for Castlevania.
A few years ago I picked up the first one again in it's orignal package and gave it a shot again and boy was I inlove.
I picked up the 2nd , 2 day's later after I beat the first...I didn't really care for that one.
I've been looking for the 3rd (which I hear is the best) for a long time on a NES cartridge..I have yet to play this one, I'm almost tempted to buy it on my Wii just to play it

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#8 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

meh I like keeping my normal PC in my room and keeping the consoles out in the living room

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#9 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

oh and because I can

- Fable II
- Borderlands
- Left 4 Dead
- Halo Wars

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#10 eastcoasteric
Member since 2008 • 57 Posts

- Fallout 3
- Resident Evil 5
- Elder Scrolls :Oblivion
- Call Of Duty: MW
- Lost Planet
- Call Of Duty 2
- Skate 2
- Gears Of War 2
- Halo 3
- Bioshock