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#1 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Ich bin denken, I blame the consumers for this. If people would act like capitalistic consumers and speak with their wallets this kind of crap wouldn't happen. The fault all lies with the consumer. If a company has no money they can do nothing, or they will change their product so it sells again. They get money from us.

The storage war watchers and facebook fools who speak only in memes are the fools that give companies power to do dumb crap like block used games.

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#2 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Hmm a little tangent here, but I remember reading an article that said men typically do worse on tests if they are told before taking the test they will be bad at it. They believe the person who said it and it affects their mental state while taking the test. If you believe you suck at a game you will suck at the game. If your friends tell you, you suck at a game tell them to stfu and stop being negative. If you yourself are telling yourself you will suck at something then how will you ever succeed?

I'm learning german and I just walk around and talk to myself in german and stuff; don't be afraid. I'm sure my grammar is terrible, and a native german speaker would probably say you spreche bad deutsch. Then I'd say you speak bad english. It's all relative if anyone says you suck at something then they also suck at something. Be positive.

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#3 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Realistic blood certainly does not go to any console or console port that uses blood that is animated like the blood is in a zero g environment and clings together. My opinion is blood like in this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZik7WgX0CQ looks better. I think the blood we got used to in games is consoles not having enough ram and/or gpu power and having to use cheap tricks like hdr lighting to try to make it realistic. My tv shows blood perfect in movies yet in games it looks like scheiße. This is purely my opinion but I think blood looked better in games before stuff like fear 2 came out. I still prefer the blood in pc games or at least pc games first and then ported to console later. Hopefully this will change with ps4 and xbox one.

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#4 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Because some other game comes out the other stops being fun or something.

Who eats hot dogs when hamburgers exist. Clearly hamburgers are better.

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#5 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


If bf4 still uses an internet browser for launching pc games I hope no one buys it. If cod ghosts still uses stupid perks and other shenanigans I hope both sell null. Give me ut2k4 with a present day game engine.


The internet browser worked perfectly... whats the problem exactly?

Yes and high fructose cornsyrup works great in place of suguar. That's what I would say if I owned a corn farm.

With all the stupid addons and junk people's browsers are filled with these days no it does not work perfekt for everyone. To rely on a program that has so many variables based upon what crap people have installed is not smart. Run it from inside the game where the developer has control of how the game launches. I'm sure they were trying to do it for some stats based nonsense and it caused tons of tech support headaches for them from morons with spyware on their pc.

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#6 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


Have facts to back up your "Unlike Sony" comment? Also don't developers often times redo games they made? Sony simply offers them for sale on their market place. What you're saying is like bashing Audi because one of their dealerships sells a used car from a manufacturer you don't like.


I'm talking about their dumbass HD collections where they literally just take a PS2 game, update the resolution and sell it to you for 40 bucks. And people buy them too, why else would they make so many?

Pretty direct language there. Don't be harsh. All developers are guilty of a quick buck. Blame the consumers for purchasing stuff like that. If it didn't sell it wouldn't be made. Both sides are guilty of it,

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#7 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


[QUOTE="ShoulderOfOrion"]Funny how cows were saying MS was gonna drop support for the 360 once the next console was announced. ShoulderOfOrion

have fun with your rehash in hd..:lol:

This is a remake with completely reworked graphics, improvements to the user interface, loading times, controls, and save system. Also included is SmartGlass support and leaderboards. Unlike Sony where they just take the game and uprez it Microsoft actually puts effort into this sort of thing.

Have facts to back up your "Unlike Sony" comment? Also don't developers often times redo games they made? Sony simply offers them for sale on their market place. What you're saying is like bashing Audi because one of their dealerships sells a used car from a manufacturer you don't like.

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#8 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Get out of the way of prgression people.

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#9 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

If bf4 still uses an internet browser for launching pc games I hope no one buys it. If cod ghosts still uses stupid perks and other shenanigans I hope both sell null. Give me ut2k4 with a present day game engine.

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#10 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Jesus Personen. The ps4 looks more promising but don't be naive. When software is new it doesn't always run that great. Software can be improved. The UI in both the xbox and the ps3 has improved by leaps and bounds since the two consoles came out. I swear there is something that deletes the memory of the "typical" USA population every few years they seem to forget the past so easily. I believe it is brand loyalty.