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#1 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

1. Dark Souls

2. Mass Effect 2

3. Metal Gear Solid 4

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#2 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Nicht that groß of a deal imo.

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#3 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


Good video but we all know this stuff already.


Disagree. Just because you've heard it before, doesn't mean people know it. Knowing something, it becomes a part of you, and how u live. look at all the posters here who really hate or believe in a company here. They all deny it, or say its just for lulz but its true for them.

Dieses ist true. Sometimes having something formed together reaches people even those who may have already known.

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#5 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

All the other bs aside that is one good thing. If you get banned it means you're a POS or a cheater.

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#6 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Instead of slinging crap back and forth about how well a midrange pc can run crysis why don't you guys go read an article written by people who have already done just that. http://www.hardocp.com/article/2013/03/12/crysis_3_video_card_performance_iq_review/1 . It's a site by people who are paid to test stuff like that out so it's probably pretty accurate.

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#7 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

The ui looks good, but I agree about the overly used social integration garbage. I guess that is what the consumers want, but to put it in context. It seems as though gamers have turned into women. Updating your status or whatever every time you get an achievement or something in a game is like a women telling her friends every time she buys a new pair of shoes.

If I told my car buddies every single time I bought a new mod for my car or did something in my car they'd call me a fgt and tell me to go buy a man purse.

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#8 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts

Don't directly compare things to the US when we typically only have 1 year warranties, less taxes, and consumer protections. When you have more taxes and more consumer protections that must be subsidsized somehow. If you are in an EU country read here http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/index_en.htm , http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/shopping-abroad/vat/index_en.htm , http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/shopping-abroad/repairs-replacements-refunds/index_en.htm , http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/shopping/shopping-abroad/price-discrimination/index_en.htm .

I would pay more for some of those consumer protections. Instead we have junk here like if you do not register within 30 days your warranty can be shortened. Some states such as California do not allow registration for warranty extensions, however some states allow it. While I am not European and I am assuming you are isn't there some sort of government agency in your country you can direct that question to? For instance I could call our FTC here and ask questions about stuff like this for the US.

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#9 Exxite
Member since 2009 • 171 Posts


I thought they already decided they were going to do this right after e3? I heard there were going to be ofline codes, or was that just a rumor and now there doing it? I'm confused.


Why not just get rid of it all together? If MS wants to do this, just have registration codes for games and be done with it. What is the point of checking online once every 24 hours?

Piracy. Used game measures. Making sure if you went to a friends house and returned home, things are straight. They feel they lost profits on Xbox 360, so they imagine a world where the Xbone sells as much as the 360, but this time with super anti consumer measures.

The problem is they can't sell as many Xbones as 360s because they are cutting off half of the 360 users that are offline. Those offline legit consumers won't be buying an Xbone because they can't use it. It's not that they aren't fans of Halo, they just simply aren't online, have spotty online, or don't want their children online.

These greedy suits see what they lost in profits on the 360 market when they should be looking at how much they gained with the 360.

They of course, will also lose sales due to the negativity with consumers that are able to buy their broadband only, anti consumer designed machine, but simply choose not to support such a device. They have the means, but won't support it on princible.

So, you have the 'Haves' and the 'Have nots'. The 'have nots' can't even buy it, and if they do they will return it back to walmart. These 'have nots' are Xbox fans, but they have been removed from that market. The previous Xbox fan 'haves' will make a choice on Wii U, PS4, and Xb one. Yes, there are some fans that just remain loyal, no matter what. The loyals will stay loyal, but others will move on due to their strong principles. The Xbox 360 gained many PS2 fans, and now those 360 fans that were PS2 or GC fans will have a choice to make come this holiday season.

That's the mistake these Suits have made, they underestimated the consumer...or they feel billions in marketing can overcome any slight.

It's a shame that a neat machine is being gimped by too corporate greed. We see greed all the time sure, it's a business, but they may have bit off more than they can chew. We'll see soon enough.

I agree gree with this. However I am a fan of what you can and cannot afford. Shit I just gout back from laughlin, NV a few days ago only playing a few days ago because of the gamling,

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#10 Exxite
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[QUOTE="Lulekani"] Skills are not learned from repition, they maybe perfected from repition but they definately aren't learned that way, its like what that guy on Revolver said: The only way to get better is by Playing and Beating a better opponent. Its usualy games with RPG Elements that fool people into thinking they can improve their skills by do the same thing over and over again the exact same way, thats the kind of philosophy that gets you killed in MOBAs and Competive Multiplayer games. Do not Repeat, Fail, then Fail better next time. It doesn't work in single player games though because changing the difficulty just changes the stats, its hard to make difficulty "smarter" so they just take the "Brute Force" appoach.Lulekani

You said this knowing you're wrong, but I'll bite. When you want to remember something I'm sure you repeat the "whatever" many times over in your head. Is that not repetition? When I listen to a german tape/mp3 and learn a new phrase/words that day I walk around all day speaking that word and using it in context. I listen to it in my car and I'll sometimes even have freaking dreams speaking it.

Why do you think when they teach serious language immersion they completely block any and all of your own language. Repetition my ill-informed friend.

I disagree, look, At my high school we had the same pattern, we even had alil debate which subjects require actualy learning and which require just memorising. In terms of learning I learned Latin languages, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese use simular methods of determining what happens to a verb when you tense it, who maybe using it, and plurals. But I already learned the word, I just had too memorise it if I wanted to keep using it learning what how to tense it is much easy then memorising the actualy tenses themselves, I learned alil Spanish two years ago but I complete forgot all the words, but I remember all the "Formulas" without repition, and I think thats better than memorising something, you gotta understand how it works 1st. Okay Language isn't my strong suit. Lets take math, You can learn 2 X 43 = 86 and repeat so that you never forget, but as soon as I hit you with a 2 X 86 then you are screwed because you didn't memorise that, its better to get an understand of how Multiplication works that way you don't have to memorise, and thats where my lil philosophy comes into play: The only way you can Become a better multiplyer is by multiplying Harder Numbers, no repition what so ever, Repition takes up too much space.


My intention is to make others learn. If you interpret my critcism as to make you learn I welcome that. Infact I have some michel thomas mp3s and pimsleur mp3s. I can send you. Michel Thomas is great for german. In USA about 1/4 speak a 2nd language so either you're lying or you go to one of the few schools who actually teach their students. Since the internet is filled with trolls I'm more than likely sure you're a piece of troll Scheiße.