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#1 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

I understand they didn't want Xbox2 to sound weaker than PS3.. But really? 360? The message isn't even clear, they gave some crazy reason why it's called 360. So dumb. I would have liked it better if they called it the Y Box. Or Z Box. Even BetterBox is easier to hear.

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#2 tweezer-bum
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Thoughts? It's nothing new, considering Tribes has done jetpacks. I'm wondering how often they'll be deployed in Halo multiplayer. There was a scene where a whole team had jetpacks.

Not too sure how I feel about it. It seems like it's only going to add to the excessive mayhem.

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#3 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts
Gmaeplay is number 1 but lets face it ur 360 owners are jealousPSP107
You know... When all I had was a 360 first, I quickly became jealous of PS3 owners having little big planet. So what did i do? I saved up a small amount of cash between three paychecks, then I bought a PS3 and little big planet. Then I quickly became jealous over how Wii owners had Brawl and Zelda, and had a lot of games using the new Wii-mote... And so I saved up cash in the same way, and bought it and a few games. So no.. I'm not jealous over anything anymore at all. If its anything I feel right now, it's sympathy for those who don't love gaming enough to eventually own more than one platform.
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#4 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

So if gameplay isfirst and graphics are third then what is second?

a bug & glitch free experience
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#5 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

Yup. I said it. Graphics aren't everything. When people argue over which game has better graphics, I always get a nice laugh out of it. There are games out there that are amazingly beautiful, yet contain bugs and glitches that break the game. Then there are games that are sub-par in the visual department, yet employ the most seamless, intuitive and engaging gaming experiences over their more beautiful competition.

In my possession I currently own a 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP and an iPhone. Yet to solidify the point I'm trying to make, I'm not even going to tell you which console I favor, or if I even favor any of those platforms at all. I've had my share of beautiful on the outside, ugly on the inside games, and I've had my share of beautiful on the inside, ugly on the outside games. Graphics are not important at all, and should never be the first priority in developing a game.

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#6 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

Honestly, I don't get why people say BFBC2 requires more thought and strategy. It's absolute BULL. I DEFINITELY appreciate the change of pace and approach to battle... But that's exactly my point. It's a much slower paced experience. It makes it easy for everybody.

MW2 required way more thought and careful strategy, and it required that you produce these things ON THE FLY as FAST AS YOU CAN (if you wanted to dominate the n00bs that don't understand how to move with the ebb and flow of combat). I'm actually not surprised that many people hate MW2, because it's those very same people that were absolutely horrid in the game. It's always the people on xbox live with 2 kills and 19 deaths that end up saying MW2 sucks. Go figure. I wonder why that is. These are the people that never UNDERSTOOD how to play the game. They ended up playing MW2 just the same way every other FPS plays, and that is exactly why they ended up sucking as bad as they do. They never got how imperative proper cover-usage is (running out in the open, in the middle of a street), they never figured out how to maneuver through areas properly (check, move, cover, check), and they never figured out how it wasn't campers faults, but their own inability and lack of knowledge over HOW to deal with campers.

Honestly, comparing Mw2 and BfBC2 is pretty much apples to oranges. You should all just stop debating this issue and play the game of your choice.

As for me... I'm sorry, all due respect to you BFBC2 fans, but I've been a counterstrike gamer since I was little, and Mw2 generally expands on that same experience I've grown up with.

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#7 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts
Absolutely, that's what I meant by knowing when NOT to move and knowing when you SHOULD. Usually after I've killed a few people from one spot, I'll quickly move to another spot to hole up in. I do this to prevent the ones that DO know how to counter camping from killing me, so I effectively keep them guessing where I'll attack from next.
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#8 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

Those that want to win, will camp. Except to them, they do not call it camping. The people that everyone hates and claims they camp also happen to be much smarter than others. They realize that if they carefully maneuver through routes, holding when movement is heard nearby, and waiting at intersections where targets are BOUND to show up, they pretty much effectively increase their chance of survival and decrease their opponents chances of killing them. Go figure. Here's a thought, too.... If one, two or three people you killed, come back to your location with the bizarre belief that maybe if they do the same thing two or three times over, they can eventually kill you, who's fault is it really that they're getting pwned over and over again by a "camper?" The easiest way to deal with a camper: Don't even go there. DUH. They'd be forced to come out if they want to score kills.

Truth be told, this is a combat simulation game. It's a videogame, of course, but it's a videogame simulating combat in some form or another. If you read the definition of combat, it's an event where two opposing forces engage in battle with the sole intent of coming out the winner. See, this is a game where two or even just ONE bullet can kill you. I don't know about you guys, but I want to win. When I want to win, I want to kill people before they kill me. Usually that means I'll have to be smarter than them. Being smart PROBABLY means NOT running around in the open like a chicken without its head. Being smart PROBABLY means NOT gunning down alleys making all sorts of noise to alert potential nearby hostiles. Being smart PROBABLY means NOT going back to the same spot a camper has effectively holed up in in the SAME manner and form over and over again. Here's a thought, if you in real life had a gun, and someone else had a gun and was trying to shoot YOU with it, would you be running out there stomping the floor with your leather boots so your enemy could hear you coming? Probably not. You would probably lay low, and move around REAL quietly, triple checking corners and your rear to hear or see anyone. That's the difference between life and death. "But, but.. This is a videogame, not real life." Yeah? Well let me translate it for you in VIDEOGAME terms, "That's the difference between win and fail." And what do we play videogames for? To fail? Or to win? Yeah. Thought so. If you want to win, suck it up and learn something you scrub. Blame your own inability to evolve with the ebb and flow of combat. Blame it on yourself for not knowing when to press an attack, hold, retreat, or feign a retreat only to snap back when others arrive to help. Blame it on yourself for not knowing how to outsmart a well positioned enemy. Blame it on yourself for not knowing when you SHOULD or SHOULDN'T move.

And what to do if you DO find an effective camper? Use the counters that Infinity Ward gave you, doofus. I have no problem with camping. Why? Because I swear to God my friends and I must be the ONLY ones smart enough to know how to swiftly deal with multiple campers, or a WHOLE entire team camping in one building. My team has a system. When our enemy is nutsack deep in a structure with seemingly no possible way in without being shot, we employ our "Shock and Awe" anti-camping strategy. One RPG each through two different windows, flashbangs and stuns through the entry to render claymores, C4 and waiting hostiles blind and useless, then two teammates (note this, not our whole team, it usually only takes TWO people) that are waiting for all the previous things to go in spring into action with either their preferred shotgun, tactical knife or SMG. Camping is a non issue for those that learn to stop crying and wetting their pants and start to realize we have all these great tools for a reason. To counter camping.

It doesn't even end in tools. There are even perks to counter camping. Sit-rep pro lets you hear campers from a mile away, and lets you see all their tactical inserts, claymores and C4s from the same distance THROUGH WALLS.

Honestly. If you hate camping so much, just go back to playing Halo. "Camping" is an integral part of battle, and if you can't evolve and find a way to counter it, or employ it for your own benefit, then you don't deserve to play Modern Warfare. If "Camping" is so bad, why the hell are there gametypes that promote it? (Headquarters, Search and Destroy, Demolition, Domination etc) Truth is, people that hate campers are just shallow team-death matchers that have no sense of OBJECTIVE and pretty much just think that all shooters should not involve an ounce of strategy and should all just be played the way Rambo would. Good one.

I commend the people that are accused of this "camping." Because it means they're intelligent and they've learned how to outsmart a vast majority of dumb scrubs that will never see the light of an official match. And if we ever got into a war and we had to fight? These "campers" are the ones I'd rather end up with than diaper wearing n00bs that cry foul over legitimate tactics.

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#9 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts

Any thoughts on this? With Nintendo, Sony, Xbox and Apple having their own versions of online stores, do you think just downloading games onto hard-drives will become the norm within the next decade?

What were to happen then? Would games become cheaper by eliminating the middle-man that resides in brick-and-mortar stores? Would it be more convenient this way? Would it improve piracy problems, or aggravate user-ownership rights?

Should video-game specific stores like Gamestop be worried?

I'm preferably more interested in hearing from the multi-system Gaming Lords who have been playing since around the 8-bit days.

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#10 tweezer-bum
Member since 2007 • 182 Posts
it isn't. The only thing that makes either the PS3 or XBOX better for YOU is if all the friends you care playing with have whichever console. I have both. They offer the same exact experiences.
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