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#1 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

dude he's fvkin Dracula! he's NOT a good guy! and i happen to love this concept, its something new for a change, we play the text book do goody hero in every game so its nice to play an evil badass every once in awhile.. lol kinda reminds me of the Riddick story in which evil is fought with a different kind of evil. ;)

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#2 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

if it were me and i had it to do over i'd wait it out for a bit m8, there just isn't anything worth a damn out right now. i wish like hell i had waited before blowing half a paycheck on my ps4 which has been sitting in a lonely corner collecting dust since purchased, makes a nice paper weight for my room but thats about it.. lol i had my hopes set on the new MGS but those hopes got crushed instantly by its 2 hour long COD campaign length, and Thief is about as interesting as Skyrim was on ps3 with all its glitchyness, hopefully they pick up the pace soon but right now i'm still gaming on my 360.

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#3 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts


@wiouds said:

@lumzi32 said:


how about this (borrowing from thief)

game doesn't have a story directly but it has hints of the main story in the game. (In thief like the scratches on the walls)

Where does the main story come from? comic book or maybe a download animation.

this allows for those interested in a story to have a RICHER and more in depth story experience then if its was forced on game play.

Why would this not work?


No, really. YUCK!

I counter that why have have wall scratches when you can have a rich and in depth story in the game itself. It is not as impossible as some like to make it sound, and having it well integrated into the game actually adds a great deal to the experience of playing the game (depending on the genre and implementation, of course). For example, The Witcher 2 without it's deep, choice driven and overall interactive story would just be a game about a guy running around slashing monsters. That might be fun for some, but to anyone wants to get lost in the game world and embody Geralt of Rivia, having the story of the game told through linear external sources would be a tremendous disappointment. Especially, when an in game narrative would be just as good, more fitting and having some unique gaming twists.


people like myself despite how hard it is to believe do not want story in our games.

we do not want cut scenes, we dont want forced conversations, forced puzzles.

why cant we both exist in the same game space?

also understand its not a matter of 'well if the stories where better'

no for me I do not want designer created stories in my games..peroid. no matter how good they are. I know they are there and I have to deal with it but I often just ignore it.

There are many that find the story improves the game play so much. Some even find they are more immerse into the game because of the story more than anything else like stereo-imaging goggles.

I do not believe that those back ground things like scratches on the wall as a part of the story. I do not even consider everything the players does as part of the story.

but there ANY other way a story can be told without interfering with my desired game play?

I am not suggesting to people that I am right in my desired game play nor am I suggesting that others should be robed of story. What I AM suggesting is to look at a way where both play styles can coexist without pissing each other off.



that will never happen unfortunately and the reason is because most online multi-fanatics are just way too selfish, they believe the entire gaming industry revolves around them and their beloved online mp, any time a new game dares to not implement this crap they go ape sh!t "which is why gaming completely and utterly sucks nowadays, because sadly their are a LOT of these spoiled brats". and as for people like me who grew up playing video games and was figuring out the best strategies for beating bosses when they were just a mess in their mommies pants, they are not only unimaginably annoying but truly hated because they are the reason people like me will have absolutely nothing to play in the next 3 to 4 years and thus will have to ultimately find a new hobby cause their excessive whining will soon cause devs to do away with story modes, single player, and every other trace of REAL video games completely till the only games that exist are these mindless interwebs penis measuring contests they call "online multiplayer".

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#4  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

@lumzi32 said:

@shangtsung7 said:

@lumzi32 said:

@shangtsung7 said:

video games have always had stories, all the way back to the atari days, its sad that the majority of todays gamers want to replace that with nothing but online death matches, six years ago this wouldn't have even been up for debate and people would have laughed at the very question. *sigh* change truly does suck sometimes..

Change? I will have you know that people have been playing online shooters and multiplayer games in general for years. Multiplayer has certainly been a part of my video gaming experience for as long as I remember (Street Fighter, Mario Kart etc). Even outside of video games, playing with other people has always been integral to the very idea of games. From a variety competitive sports, to board games like chess, competitive or cooperative multiplayer, is intrinsically a gaming thing.

What about story? This is something I have been thinking about. At the very least, it is something that is a natural part of video games. Having the ability to animate things, and produce realistic sounds, and render realistic worlds and display text, just screams that you could craft a story using those tools. You can't get away from it. It is almost as natural as people realizing that instead of just some completely abstract game concept, you could have a game where you fend off space invaders, drive around a track, or be an adventurer. If you can do that, then why not go on an epic quest to save your girlfriend, or the princess, or the world.

Of course, those kinds of stories usually have other characters as a necessity. Characters have relationships, goals and interests. And due to the existence of other mediums, you take inspiration and try to emulate. You emulate character types, plots and story genres. But while some things slot right in, other things, due to limited technology or some weaknesses of gaming, don't. So you come up with interesting ways of doing things or just attempt new things due opportunities provided by video gaming's uniqueness. At some point along the way, you start to wonder how you can match the story you are telling, and means you use to tell it, more congruously with the game design.

And so on and so forth.

Now while stories are a natural progression where video games are concerned, they don't necessarily mesh well with the game's mechanics or design. It might make sense for X to happen in a story, but that might not be fun to play. On the other hand, feature Y might be fun to play, but make zero sense where the story is concerned.

What was the argument again?

Right! Multiplayer vs story.

As we have seen multiplayer and story have a place in gaming. They are both important and both add to video gaming in various ways. In the case of storytelling, you can even find it out side of video gaming. Tabletop RPG's for instance.

And my larger pointis this: SHUT UP!

Gaming is a rich and diverse thing. If I see another thread made by some guy calling for the banishment or relegation of stories, or multiplayer, or FPS, or the entire 3rd person perspective, or JRPG's or WRPG's or whatever else, I will savagely curb stomp that mofo into the ground and use what little remains of their lower jaw as back scratcher. Let gaming be gaming and stop with all the attempts to narrow it down to your little preferences, mkay? Mkay!

1. online mp hasn't even been around but about 5 years tops so you're either trolling or you're delusional.

2. after reading your post its obvious you're just another butthurt COD online multinut who's throwing a temper tantrum cause somebodies picking on your precious online multiplayer by bringing up such a question, "upsetting your comfort zone" thanks for proving my point about you guys btw.

3. coming onto a thread, telling everyone to shut up, and threatening doesn't make you look tough it just further displays to everybody what you are, an immature brat with way too much time on your hands who sits online all day long eating cheese puffs with a controller in his hands tapping buttons on the same mindless death match repetitiveness in an endless attempt to inflate your ego. my advice- grow up.

1. *stunned* Really!? Five years? You really think online multiplayer has only been around for FIVE YEARS!?

Tell me. Ever hear of Quake? Or Counter Strike? Or even Unreal Tournament?

2. I am hardly a Call of Duty nut. I have played a little bit of the older ones (as well as COD4) but I have very rarely played them online. Anyway, I do like multiplayer, but I like most gaming genres so I don't see your argument. And my posts in this thread have hardly been rude. Go back and read them again. Even the one talking to you directly wasn't rude for the most part. The last bit was, but it wasn't aimed at just you. It was aimed at stupid people everywhere. I am sure that even a guy like you (this is me being rude) can appreciate the sentiment of the last post or at least recognize that it is talking about more than just multiplayer.

3. Also, I wasn't threatening. I was joking. The fact that you took it seriously shows that you are the one who is immature (that and throwing assumptions about all over the place). But since we have entered the casting aspersions phase of this discussion, I might as well. You are a snobby, immature brat, who makes grand sweeping statements about people he doesn't know and things he's likely never experienced. You also seem to be incapable of basic reading comprehension, or at the very least have the mega ability to hone in on tiny parts of a persons statement and disregard the vast majority of what has been said. Finally, you need to brush up on your basic gaming history, as it is embarrassingly lacking (FIVE YEARS!?).

you're confusing console with pc, obviously online mp has been around for ages on pc, but it didn't take off on consoles till all the COD trash hit the scene, there was however one device i recall that allowed it on snes way back in the day but it failed miserably cause it didn't work half the time, which is why most don't even remember it. and calm down son, no need to have an asthma attack over a simple misunderstanding.. lol

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#5  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

@The_Last_Ride said:

@Randolph said:

@The_Last_Ride said:

Who the hell is getting elected to do this in the US?

The people getting elected aren't the real problem. It's the uninformed poorly educated masses who ultimately decide our leadership.

Either way, it's scary

sad part is it'll only get worse, much worse.. real freedom hasn't existed in the US for about 20 years now and soon it'll be run by a dictatorship.

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#6  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

@BluRayHiDef said:

I think his fame and wealth are indicators of Humanity's preference for garbage over quality. Think of the most successful singers (e.g. Katy Perry, Ke$ha, etc); they all suck and there are much better singers who can only dream of being as successful. Humans are stupid creatures. Stupid.

^^^ THIS and THIS.

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#7 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

LOL @ all the "he's good looking" comments.. you can't be serious, the goofy fruity bastard looks like a young drug addicted Jim Carrey, kinda resembles a grown up cabbage patch kid, his eye's constantly look like their about to bulge out of his skull which is downright creepy and the only reason he has that semi-hot gf is obviously cause of his money and youtube famous attention.

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#8 ShangTsung7
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@lumzi32 said:

@shangtsung7 said:

video games have always had stories, all the way back to the atari days, its sad that the majority of todays gamers want to replace that with nothing but online death matches, six years ago this wouldn't have even been up for debate and people would have laughed at the very question. *sigh* change truly does suck sometimes..

Change? I will have you know that people have been playing online shooters and multiplayer games in general for years. Multiplayer has certainly been a part of my video gaming experience for as long as I remember (Street Fighter, Mario Kart etc). Even outside of video games, playing with other people has always been integral to the very idea of games. From a variety competitive sports, to board games like chess, competitive or cooperative multiplayer, is intrinsically a gaming thing.

What about story? This is something I have been thinking about. At the very least, it is something that is a natural part of video games. Having the ability to animate things, and produce realistic sounds, and render realistic worlds and display text, just screams that you could craft a story using those tools. You can't get away from it. It is almost as natural as people realizing that instead of just some completely abstract game concept, you could have a game where you fend off space invaders, drive around a track, or be an adventurer. If you can do that, then why not go on an epic quest to save your girlfriend, or the princess, or the world.

Of course, those kinds of stories usually have other characters as a necessity. Characters have relationships, goals and interests. And due to the existence of other mediums, you take inspiration and try to emulate. You emulate character types, plots and story genres. But while some things slot right in, other things, due to limited technology or some weaknesses of gaming, don't. So you come up with interesting ways of doing things or just attempt new things due opportunities provided by video gaming's uniqueness. At some point along the way, you start to wonder how you can match the story you are telling, and means you use to tell it, more congruously with the game design.

And so on and so forth.

Now while stories are a natural progression where video games are concerned, they don't necessarily mesh well with the game's mechanics or design. It might make sense for X to happen in a story, but that might not be fun to play. On the other hand, feature Y might be fun to play, but make zero sense where the story is concerned.

What was the argument again?

Right! Multiplayer vs story.

As we have seen multiplayer and story have a place in gaming. They are both important and both add to video gaming in various ways. In the case of storytelling, you can even find it out side of video gaming. Tabletop RPG's for instance.

And my larger pointis this: SHUT UP!

Gaming is a rich and diverse thing. If I see another thread made by some guy calling for the banishment or relegation of stories, or multiplayer, or FPS, or the entire 3rd person perspective, or JRPG's or WRPG's or whatever else, I will savagely curb stomp that mofo into the ground and use what little remains of their lower jaw as back scratcher. Let gaming be gaming and stop with all the attempts to narrow it down to your little preferences, mkay? Mkay!

1. online mp hasn't even been around but about 5 years tops so you're either trolling or you're delusional.

2. after reading your post its obvious you're just another butthurt COD online multinut who's throwing a temper tantrum cause somebodies picking on your precious online multiplayer by bringing up such a question, "upsetting your comfort zone" thanks for proving my point about you guys btw.

3. coming onto a thread, telling everyone to shut up, and threatening doesn't make you look tough it just further displays to everybody what you are, an immature brat with way too much time on your hands who sits online all day long eating cheese puffs with a controller in his hands tapping buttons on the same mindless death match repetitiveness in an endless attempt to inflate your ego. my advice- grow up.

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#9 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

video games have always had stories, all the way back to the atari days, its sad that the majority of todays gamers want to replace that with nothing but online death matches, six years ago this wouldn't have even been up for debate and people would have laughed at the very question. *sigh* change truly does suck sometimes..

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#10  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

i try and savor the sights, graphics, and gameplay of every game i buy. why wouldn't you? if you just speed run through it you're wasting your money imo.