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#2 ShangTsung7
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@bowchicka07 said:

@megam: Borderland 2 actually rewards you the more you play it as with most games of course but here it is not so obvious.

Later in game it is more defined on what gun stats and characteristics are better and your character progression ties everything in better.

Not for everyone though but for more often than not it's not given a fair chance by the naysayers.

so very true.

it took me awhile to get into BL2 and at first i found it nothing like the original and thought it incredibly boring, but once i learned how it worked it was a freakin masterpiece! one of the funnest games i've played in years.

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#3 ShangTsung7
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well written m8 and i agree completely on a lot of points made.

should online multiplayer only games be encouraged? hell no! will they? unfortunately yes, cause there are way too many selfish online multiaddict jerks who believe everyone should conform to "their" particular preferred method of gaming. its the old adage sadly that in the end stupid people will ALWAYS ruin everything for EVERYONE, you get a group of immature spoiled brats of one fanbase together and once they learn they're the majority they're no longer willing to compromise, why? because they know they don't have too, its the nature of the beast. i personally get so disgusted at online mp nowadays that i get annoyed just hearing about it, seriously its gotten that bad, just cause of the sheer unfairness of it! even on internet websites the online mp community clearly has the power, example- since i joined this site a month ago i've had several posts deleted for speaking out against the online multi-trend, however not one post insulting me, insulting sp gamers in general, or insulting sp as a whole has been deleted, and it isn't just on this site, thats common on every game forum, and its probably why most sp gamers rarely protest about all this multicrap, they know it wouldn't do any good anyway, just get them trolled or their post deleted.

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#4 ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

@Jacanuk said:

@turtlethetaffer said:

@shangtsung7 said:

@cooolio said:
@Jacanuk said:

@turtlethetaffer said:

@Jacanuk said:

@turtlethetaffer said:

I'm not terribly certain what more they could do as far as expanding the gameplay goes. AC was pretty much the ultimate realization of what Rocksteady set out to do.

What a crazy and sad statement to come with.

No game is so perfect it can't be improved, and what a sad gaming world we would have if people in the industry actually ran around thinking that. Infact if you ever sit down and think anything is perfect you might as well be dead. And AC certainly wasn't that perfect, in fact it was broken in not so few places and for people who play games for the story, it was a weak halfdone story that was just lacking a lot of what made AA so great. Particular the boss battles in AA was a area where it was better than AC´s

My point was that it improved so much on AA that it's very difficult to see where they cam vastly improve the next game. I did not say the game was perfect because I'm not a moron who thinks that things made by humans an be perfect. Obviously there's room for improvement in small places, but my point is that AC blew AA away in terms of gameplay; it smoothed out combat, gave Batman a lot more tools and improved the AA formula with its side quests and more open environment. Didn't people widely pan Origins simply because it wasn't a big improvement over AC? Sure there were story and balance issues but the biggest criticism I have seen about Origins is that it didn't change or improve much over City.

There's no need for the condescending tone, either :/

Neither story in the games were that great, and the boss battles in AA really were not that good to begin with. Honestly, the bosses in AA and AC are basically on the same level for different reasons. Sure, AA was a tad more focused, but the fact is that there's not that much to do in the game world outside the story and the combat is clunky as hell when compared to AC.

I'm not saying either game is perfect. Yes, there's room for improvement in AC. My point is that it likely won't be as well received because the enxt Arkham game likely won't be a huge step up from AC unless they go for something completely and totally different.

Again i can only disagree, AC was for me a step back and where i got into AA pretty quick, i had to force myself to play AC to the end, it was just terrible and the miniature open world was bad imo.

But its also about the age old debate "gameplay vs story" and i play games for the story, so there are plenty of areas that could be improved in a future game

I played Arkham CIty and saw a walkthrough of Asylum. I have to disagree on AC being terrible. Asylum set up was unique, but the whole thing with Joker wanting an army of monsters was a plot was not done in a way that really differentiated itself from other villainous plots of the same concept. Arkham City's story also benefited from the side missions and extra stories unlocked in the menu by riddles. I can see how Asylum would be more focused compared to City which had 3 villain with master plans as opposed to one, but that is all subjective.

not to mention AC actually had an open world to explore as opposed to just a hospital you got in AA, and while the sandbox in AC was rather small at least it was something, the side missions helped a lot too although i hated how they could not be completed without further progressing the main story. also AA was stupidly short! so short that it felt more like a dlc than a complete game, of course AO was even shorter but that was due to an online mode being added, AA had NO excuse for being so short.

Glad to see that some folks agree with me. AC is pretty much objectively better than AA in terms of mechanics, at the very least. And sure AA was more focused in its story, but that was basically the only advantage it has over City. The combat in AA is clunky, the bosses are meh and there isn't very much to do once you beat the game aside from the Riddler challenges and challenge maps. In City, there were plenty of side quests and expanded challenges and actual enemies on the map. In Asylum, there are literally NO enemies on the map once you beat the game. It was pathetic, really. AC was a gigantic step up from Asylum in most ways.

You know just because you use "objectively" it doesn't change the fact that you are talking subjective here, yes in your mind AC is better than AA but i disagree, where i with ease could play AA through to the end , again i had to force myself to play AC to the end, and you can be sure it wasn't 100%

But its all subjective and luckily Rocksteady didn´t sit back and think the same and a new batman hopefully better than AC is coming.

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#5  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts

@Jacanuk said:

@shangtsung7 said:

@ShadowsDemon said:
@shangtsung7 said:

@bowchicka07 said:

It was a good game 7.5/10 but just some easy fixes could have made it a perfect 10 IMO.

Stealth mechanics were severely rough around the edges, no double playthroughs, game kind of forcing you to stealth when most people want to kill here and there for some fun.

I also didn't like all the abilities on just one hand. Didn't feel immersed by the story and characters one bit. No meaningful dialogue, characters or plot at all.

Game play did make up for the latter though.

you do realize that you don't HAVE to play stealthy right? in fact crawling around like a mouse and avoiding every enemy makes for a very boring play through, i've beaten the game and dlc dozens of times by purposely alerting everyone, walking right up on groups like a boss, and slaughtering everything that moves! imo THATS how you play this game if you wanna fully enjoy the experience. ;)

I completely disagree. I played it that way and I really had a bad experience...maybe this was even the reason why I disliked it so much. Either way, I may give it another go...somewhere down the line.

But stealth is the way to go.

you and i are polar opposites on that opinion bro, i find stealth incredibly boring and will never understand you guys who obsess over it..

playing a game in a manner where you avoid everything interesting makes no sense, renders all weapon upgrades pointless, and its like drinking a cup of coffee without creme or sugar.. why would you do that? lol

I like black coffee so that might explain why i like stealth. :D

But i can tell you why i like stealth , its because it requires more skill then go all rambo, you have to think ahead and plan your moves and to few games uses the mechanism so its good when games like Dishonored and Thief comes out.

black coffee? ugh!! bitter..

and how is it not lack of skill on the part of stealth? you guys avoid all battles without even trying to win a fight! one could say thats a cowards tactic.. lol at least the way i play there is actually ass kickery involved, and no mistaking who the better man was, plus if i lose i have no excuses, while if you lose it likely means you just gave up as you stealth players usually reload a checkpoint every time you're spotted, which is just silly imo.. don't get me wrong tho m8, i'm not insulting you for it or anything, if thats how you like playing so be it, i wish i was that easily amused.. but don't knock me for preferring to play like the ultimate badass on these types of games. ;)

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#6 ShangTsung7
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@speedfreak48t5p said:

@shangtsung7 said:

couldn't possibly care less, dunno why so many people obsess over them. seems to me the only purpose they serve is for somebody with a huge ego to say "hey lookz at allz my cheevoz! how coolz am i!?" as for me, the only time i even hook net to my console is long enough to buy dlc then i hook it back to my computer, so they couldn't be more useless to me.. lol

You forgot to mention how online sucks and is ruining everything and insulting people who like multiplayer.

not sure what you're going on about m8 but you got it all wrong, i'm not on some crazy crusade to spread hatred to online mp in gaming and troll every COD fanboy i run into on the internet, i do however get very fed up with being trash talked, dissed, and insulted by every multinut gamer who gets butthurt at the very thought of someone preferring sp over online mp, you guys are quite easily offended, as you just proved by example- i didn't even mention online multiplayer in the post you replied to and you were all piss and vinegar.. lighten up bro.

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#7 ShangTsung7
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@Metamania well.. AO was doomed from the start if you ask me, an online mode added which guaranteed the length would suck "and c'mon! an online mp mode in a Batman game!? LMFAO! seriously why!?" and as for the story my goodness wth.. its like the devs weren't even trying! Alfred nearly being killed off! what the flyin fvk was that about!? and... a prequel!? seriously i'm starting to think prequels are just cheap lazy tricks game devs and movie producers use when they run out of ideas but wanna milk more profit, and the glitches OMFG! yea... don't even get me started on the glitches, AO took me longer to beat than either of the other two but the reason was cause glitches kept blocking the story from progressing! this was rage inducing and caused me to have to restart the whole game dozens of times! and when that wasn't happening it was freezing more than Skyrim for the ps3! you'd think they accidentally released the prototype version or something cause it was an unfinished game no doubt about it.. several times i considered taking it back to swap out for another thinking it was my particular disk till i read online about others experiencing the same damn bugs! yea that game was a catastrophe m8.

as for AC i really liked the story, obviously it wasn't nowhere near as good and detailed as AA's story but i thought it was very decent, i loved how Ra's Al Ghul played a huge part in the plot and i especially liked the Clayface fight in the end, it blew my mind when i saw him! that was some hardcore nostalgia right there! i wished Two Face had played a bigger role but it was still awesome.

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#9 ShangTsung7
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couldn't possibly care less, dunno why so many people obsess over them. seems to me the only purpose they serve is for somebody with a huge ego to say "hey lookz at allz my cheevoz! how coolz am i!?" as for me, the only time i even hook net to my console is long enough to buy dlc then i hook it back to my computer, so they couldn't be more useless to me.. lol

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#10  Edited By ShangTsung7
Member since 2014 • 250 Posts


gosh this game was a let down for "One" reason. i had no idea you couldn't fight anything, once i realized this i returned the game immediately, and i was pissed beyond words cause it looked AMAZING!! but i can't stand games where all you do is run, i'm sure some people enjoy them but they seem pointless to me, this game would have been so badass had it allowed your character melee, weapons, guns, or some form of defending yourself other than running like a puss.. it was totally my fault tho for not reading up on it before buying it, this is why its never a good idea to impulse purchase a game.