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#1  Edited By SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@Solaryellow said:
@sanitysoldout said:

No what they use it for is up to them. I'd just hope that they'd use it on something that they actually need.

IF and let me stress IF we (tax payers) gave our money away based on our own choice(s) then I'd agree but since we are forced to pay for these programs I believe we should have a say in what dependents spend our money on. At least in my opinion I find a great deal of those who depend on the government suffer from irresponsibility and giving money and access cards is not necessarily the smart thing to do.

Yeah I get your point.

I don't know were you're from but if your a UK citizen then you'll know this, but if not - unemployment benefit from the Job Seekers Allowance, their process really grinds my gears. I pay tax whith goes to a lot of different things obviously. I don't mind my money going out to people that really need it. Now, there is a category on the JSA which is basically if you are an alcoholic , drug addict where you get maybe £20 more a week because you need this extra money to go feed your get more free money basically than people who don't have an addiction essentially.

So yeah in that sense I agree with you. I don't want my money that i've worked for to go to someone that needs help to then be funded to continue feeding their habit or making bad choices. I'd rather have a say so something could be set up help them instead.

But if its over a can of Redbull or something I don't think i'd care much.

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#2 SanitySoldOut
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@mattbbpl said:

Would be humorous if they voted to be independent from UK and then couldn't get into the EU as a separate entity.

I think what the SNP were hoping to do was to have the vote before the UK officially left the EU. They roughly have two years to do that.

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#3 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

No what they use it for is up to them. I'd just hope that they'd use it on something that they actually need.

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#4  Edited By SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

Whether you've been following the Brexit Referendum or you just thought the United Kingdom just got really excited about a new breakfast food (because lets face it, that's what Brexit sounds like) there's also another major factor that's come out of this event.

So for those that thought we were talking about food here's a quick run down.

The UK held a referendum on the 23rd of June to ultimately decide to either leave the European Union or remain as a member. The end result was a win for the Leave campaign. Now the British Government will start the process that will take them out of the EU after Article 50 has been invoked. For anyone that wants a shorter explanation of Article 50

But what's become more interesting in the last few days is Scotland's now uncertain future as part of the UK again. I say "again" because for those that don't know, in 2014 Scotland held a referendum for Independence from the UK. Which resulted in a no vote. So we are still apart of Great Britain.

So why is Scotland's future in the UK now unclear? Well here's a map of the Brexit vote results to help explain why.

For anyone that doesn't know UK geography I've saved you a lot of reading that would explain that. You're welcome.

(I think I got the borders mostly right)

Here you can see how Scotland voted. With the biggest majority than any country voting to remain in the EU. Looking at that 62% to remain and only 38% wanting to leave it's clear that the Scottish feel strongly about staying in the EU.

This has has sparked a new life for the independence of Scotland. The reason? Back before the 2014 referendum the campaign for BetterTogether (the side that wanted Scotland to stay part of the UK) made a point of saying that if Scotland voted to leave it meant possibly giving up their membership in the EU. Judging by this years results, obviously a lot of people clearly didn't want to chance that. We could safely say that was quite a significant motive for people voting to stay in Britain.

The overall argument now, is that if the Scots voted to stay in Britain so they could remain part of the EU should they leave the UK in order to potentially keep their membership? It seems that even though they are in fact a separate country they have been made to eventually come out of the EU by tyranny of the majority. Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister for Scotland, has stated in a speech that to reflect the wishes of the people in Scotland then a second Independence referendum should be and is on the table.

If you'd like this argument in a extremely basic example:

Scot: We're thinking of leaving you.

UK: Look Scotland I don't know if its such a good idea like. You could loose that EU membership you have there. You might even need to re-apply if you left and you'd have to adopt the euro as your new currency.

Scot: Ah yeah, don't want that. I'll stay with you.

UK: Right, everyone. We've voted and it's been decided that we're leaving the EU.


What is everyone's opinion on this? What do you think Scotland's next step should be and is a another independence referendum right for the country?

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#5 SanitySoldOut
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I voted to stay.

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#6 SanitySoldOut
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@Seraphy-: I tried to print one out, but the care ran out in the printer cartridges. Soz :)

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#7 SanitySoldOut
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@Seraphy-: Lol what do you want? A certificate?

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#8 SanitySoldOut
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@thegerg said:


"The entire country should get over itself once and for all and adopt policies which other countries have already adopted and which clearly work."

And which policies would those be? You see, the US is different than the rest of the world. Just like the UK is different from the rest of the world, or Japan is different from the rest of the world, or Brazil is different from the rest of the world, or Switzerland is different from the rest of the world. There's no cookie-cutter policy that the rest of the world has embraced with the US being the lone holdout.

"The rest of the word" isn't some homogenized place. Different nations have different, and often conflicting, laws and regulations when it comes to guns.

Examining policies and solutions from other places is certainly a good place to start, but let's not pretend that lawmaking and policing in one place is the same as it's done everywhere else.

I don't think that's what he's trying to get at.

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#9 SanitySoldOut
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I've been looking for a great JRPG for ages. There isn't anything that's ever grabbed my attention console wise so I just looked for some on PC. You get some really good free browser ones.

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#10 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

Was Deadpool I think? It was funny but wasn't that impressed.