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#1 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

Having a nice cup of green tea. Because I cannot be tamed!

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#2 SanitySoldOut
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@sonicare: Um if you're talking about the UFC fighter...he's Irish haha.

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#3 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@jdiggle: No the Queen doesn't make any laws, new laws just need her signature to be "official"

No Scotland wouldn't need the permission of the UK Government if there was a winning vote to leave.

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#4 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@horgen: What happened with Norway? I was maybe a bit young to remember this.

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#5 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

I'd say I was pretty good at picking up on body language. It's little eye movements, expressions, body adjustments. I'm good at picking up small details like that and being able to interpret what the person might be feeling or thinking.

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#6 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@darklight4: I heard about that to but hadn't looked into it.

I get that as a union we had voted with a majority to stay in but I guess it still doesn't get rid of the fact that we are still our own country. Just like England is a separate country, wales, N.Ireland.

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#7  Edited By SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@topgunmv: The SNP had said that there wouldn't be another independence referendum until there was evidence of considerable support which it seems there now is. But it's only been a couple days. No one will know what happen. But as the SNP are pro independence then yeah they might do that. I'm going to guess you're not a UK citizen, but the relationship between the Scottish people (not just the government) and Westminster (Parliment/Government) has been shaky for a good while now. I don't think its a matter of "getting the result you want". It's more a grand shift of the peoples opinions and all of this has heightened the emotions of the countries. Could be down to panic, anger, regret of choice. Who knows. Nothing is in stone. It's pretty much all up in the air.

It's been the biggest turn out of voters this country has ever seen, its a massive deal and nothing like this has ever happened in such short spaces between referendums. I don't think the country has ever seen anything like this. I'm not sure there has been anyway since i'm only in my early 20's and can't remember hearing about anything similar. So to answer your question, no. This isn't how democracy has worked over here. But it's because of democracy that there is a possibility the majority could over turn the original vote. Like I said it's all up in the air.

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#8 SanitySoldOut
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@Master_Live: Yeah I had seen on an interview that two representatives from the EU had said along the lines of, yeah things arent working out for some people and obviously that's something we would be looking into changing. Whether or not they were just saying what people wanted to hear and keeping face I don't know. Like you said we'd need to wait and see how things proceed.

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#9  Edited By SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@mattbbpl said:
@sanitysoldout said:
@mattbbpl said:

Would be humorous if they voted to be independent from UK and then couldn't get into the EU as a separate entity.

I think what the SNP were hoping to do was to have the vote before the UK officially left the EU. They roughly have two years to do that.

Wasn't aware they could do that, but that's good. I knew they had roughly two years (once the letter of intent is sent) before the actual exit is complete, though.

To put an interesting twist on this thought experiment, reports are coming out that the new prime minister may not actually send that letter, thus never initiating the exit process. Is that feasible under UK law? Can a Prime Minister just ignore one of these referendums?

With what I understand, its not official to the EU until that Article 50 is invoked. In layman's terms its an agreement to say that the country will go up to those guys in Brussels and say "Why yes EU, we are indeed leaving you. And that's our final decision" I provided a link in my op if you want the details. Then they would then start the leaving negotiations I guess if you know anything about that?

But now there has been an online petition for a re-vote which last time I looked had over 2 mil votes. and you only need 100, 000 for one to go to parliament.

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#10 SanitySoldOut
Member since 2015 • 82 Posts

@Master_Live: Me personally?

It looks a simple enough question doesn't it but it's impossible for me to give a simple answer haha. I'll try my best.

I am Scottish and I do support the SNP. But I think with all this political and emotional explosion it's difficult to filter whats fact and whats bull. Lets face it, it's always difficult... But right now there is SO MUCH being thrown around in the media and everywhere else you look that people are going to just go with what they like the sound of, no matter the source. The parties know that people such as myself - that have no political, law or economic background/training - are likely to just go along with a story they find the most believable. People don't want to go an research every topic, pro and con. Think about how much things you'd have to go look up!

I do think that I can trust the SNP more, but then I wouldn't say I was that ignorant enough to believe everything they put forward just because they happen to be who I support. I don't think there is a political party throughout the history of the planet that was 100% honest.

What i'll try to do is just research what I can, keep up to date with both arguments and IF it comes to another independence vote at least i'll be a bit more clued up (hopefully). And at the end of the day, if it turns out my decision was a wrong one i'll know that it was based on a more sound judgement than just watching the news and reading peoples comments about it on Facebook *rolls eyes*

You can never really be sure your decision is right. It's like a game of chance. You're voting on the future of your country, peoples lives, your life. Even the effects it could have on the rest of the world, and there's absolutely no way you can predict what's going to happen until it happens. It's to early to form an opinion on what should be done. I kinda just wanted to get a mix of opinions.

So whats your thoughts?

PS. Sorry for the essay haha.