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#1 mfacek
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[QUOTE="MgamerBD"] Im not gonna lie to you. I have not read anything on it yet (I like to tell the truth). But I was talking about the behavior both inside and out of Congress. Comparing Obama to the AntiChrist, Parents taking their kids out of school to dodge a get back to school speech, Calling him a socialist. The list goes on....chessmaster1989

The antichrist thing is ridiculous. The other two are perfectly legitimate. I'm not sure you grasp the concept of "liberty."

I'm not sure you grasp the concept of socialism, if you think Obama's a socialist.

I've taken to just asking people to define socialism when they call Obama a "socialist". When they can't, call it communism, or something equally as ridiculous, I generally just realize arguing with them would be a complete waste of time.
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#2 mfacek
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[QUOTE="MgamerBD"]I know that I will be attacked for this but. Why would they treat someone so bad? They never treated Bush so bad and he almost destroyed the country. Sorry OT from now on im playing the race card.its_me_

Both Democrats and Republicans voted to go to Iraq. It wasn't an unpopular idea until we realized there were no weapons of mass destruction (and really I am sure there were democratic congressmen who were just as rude to Bush, it just wasnt televised)....Obama's healthcare plan is an extremely polarizing idea. This has nothing to do with race. You have to realize how controversial this plan really is.

Actually there were weapons of mass destruction. There were 3 megaton nuclear bombs, and I saw them with my own eyes when I was deployed to Iraq with an ST unit in 2005. Unfortunately, only 4 and 5 megaton nuclear bombs count technically as 'weapons of mass destruction.' So, rather than reporting what I've just told you, MSNBC, NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, and the rest of the anti-conservative news outlets reported that we found none, and then called Bush a liar. They obviously succeeded in convincing a lot of people.

Funny, not a single journalist, UN inspector, high ranking official, etc. ever said nuclear weapons were ever found. Even members of the Bush cabinet admitted the intelligence was faulty, including Colin Powell. But yeah, must be a massive conspiracy against the right wing. Sometimes I forget how rational you right wingers are.
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#3 mfacek
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[QUOTE="mfacek"]When you're the captain of the ship, and you have navigators, naval experts, other captains, etc. all yelling "DON'T GO LEFT", and you decided to take your ship and head left, I would certainly say it's his fault. Now, is it all Bush's fault? Of course not. However, we can't just forget that his administration was responsible for the war's planning and execution, both of which were disasters.Theokhoth

Except, in our government system, if the navigators, naval experts, other captains, etc. are all yelling "DON'T GO LEFT!" the captain actually can't go left. It's not a system where the President makes everybody's decisions. It's a joint effort.

When you're the minority in government, there really is nothing you can do but watch the ignorant captain go left, and take the whole ship down with him.
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#4 mfacek
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Was Bush able to solely plunge the US into war? No. Was his administration responsible for it's preparation, push through congress, and execution? Yes.

Bush was captain of the ship. All failures fall on him. Funny how that works.

When you're the captain of the ship, and you have navigators, naval experts, other captains, etc. all yelling "DON'T GO LEFT", and you decided to take your ship and head left, I would certainly say it's his fault. Now, is it all Bush's fault? Of course not. However, we can't just forget that his administration was responsible for the war's planning and execution, both of which were disasters.
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#5 mfacek
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[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]it's 2009...all things aren't about race.....Saturos3091

No. Never. Race or ethnicity never came up during the campaign. I am a registered Republican and I wonder what the hell happened to my party. It is chock full of fundamentalists, racists, bigots, and morons.


If you think a large number of those people don't like Obama because he's black, then you need to take a visit to the US. His policies are extremely controversial whether you're for or against them. It's no wonder they're starting arguments and debates like wildfire. Things just get worse when someone starts crying "racism!" when someone says they don't like his policies. That's ignorance at it's finest and completely sidesteps the ongoing debate at hand. Still, it was a stupid thing for the congressman to do unless Obama did actually lie.

I don't think it's because he's black at all. I think it's because his name is Barack Hussein Obama, his step-father was a muslim, and he lived in Indonesia. Xenophobia towards Muslims/middle easterners is a real problem in the US, due to 9/11 and terrorism. Religious fanaticism and terrorism are scary things, but they're vague. Instead of differentiating between who actually is our enemy, and who isn't, it's easier for the (ignorant) Americans to just characterize all Muslims as terrorists, and all middle easterner as Muslims. I don't think I'll ever forget the look on a Muslim guy I know's face when his friend of years and years went on a tirade about how "America was at war with Muslims" and that "Obama is a Muslim and therefore shouldn't be president".
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#6 mfacek
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There were people like you, on the other side, saying the exact same thing during Bush's presidency. And yet, most of the people on these forums thought he didn't deserve respect. There are now people who believe Obama does not deserve any respect. It's called opposition, and it's the foundation of a republic like ours, so deal with it. A lie is a lie. It doesn't matter who tells it, and it doesn't matter who points it out. Need I remind you, we pay Obama's salary. The president works for me. He works for you. He works for the American people, period. We do not work for him. I don't necessarily think Obama is a liar, but if I do think he is twisting the truth, I will not show deference by giving him a pass. Republicans all around the country have been targeted during speeches in the same way, by Democrats. I have no sympathy for your argument, and I'm not even a Republican.


Funny. Bush starts a war with no conscience to blow up brown people. No one ever had the audacity to stand up during a joint speech and yell "Liar!" or "Murderer!" That would be disrespectful.

Obama wants to overhaul healthcare to help millions of people in this country and yet you have a Republican fool who disrespects the President like a child.


Bush started a war? Incredible how one man took control of Congress.

Was Bush able to solely plunge the US into war? No. Was his administration responsible for it's preparation, push through congress, and execution? Yes.
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#7 mfacek
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That's hilarious. Man, did you see Biden roll his eyes. This government is turning into 8th grade Student Council.FragStains
I'm sure you've seen the townhall debates too. Can't constructively debate or compromise? Well we might as well just drown out the opposition. I mean what's more patriotic than drowning out public discourse with the national anthem right? The republican party is becoming more and more fringe, and this just hurts our country in the long run. Why they fail to realize petty stunts like this are exactly the reason why they're becoming more and more fringe I'll never know.
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#8 mfacek
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Here is the speech:

In other words stay in school, don't give up and do something good for the country.



Hide ur guns!!!

I read the first few paragraphs of it, didn't finish it because I figured I would be in school tomorrow listening to it. But its quite sophomoric of you to just start throwing out sarcastic garbage because if you actually read it effectively you would have detected some politics in the first few paragraphs. Notice how he mentions the fact that he didn't have money for school in Indonesia, making it seem like he (the poor) was working so hard, but the harsh capitalistic world was still holding him back. Leftist agenda #1 detected already in his introduction to the actual speech. Sure you can tell me that's not what he meant and just wished to describe his early life when he was struggling. But when your handling a speech of this magnitude, you can't exactly be obvious about the political points you want to get across, they have to be subtle.

...This is what conservatives actually believe...

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#9 mfacek
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It would be funny if it wasn't so obviously fake.

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#10 mfacek
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I've watched it probably 5 times.

Absolutely love it.