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#1 intro94
Member since 2006 • 2623 Posts

[QUOTE="Sepewrath"]lol I don't want to get into a whole thing about child abduction, but have you ever heard of people luring kids to like an arcade and then kidnapping them? The video games is a trick to build trust, that's why they would go through the Wii. Look at the 3DS, Nintendo has a feature which alerts you to play some random person you walk by on the street in SSFIV, that hardly seems like a good way to protect children. I'm calling shenanigans on their reasoning for FC's, look below if you want to see why I really thing they use them.

Yeah but look at it this way, in order to friends with the FC system, like you said it takes contact and also like you said, the same way a kid lacks the maturity to understand random friend request, they lack the maturity to be careful about the necessary contact they have to make with people outside of the game on forums and chat rooms. Go look at the MH Tri topic, we were all on there, giving or game info to random strangers on forums, I could have been a 10yr old kid, giving Bruno a known kidnapper(lol), the info to contact me, both inside and outside of the game. The FC system in fact encourages more contact with strangers outside of the game, I have to PM someone to tell them I added them on the Wii. Another avenue of contact that would be unnecessary if not for that system. Its not really making anything safer. I would think the only thing they wanted and the only benefit a FC system would have, is it keeps people from having stupid names, like something racist or vulgar. I think they simply don't want to deal with that, because FC are no safer than usernames, in fact their system is less safe and its something that could be rectified with simple parental controls, FC or username. GabuEx

You're not looking at this from the right angle. This isn't about Nintendo protecting children. This is about Nintendo protecting their asses from a PR disaster. On the other consoles, it's entirely possible for a child predator to find and interact with their victim solely through the console. Predator Pete can play a random match with someone and hear the fact that Kid Kyle sounds over voice chat like a young child. Pete messages Kyle and adds him to his friend list, they play games and talk, and eventually Pete convinces Kyle to meet with him somewhere and kidnaps him. Newspaper headlines say "Kyle abducted by predator he met on console internet service", and parents everywhere panic and refuse to support that console anymore. An entire market for that console has now gone down the drain.

None of this is possible with friend codes. Yes, you can still give your friend code to a stranger and start playing with that person on your Nintendo console, but the actual contact occurs outside of the confines of the console. At worst, headlines will now say "Kyle abducted by predator he met on an internet forum and played Wii/DS games with". At best, the fact that he played Wii/DS games with Pete is not even mentioned. Parents everywhere panic and refuse to let their kids on internet forums, but Nintendo's ass is covered and they don't suffer any market loss, because their console's internet service was not directly responsible for what happened.

that is correct, and thats why nintendo said the online system will be tailored by third party devs on their needs.This works because if you are playing a 17+ game its entirely safe(unless the parent is irresponsible) to be added on the fly( kinda like black ops on the wii already does). In that sense each game will allow you to share and add friends (based on a hopefully unified fc)-under their own responsibility. Other games, like Mario kart, should have a bit more restrictions to avoid being added on the fly-like a password request before session to log in.

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#2 intro94
Member since 2006 • 2623 Posts
oh boy i gotta change that signature, i play conduit 2 now. WITH ANOTHER FC FFS.
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#3 intro94
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fine by me. The problem i had with fcs was NOT the numerical value, but the fact i had to call or chat with other players and ask for their fcs for every single game AND because i could not just simply add them on the fly INGAME. If its like xbla with numbers FINE BY ME; PERFECT.
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#4 intro94
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[QUOTE="Sepewrath"]The Wiimote is ultimately unnecessary, like I said, the Upad has the motion technology in it, the lack of the pointer is nothing either. Because M+ was killing the pointer, RS2, Conduit 2 and Skyward Sword don't use the pointer, they use M+ instead of aiming. Repeating what I said in another topic, the only thing you lose from the Wiimote, is the androgyny of the design. You could still do a flashlight, you could still do a steering wheel, you could even aim with it, like how RS2 does. Then you have the things it can do that the wiimote cant, like you saw what they did with that baseball game, you could do an up motion with the wiimote to catch a ball, but you can do that with the pad and track the ball with the spatial feature.goblaa

I can't imagine aiming with a big blocky pad in two hands, I can't imagine swigning a swrod with a big pad in both hands. The wiimote had that magic wand feel to it that it could be anything. Using a flashlight like steering wheel just feels wrong.

hey i feel you but , the wm plus is still alive and kicking and will be sold for a long time.I dont see NMH3 being controlled by the regular control at all.Nintendo still shows it as THE way to control the wii u for the other 3 players, Not only that, i bet you it will be supported as controller of choice by most developers in many games(COD, BC for instance), AND UPON that choice, they will develop new ideas-while obviously letting the player use the main screen tablet. Golf games are here to stay, and wm plus wth pad support is the way to go. Tennis games like mario tennis, well you know the drill. Its not going anywhere.
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#5 intro94
Member since 2006 • 2623 Posts

Good news I suppose. More engines means more games (presumably), but I'm sure the vast majority of the games being made with these engines will be shooters.

well what can you do, thats what the market of gaming is flooded with ,overall. However, Okami or stuff like that will just force our jaws into the ground im sure.
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#6 intro94
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maybe they can release a trilogy and update the first 2 to HD. 8)


you mean port the ports? :P

the only port of a port would be the first one...damn playstation..but the 2nd one would debut in HD on wiiU

like god of war collection?that would be alright but they should launch the third standalone , for their own benefit, and then repack it as a trilogy.I cant imagine the gorgeous graphics NMH 3 will have, God, it will be something.
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#7 intro94
Member since 2006 • 2623 Posts
amazing! WOW that man is really an artist.Well that and the fact the wii playerbase was moderately receptive of his games.
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#8 intro94
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For the 3ds i agree the Vita is far more innovative for a handheld with all the new control inputs its something i would have expected nintendo to do but instead they go for a ds+psp 1.5 power and single analog nub with 3D added on I disagree on the WiiU trying to copy ipad though its nothing like the ipad besides the big ass screen.

I'm sorry but the only innovative thing about Vita is how cheap it's going to be. IT's just a handheld PS3 with a touch screen. At least 3DS allows gyroscope camera and 3D gameplay. Vita's "graphics" are meaningless. Graphics have never ever been the focual point for handheld gaming.

and thats the universal consensus if you care to check the internet.Vita- innovative pft roflmao
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#9 intro94
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[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]I'd just like to say something. I feel like I've gone back in time to 2006 when the Wii was on the verge of release. Everyone said "the Wii is not next-gen" usually because of its lack of power... but yet, that "not next-gen" console DEMOLISHED the 360 and PS3 commercially solely by appealing to a new market. Now, instead of working on a new console, both Sony and Microsoft decided they would extend the life of their outdated consoles by riding on the coat-tails of the Wii's success with Move and Kinect. Only to have Nintendo pull the rug out from underneath them and release a "lets appeal to everyone console." Long before either of them were prepared to start another generation.BigBoss255
Your point would be valid if the WiiU was made for the hardcore gamer, which it isn't. Also You have no proof that WiiU is any more powerful than PS3/360 so I'd be careful when calling them outdated.

its obviously cattered for the hardcore when you look at its lineup.Its launch will be full action games and maybe on wii sports u? You think thats balanced? Maybe because its white you seem to think otherwise, but hey, paint it black and its done. No, we got no proof except developers abundant think DICE would claim and praise the extensive memory of the system if it was just on par with 6 year old consoles?. By looking at the few released specs(Power7, multicore ibm), its clear it is current tech, not like the ones 360 or ps3 had.Just saying wii was underpowered , thats why ninty didnt show tech demos or anything of it ,they knew it was well behind in that field. They did show ones for 3ds which is satisfying graphically(SSF4, DOA, etc-definitively not last gen for portables), and they are showing for Wii U which is done with 2011s standarts,not 2006s.

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#10 intro94
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I just finished playing the main story (10 months later, I know - I've have a big backlog), and I have to say - I really, thoroughly enjoyed this game. The action is downright awesome. It definitely feels different than the Prime games with its fast-paced action, but I thought it still felt very much like Metroid, especially given the 2D-like gameplay and some of the old items brought back (speed booster!!). I thought the story was well done too. At times Samus did some things that seemed uncharacteristic, but overall I thought the story of the game really added to the franchise. Plus, moments like when she activated the space jump/screw attack and said "Any objections, Adam?" really made me smile.

Why was there such a negative reaction to this game? My only beef is I wish it were longer, that's all.

most of it was cuz some people just wanted primy 4, cuz the game is awesome and sports the very best action third person graphics the wii can hold.