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#1 frazzle00
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So who is "wrong" here according to you?

I never reject someone who posts his own thoughts about things but last night he posted those links to show me how religious evolution took place (or didn't according to him).

Philosophy is not the negation of every statement or link as biased.

I was merely having an objection as to what and how he presents as info so that I know what he is trying to make out of it.


I didn't pay much attention to his argument and I doubt I'd agree with him if I did but it was that particular post that caught my eye because it contradicted your statements about philosophy. You weren't agreeing that we all have I stated it came out sarcastic and seemed to say you did not believe scientists could have a bias. Which isn't true and that is why I responded. If that is not your intent....sorry for misinterpreting you....but the current sentence structure....which I reread seems as I interpreted.

I was just trying to follow his "line of thinking". The way he said that scientists are biased actually really seemed like he is sure he is in their minds and know their thoughts. Just read his post about it.

By his words I extract this: "Whatever scientists say about religious evolution is biased". I would accept it if he said "Their bias affects their conclusions" which is better to say imo, just because one cannot be in the mind of someone, and I highly doubt that the general picture he has is true: that the scientists are neurotic stubborn anti-theists bound to make religion to collapse with their discoveries. This is too gross and convenient for a theist to assume. But again that's why he assumes it.

Every action some one carries out is motivated by personal bias, whether that be belief in an organized religion, or the scientific pursuit of knowledge. However this personal bias is not relevant when something can be scientifically proven as a fact by multiple sources. Despite the heated philosophical debate that has raged over the previous dozen or so pages, I really don't think any one can PROVE either the existence or non-existence of God.

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#2 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Solid_Snake325"] There is no concrete evidence of God's prescence, are you that foolish? It's called having faith. Christianity is a religion, evolution is a theory. You can't just compare them on the basis of evidence. Evolution is not a fact and doesn't offer enough evidence so don't be stupid and do some more research. Solid_Snake325

I find it completely hillarious that you are talking to me in this manner. Yes I know what faith is and I know there is no concrete evidence to prove that there is a God. Where did I ever say there was concrete evidence that there was a God? Obviously you haven't been doing your homework because evolution is a 'scientific theory'. You obviously have absolutely no idea what that means. I suggest you look it up and do your own homework for a change. Yes evolution is a fact as has been witnessed countless times in real life. Here I'll give you a head start in your studies.

You said if someone started talking about God, you'd ask for evidence, so I said there is no evidence of God's prescence. I know what a scientific theory is, you are obviously too biased to try to search for counterevidence against evolution. Please get it through your head that evolution is not a proven fact, I can't believe I have to tell you this. I have done research about evolution, trust me, and I am not going to look at it again.

The process of evolution is a fact that has been scientifically observed and recreated in an experimental setting. Perhaps you should read a bit more here.

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#3 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]918 dude are you serious? He managed to fool nine hundred and eighteen people? WOW!


But firstly please specify what exactly did he tell those people, what exactly did he fool them into?


...what? I provide a legitimate comparative and you give sarcasm? You're really backed into a corner now aren't you? :lol:


its quite simple: man says god speaks to him, man says its god's will to drink cyanide-laced koolaid, people drink coolaid, people die.

the point?

who can prove he was right or wrong?

No one. Period. No one can prove those 900+ people are the only people getting into heaven any more than the pope can prove people that commit suicide go to hell.

Its all belief, and it should be left and, more importantly, appreciated as such. Conversely, people that believe only in known facts should respect the beliefs of others.

Sure the adults who drank the laced Cool Aid had a choice. The babies and children who were force fed the mixture on the other hand did not. That is clearly wrong.

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#4 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]If he isnt calling himself a prophet then he isnt fooling anyone on the same level as the atheistic muhammad and jesus did.

What exactly are the "new set of beliefs" that he introduced?


Pay attention to what I'm saying. Read carefully....

Ghengis Khan is one man. HE had sex with many women. As time went on his extended family grew so much that it is approximated that about 1/5th of every Chinese inhabitant is related to him. That is an example of how things can grow over time by an immense amount. Nowhere did I say he was a prophet and nowhere did I say he had a new set of theistic beliefs that he gave to his followers.

WTF are you saying then? Such a fail example you just gave in return to what I was originally talking, it's not even funny. Where did I say that what you are saying is not possible?:|

Just becasue lets say very few of muhammads followers went on to have alot of people related to them does not necessarily mean that all those people would follow muhammad and his teachings.:|


1) Why are you so keen to push your beliefs unto others. You are Muslim. Why do you care whether or not we believe in Islam?

2) You REALLY need to learn what constitutes proof. Your original post is in no way proof of anything.

3) What proof do you have that YOUR religion is right and that other religions or athiests are wrong? And before you answer that, think carefully about what constitutes proof :).

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#5 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="frazzle00"]I think Stranger_4 himself is proof that "people like muhammad, jesus and moses COULD :P have possibly fooled so many people without actually possessing any signs of being a divine messenger".Funky_Llama

blasphemy, keep ur thoughts to ur self. i cant believe this thread is still going. LOCK please

I agree. Frazzle00, this is no place for giving your opinions - this is an Internet forum, for God's sake. Owait. >_>


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#7 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]There's much more to life but if you are bottom of the barrel in both money and looks then living can get quite difficult.


Maybe in your world. Then again living in your world would be considered quite difficult by many people, both rich and good looking.

So being very ugly and very poor does not make it difficult to live life?

I wish flaming was allowed over here cuz you certainly deserve it as it's obvious you dont have any opinion of yours and you just have to disagree with me on everything possible.

There are plenty of ugly people in this world. There are plenty of poor people in this world. Chances are there are quite a few ugly and poor people in this world. As to whether or not there life is any harder I can't say. Neither can you. And adding "very" doesn't change the fact that without evidence of any sort you are simply talking out of your butt :).

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#8 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]1) Arent false accusations of rape punished?

2) It's just one country.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

3) Just a recent event? Dear God are we going to ultra-cheery pick now.:lol:


1) The articles that I provided about rape victims in Pakistan are clearly not examples of false accusation.

2) If it is just one country, it should be simple for you to find a counter-example.

3) According to Famiking, Kuwait is a moderate Muslim country and they only allowed their women to vote in 2005. When did Pakistan allow their women to vote?

4) Enjoy this article. Now you know why I strongly suspect that Aisha was indeed 9.

Your article only talked about a few women and the source is quite biased btw....they exxagerate quite alot.

No it just makes it less likely to find a counter-example since it's already JUST practised in one islamic country!

Yes they have been voting for several years. Your view on the muslim is shrouded in ignorance all based on the biased media..

I am not bothering to and neither am I bothering with this thread anymore. You people failed to give any reasonable counter to the OP and started attacking islam. This has nothing to do with what the thread originally was. Your obviously way too biased for me to waste my time anymore.

Your original post does not contain a single shred of evidence. You challenge any athiest to disprove your original post? LOL. I challenge you to find anyone else who thinks that your post is concrete proof of anything :). Note that making a dummy account doesn't count XD

As to my source being biased, well you know what, when you say that the hadith that claims Aisha is 9 is weak, I'll dismiss your argument because you are very biased :D. I will say that your view of the outside world is "shrouded in ignorance" and is based on a very biased upbringing in a society that has little tolerance for anything foreign.

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#9 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]There you just proved your biasedness on how you just consider this a game where your only objective is to give as many arguments in favour of atheists as possible.

This is not about that, it's about logic and looking at the bigger picture. But your statement just proves that this is not worth it especially not arguing with you.


I don't consider this a game. All the opinions I have voiced in this thread are genuinely my own. I was just pointing out an issue that many athiest use when arguing against the existence of God. I am all for logic and looking at the bigger picture. It is you who is not. Didn't you just say that science is irrelevant? Didn't you just say that it's "logical" that athiest are more likely to rape a woman? If this is your idea of logic, I don't want any part of it.

Ya and if you are going to doubt muhammad's character heaving read about his life, then I dont want any part of your logic either..

After I read the hadith that said he married a 6 year old girl, who was his best friend's daughter, there was plenty of doubt in my mind. Whether or not it was strong or weak hadith is irrelevant. The fact that such hadith exist is enough to cast doubt in the mind of most decent people.

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#10 frazzle00
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[QUOTE="Stranger_4"]If you are ugly, poor and an atheist then what's the point of your life?

Why should you be good to the world and nature when it wasnt good to you?


So are you trying to say that money, looks and religion are the only things in life worth living for? What about the joys found in knowledge? In reading novels? In enjoying nature? In being with family and loved ones? Are you as shallow as you are bigotted?

There's much more to life but if you are bottom of the barrel in both money and looks then living can get quite difficult.

Maybe in your world. Then again living in your world would be considered quite difficult by many people, both rich and good looking.