Xx_Kares_xX's comments

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@ZeroX91 It's true.. .I've been a Square and Enix fan since I first picked up a controller... thank god Atlus is around to give us quality games. Though as good as Atlus is, they still haven't gotten a game out that quite reaches the level of Square in their olden days.

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Oh, I almost forgot to mention how they are making Dragon Quest X and MMO... because Square has repeatedly shown how GREAT they are at making MMORPGS... realistically, it will probably do well in Japan since Dragon Quest is their number one diety to worship, but if it doesn't bomb in america I will be highly surprised.

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I'm not at all Surprised, Square-Enix has fallen from being my favorite and most respected gaming company to one that is only surpassed in worthlessness By Activision, EA, and Capcom (not necessarily in that order) They already screwed us over by not releasing Final Fantasy Type-0 in America, the best game they have come out with in YEARS. FInal Fantasy XIII was an insult to gamers, love it or hate it not even fans of Final Fantasy XIII can look me in the eye and say that the game had any challenge, depth, or exploration. They should have just made it into a movie, it's clearly what they wanted their audience to experience., and I shouldn't even have to mention Final Fantasy XIV. If the rumor about making Versus XIII into the next MAIN numbered Final Fantasy I will lose the last shred of hope I ever had for the company to redeem themselves. Turning a long standing, Turn-Based RPG series into an Action RPG is the easiest way to piss off and lose the few remaining fans you have left. If they were smart they'd finally come out with Kingdom Hearts 3, the only game that the majority of their fans even want to see made (which, for those of you who are uninformed hadn't even entered development the last time I checked, which was about 2 months ago, so I could be wrong, but either way the game will NOT be coming out any time soon. If I'm wrong about that PLEASE let me know, I'd love to be wrong on this point). Anyway Square, you've basically fallen from grace so far that the ONLY way you could ever redeem yourself would be to just breakdown and please all your fans by finally releasing the remake of Final Fantasy VII that people have been clamoring for, for so long now that you stubbornly refuse to remake until you are facing bankruptcy (again). Anyway, my rant is over. Thank you square for continually screwing over your fans.

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@JesperJotun They were not actively WORKING on Diablo 3 for 12 years, if they were, then they are pretty sorry programmers and game designers. the 5 Years between FFX and FFXII were used making FFX-2, FFXI, and it's expansiions, as well as other games, even the infamous 16 (or whatever it was) year wait for Duke Nukem Forever wasn't ACTIVELY being worked on the whole time. Inform yourself before you make comments like this.

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@johngrose77 I played Tales of Innocence on the DS and really you're not missing much (and this is coming from someone who loves the Tales series)

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@ChiefFreeman I didn't care for the article either, and I think the gaming industry needs a complete overhaul. I'd like to start fresh and return to the SNES or PSX era where creative ideas were more common. On the other hand, however, I feel that he has the right to put his opinion up as well.

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Edited By Xx_Kares_xX

@dlCHIEF58 Deciding how the bands likeness is used is something you work out while the contract is still being written up. If the band wasn't clear on how they're likeness was to be used they should have asked. Not only that, but what they're suing over is obviously just to get money and publicity. Band Hero was a commercial failure, it's not like their avatars singing songs is going to tarnish their reputation. The whole situation just shows how greedy and stupid people are.

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Edited By Xx_Kares_xX

I've got a pretty simple solution for all the homophobes out there... if it bothers you, then don't play the game. You have every right to go out and create your own video game company that's about religion or gay bashing' and that's your right as a freedom of expression, but you have no right to censor what Bioware did just because you don't agree with it. Grow up, do some REAL research, and stop being so ignorant.

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Edited By Xx_Kares_xX

@rangeraa I apologize for misunderstanding you then. I suppose reading the article reminded me of how ignorant people are and made me irritated and ready to pounce at the first negative comment I saw.

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Edited By Xx_Kares_xX

@rangeraa your comment is extremely ignorant. People don't choose to be gay bi or even straight. Why would someone willingly choose to be treated negatively by the vast majority of ignorant people and be an 'abnormal' sexual orientation, when they could just choose to live a 'happy and straight' life?