Xx_Kares_xX's comments

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@rice2555 @bongsyas_23 I actually agree with this, most of the Final Fantasy Games are linear, so we should point out the reasons XIII actually WAS bad. The terrible gameplay (or should I say the lack their of) the completely unmemorable Story (I completed the entire game and can't even remember why or who the main bad guy was who he was) The lack of difficulty (the only hard battle was the final battle, and even then it was only difficult because of his stupid one hit kill attack, that mixed with the leader death means game over flaw is the only challenge in the game. You know the game is pathetic when it can only be challenging by being cheap) I will admit the soundtrack was decent, but doesn't hold a candle even close to that of Uematsu's Music. The Graphics are beautiful but so what? The characters have about as much depth as a mud puddle. The only character who was even slightly well Developed is Sazh, a character that I never hear talked about. The game is terribly flawed, and anyone who can't see that really needs to evaluate themselves as a 'gamer' because FFXIII is not a game, it's a bad visual novel that instead of just telling a story (like they obviously wanted too) tried to fluff it out with what they tried to pass off as 'RPG Elements' . And for the record, I'm not hating on Visual novels, everyone I've read has been far better than FFXIII x.x

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@silversix_ Then don't buy it you Mr. High Horse. I don't care for the games either but that doesn't give you the excuse to act like you know everything.

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@endorbr I never ran into a situation like that (where I was poorly equipped). I suppose your right, the game was easy anyway, but the ability to essentially have infinite ammo really killed a huge part of the experience for me. On the other hand, it's been a while since I've played the game, and maybe my judgement on it really is clouded. Don't get me wrong, I loved the game, just thought the Drebin shop could have been handled better.

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@Neomaniac15 @Kelleyb4947 Oh really? Well thank you for filling me in! (I hate to say this because it sounds stupid, but I wasn't being sarcastic. Sometimes it's hard to tell through text). I'm looking forward to the new Zone of the Enders game as well, and I'm still looking forward to Revengence... the one game I'm skeptical of is MGS5, but if they make it another prequel, it should be great.

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@Neomaniac15 @Kelleyb4947 The game did tie in story wise yes, but I was talking about the gameplay. From the very beginning they looked at Raiden and realized, "Well.. making another stealth game about this guy would be stupid." Kojima was just smart and decided to hand the game over to a company that is more known for making games of the style he wanted.

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@Kelleyb4947 If you are referring to Revengence, it was always going to be a spin-off game, and was never meant to be compared to the rest of the series. That's like comparing Persona 4 to Persona 4 Arena... it makes no sense.

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@endorbr I was using the word 'flaw' to represent a wider scale, because a lot of games have setups similar that were unintentional that make the game ridiculously easy (like the Drebin shop did). You actually further proved my point, it was a system meant to INTENTIONALLY be exploited and taken advantage of, meaning I shouldn't have to limit myself to not using it to make the game more fun. That's like if in real life someone said, "okay, you can either do 1000 push ups for this 1 dollar... or you can walk back into your house and get a million." Why in the hell would I go for the first option?

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@ralphnetic I always hate the arguement from gamers that say, "well you don't HAVE to use this element of the game." As a gamer, I shouldn't have to stop myself from taking advantage of obvious flaws in the game design, that is the job of the game developers and testers to curb those things before it is put on the store shelf.

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@rigbybot127 I think that's a great idea, having a game starring the boss, it would really change things up and it would be interesting to see how they would handle a female main character.

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@rigbybot127 @kid23455 Really? your least favorite in the series? Did you play portable ops, or the original msx games? I thought the structure in peace walker was built perfect for a portable game. I agree the bosses were weak, but they were weaker in MGS2, FAR weaker in Portable Ops, hell, even the bosses in MGS4 were weaker for the most part. Laughing octopus and the rest of that gang were really boring to me, and just blatant rip offs of better characters from the past. I know that was the point, but it also showed a huge lack of creativity. I think it's funny that MGS is known for it's bosses when they've only really gotten it right in Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 3. I felt the story in peace walker was arguably more moving than any other game in the series (except maybe 4). I didn't feel the levels were any more linear than MGS2 or the original MGS, but to each their own. Peace Walker DID have it's short comings, but I don't know, I just felt it did everything it was trying to do right.