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@1tch I disagree. The price difference matters when the console that is being sold for $100 less outshines the other on all levels. Then it comes down to who is dumb enough to spend a hundred dollars more on an inferior system backed by a company that only looks to support its own greed?

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@brainiac1988 I know that man lol. God damn trolls... That wasn't my main point. Even the games that didn't have princess Zelda still had essentially the same kind of medevil world with the same kinds of dungeons and the same items to find. If they don't want to stray to far from game play I was saying that changing the setting would probably help with that. A futuristic Zelda game could have all kinds of new aspects to it. Or even staying in a medevil setting but giving it a Game of Thrones kind of grittiness to it. I love the idea of a mature themed Zelda game. Nintendo should put at least some focus on adult gamers.

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This is just a random thought but wouldn't a modernized or futuristic setting be kind of cool for a new concept? Its always the same medevil world with a Hyrule and all the basic Zelda dungeons. Change the time period, add depth to the story, maybe even make it more mature themed, and they could still keep the same formula of game play that makes it a Zelda game. A futuristic Zelda world would be sick especially if you could go out into space at some point. Free think outside the box. There is so much that can be done with the concept of Zelda. Zelda doesn't even necessarily have to be a princess even. Its just a name. A word even. It could be a machine. An amulet. A planet. The style of game play is the game and even that could be expanded upon. Why does Link always look the same? Change his character up a bit. Idk just some thoughts

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

The list of reasons for not owning an Xbox One just continues to grow. Even before E3 I'm calling it. This systems bombs in a way that finally removes Microsoft from an industry they never needed to be involved in. Leave video gaming to Nintendo and Sony. Plus all the surveillance bullshit and now trying to get in bed with corporate Hollywood just outs Microsoft as an ally to the ever growing government/corporate police/surveillance state that is taking over the world. **** Microsoft.

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

@cantor2537 Brilliant my friend. If only more people were like us instead of just mindlessly lusting for the "shiny new toys" that are dangled before their eyes by greedy corporations. Its funny how not many have realized yet that both the XBOX One and the PS4 are basically the same as the previous consoles with minor upgrades.

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@Grenadeh @Ailith @draken2533 @nigelholden Or you can be smart and buy it used for a much lower price considering how overpriced new games are. I love how so many people are trying to justify outright greed lol

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@Ailith Gamestop won't lose a cent. They will lower their buying price for used games and raise the cost of reselling them to make up for the fee. The only people who will "pay" for a move like this are consumers. This is greed plain and simple.

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@Grenadeh Yeah you can game in peace with the 5 other people dumb enough to waste money on the XBox One lol

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All this is going to do is hurt the consumer. Gamestop is not going to sacrifice its profit margins so they will buy used games from people at a much lower price than they do now (which is already a huge ripoff) and sell at an even higher price to make up for the fee that other companies charge. Two things will happen from this: 1) People will start to look towards alternative gaming consoles/markets such as the Ouya, Wii U, IOS, and PC and 2) This may be the end of XBox and Playstation if they choose to do the same. People are outright sick of corporate greed so why should we feed into it? I don't give a shit about graphics. The most entertaining and innovative games I have played in the last few years have been Indie titles like Journey and The Walking Dead so big budget over priced games aren't going to sell me on any new consoles. Plus, 360 and PS3 will still be the dominant systems for the next 5 years because, and this my opinion, this is WAY too soon for new consoles. I accepted the Wii U because it was just graphically catching up to PS3 and 360 but what kind of economy do Microsoft and Sony think they are marketing to? People are about as poor as they have ever been so I wouldn't expect either system to do well in sales this year. Plus, i'm not impressed by either system so far. Outside of better graphics and some social features that I don't care about, what difference is it from what we already have? A better kinect doesn't sell me either. Until there is a leap into something resembling virtual gaming, I won't be impressed by the small details. I say they should have waited until they could do something really different before making new systems because all I see are minor upgrades to the systems we already have but for a much higher price and with more restrictions to what we can do with our own property. **** them both.

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

@darkprince2 @TheFlawedGoblin First off, when did I call anyone stupid? If anything I was calling out vanity and the "need" to have things right away and how it was a smart business move to cater to that. However, since you brought it up, I do think its kind of stupid lol but I'm glad people exist to be impulsive consumers for some of the reasons you said. To me its those impulsive buyers that actually give me the opportunity to wait and get a better deal later on. I'd also like to ask a question: How is waiting a year or two going to make me lose out on playing games released for these systems? I'm pretty sure that the same games at the launch will also be available two years later and most likely cheaper so I don't really understand some of your argument. And finally, you don't know much about technology if you think that they cannot make a backwards compatible model in the future. While there is a chance that it might not happen, I really think it will because this is a monetary world where to the majority of people think the dollar is the bottom line. Sony would be able to ramp up the price and sell a backwards compatible PS4 as an ultra edition or something like that.

I have to say that one of the funniest things you said was that I fail as a consumer. LMAO!!! Why? Because I'm smart enough to recognize business patterns in the current world? Because I actually have patience and the ability to enjoy what I have rather than always needing the "next big thing"? You fail as a consumer because you fall for exactly what you are supposed to: the constant lust for more.