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@sladakrobot @TheFlawedGoblin Pretty slick words lol. I'm am going off of market research and common sense friend. XBox One is a mistake for Microsoft. The same mistake that Sony made with the PS3 when it first came out. Number one its too expensive for this economy and number too they put way too much focus on being an all around entertainment system than just focusing on being a gaming system. Sony learned their lesson and made the PS4 all about games because truly 99 percent of people don't give a shit about the extra features like watching cable through your XBos or the social media nonsense. You why I buy a video game console? To play video games. A shocker right? My PC handles the rest far better than the Xbox One could ever hope too and really I'm not so lazy that I can't shut off my game console, get up, and go to my PC for movies, shows, and social media. The XBox One is all about unimportant features and has a very weak line up of exclusive games. Titanfall is being way over hyped and Halo is going the same way of COD in just basically being the same game with new maps and maybe some new weapons. Oh and with the whole PRISM scandal and Microsoft being a company that supports the corrupt federal government you'd have to be stupid to put that spybox in your living room. Having to check in on the internet everyday is detrimental if you lose your connection or simply just can't afford the internet. I still don't used games are going to work for them because you have to install games to play them and they don't require a disc to do so. SO basically, what would stop people from installing the game on their system and then selling the disc back to gamestop? I have no bias towards any company but the XBox One is a frickin disaster from a consumer stand point.

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Well of coarse you are going to say that when you have the inferior product for the higher price.

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Cable TV is close to being obsolete so why should I care about this? Smart people get that you can watch everything you want to watch on the internet for free or way cheaper through netflix. Microsoft just does not get how arrogant and greedy they are coming off right now. Even the Kinect is XBOX One only even tho Microsoft is the creator of Windows. You have to go out and purchase a separate PC only version of Kinect which really doesn't matter anyways because who gives a shit about the Kinect? lol I can't believe people actually want to support the SpyBox One with all of its money grabbing qualities. For the exclusives? There isn't a single XBox exclusive that is worth it. Even Titanfall looks meh at best. Like no one has done a game with anime style robots before lol.

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@idestroycensors @TheFlawedGoblin Damn I didn't realize the american economy was all about you lol What a monumental piece of shit you are. People like you who have no fucking clue about life and what is going around them outside of their bank accounts are the reason that people hate the wealthy. Regardless, the time of people like running this world is coming to an end. Some day soon your hundreds of thousands of dollars won't mean shit so enjoy the percs of being a wealthy ignoramus while you can lol

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

@idestroycensors @TheFlawedGoblin Microsoft is a global company that doesn't give a shit about the American economy. When our economy fails, and that shit is inevitable my firend, Microsoft, like all other dominant global corporations, will shift to where ever the next super is and market to them. And you are an ignorant piece of shit if you think people are choosing to make minimum wage. All the good jobs have been out sourced to other countries and replaced with minimum wage service jobs. It was about ten years ago that everyone in power decided to sell out my generations future and everyone else after us so don't give me your fucking bullshit "you should have worked harder" nonsense. The fact is if you are making money right now you got lucky. You either came up during the time where there were opportunities or you just knew the right people. It might as be medevil times where you're only successful now if you were born in the right families. I guess ignorance is bliss you out of touch with reality ****. I cannot stand people like you.

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@udubdawgz @Double-Ego @TheFlawedGoblin Big talk. Lets hear you rip my rationale to pieces. Its easy to talk s**t when you don't actually have to back up your point now isn't it?

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@idestroycensors @Double-Ego @TheFlawedGoblin Oh my dear god lol I don't know if you are more arrogant or ingorant? Its hard to tell. However, I'd be careful spouting off that kind of insensitive rhetoric around people who can barely afford to eat, not because of our wrong decisions but because of the psychotic corruption of the government and corporate greed. Do you even have a fucking clue about what is going on in the world? Jesus.. If there is a revolution in our time period I would hide under a rock if I were you. People like you won't do well in that situation lol

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

@GuySchronski @VeeArSick I'm pretty sure Xbox 360 released fo 300 - 350. PS3 made the same mistake that Microsoft is making today by trying to release an entertainment device rather than a gaming system and its seem like Sony learned their lesson and Microsoft got way to cocky. Why woul I spend 500 dollars on a device that requires an internet connection and the installation of all games? That hard drive will fill up real fast if all the games all blu ray discs. Micorsoft went too far towards being an all around device when thats not really what gamers want. I have a PC for my all around device so why would I need those features on my console as well when I'd rather use my PC for that style of entertainment? Also, who cares about cable tv anymore? Most people I know only have internet because its way cheaper to do that and get netflix to watch the shows we actually want to watch rather than paying 100 dollars a month for 3 channels we like and 800 we don't want. Microsoft showcased their greed and focused on all the wrong things for this new console generation. They may have flip flopped on the used game fee but that still doesn't change the fact that just to play a used game on someone elses system it will have to be re downloaded through your account on their system which means every time you want to play a game at a friends house you will have to wait til the game is downloaded where as with the PS$ all you have to do is bring the game. No matter how you size it up PS4 is the better buy.

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500 is way too high in this economy and honestly 400 isn't that much better. Think about it. For a full time minimum wage employee (the vast majority of Americans and civilians worldwide make much less if anything) would have to sacrifice three paychecks to purchase an XBOX One and 2 paychecks to buy a PS4, and that is not even including games and extra controllers. This is not the world of 10 or 20 years ago where we all have money to waste.

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Edited By TheFlawedGoblin

@1tch @TheFlawedGoblin There is no exclusive game that is worth buying a Spybox that requires the internet and demands used game fees. Technologically speaking it is SLIGHTLY better than PS4 but is it worth it for all the restrictions? No it is not. Plus, I give it one year before PS4 has all the exclusives for the future. Why? Because no one with a brain is going to buy an XBox One.