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I've actually been looking forward to Head mounted displays making it to home gaming, throw on some over ear studio style headphones with surround sound, and a Mic attachment, and you got something WONDERFUL for gaming, could do without the head tracking BS though, seriously, for now, a controller functions just fine, so I for one can't wait to see this thing, to be able to do away with the space my monitor and sound setup takes up for my PC would REALLY be nice, not to mention, the display itself could be larger than I can afford in a standard LCD Display.

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Well this is indeed unexpected, from all the hooplah, and howling baboons I had to deal with months before the games release, the never ending streams of commercials, and all to see this turn into a F2P, makes me glad to have missed this games full price bullet, been nailed once with the same tactic from Champions Online, not again, if it doesn't START as F2P or actually do something that ISN'T a rehashing of what I did in WoW for the first few years of it's release, i'll just stick to regular games and leave MMO's to those with more time and money, and a seemingly endless supply of people willing to put up with this kind of chicanery.

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I maintain hope for the system, mainly because it's unveiling also presented me with footage of Metro 2033's sequel Last Light, and being able to run a game like that takes a bit of power, and the possibility of playing it online Multiplayer from a Tablet intrigues me, but this is all just Possible awesome, however with nintendos track record of late, I can't help but feel another mistake is in the making, Tablets have only made their Niche in the home environment in the last few 4-5 years, and the technology behind it is still being improved upon, I feel Nintendo is trying to sell Spark plugs to people in the early days of the Automobile, The tech is cool, and Revolutionary, but forcing something prior to it's time even if it's pure Genius tends to end in Failure, But hey hope springs eternal, GL Nintendo.

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Great Yet another (Potential) nail in the Coffin of SE, this is getting to happen far too often from this company, between dangling the FF VII remake possibility if another game matches it's sales, to the horrendous job they did with FF XIV, i'm thinking it's time for some in house cleaning over at SE.

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so the guy died from being awakened and malnourished for 2 days? dude seriously, what a fuggin pansy, if that was all it took the guy NEVER coulda survived even something as simple as a trip to Disney land.

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Oddly I agree with this dude's statement, DLC has been a poorly utilized tool to nickle and dime gamers, and have become more akin to an excuse for games developers to release unfinished or lighter contented games to fit with the release dates wanted by the greedy d*ckholes who fund everything and just want their percentage asap. when properly used DLC extends a games life, or gives it that little edge that makes the game a little easier and enjoyable, THAT'S what made it a great thing, you spend 60 on a game, play it to death, love it, and shelve it, 3 months later, HOLY CRAP! there's a whole new story to see in that game, thereby funding either more content for a good game, or an advancement on the next title.

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@TCMOREIRA Don't worry about this kinda stuff, Gamespot has to go hounding any and every story related to gaming, it's the same thing with celebrities, who said what about who, and so forth, just view it as tabloid filler space to keep people working in Gamer news, seriously, gamer news, what more do you need to describe it? Gamespots GREAT for the Gossip and random fact finds, and the odd, nugget of truly news worthy information peddling, but for the most part, Gaming is a hobby, and these guys make money by making and reporting gaming news, it's relevance is always in question, so anything they can throw out there, they will.

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Until it sits in my hand and I am able to game one it, my judgement will remain optimistic, I like Nintendo, and I like the potential on the new system, but in the end it's gonna come down to the games, and if they are fun and entertaining, consoles don't sell themselves, no one BOUGHT a 360 just to own it, well maybe the early days, but they turned around and sold them on ebay, Anyways, people buy a console for the POSSIBLE entertainment it will provide based upon the stable of games surrounding it's Manufacturer, problem with the new console and controller, Now Nintendo has to sell people on a new controller scheme in addition to providing great gaming, I am optimistic, but even I have to look upon the Wii-U with skepticism. Hope for the best, expect the worst, either way i'll be gaming for a long time to come yet.

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Yes because now you have all the thing's they're trying to shove down gamers gullets, and Nintendo wants a piece of the pie, wholly digital distribution, fun and creative games that aren't rip offs or poor imitations of previously released titles, second hand gaming is impossible, no cartridge or disc to sell, truth is the IPAD is the holy grail for console manufacturers, it resolves the issue of price loss, since all the major games companies have been producing them the model was, sell the console at a loss, then make it back with the games. well now we have a console base, that sells for an insane price, but for what it's capable of that ALONE has made it worth it's hefty tag, but if one could play new / old nintendo games on it via an itunes ish menu system from Nintendo, or Sony, you'd have something now wouldn't you? so just wait, it's just a matter of time till we see something like that, I can picture MS doing it first, and sony following it up, while Nintendo meets with apple and asks to be bailed out.

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There's a certain amount of truth here folks, the games industry like ANY entertainment based business NEED'S to keep it's audience enthralled, via astounding Graphics, a well spun story, or a means of entertainment and thought provocation that hasn't really been attempted, Innovation is a primary tool of the trade, you can only hear the same song so many times before you get sick of it, CoD, GoW, Halo, Mario Brothers, Metal Gear, and so on have pretty much made my own list, other can, and thank god DO differ from person to person, then there's some songs that get stuck in your skull and the only way to get it out is with a large caliber bullet, Mega Man X, Metro 2033, Team Fortress 2, Portal, just to name a few of my favorite games I can't help but get a twitch and want to play again and again when the mood strikes, same thing with Games, books, plays, and so on. Innovation can come in a Myriad of forms, and I for one would love to see more than just the technical aspects receive attention, I remain increasingly optimistic that games are becoming a better and more advance means of telling a Story, or simply giving one the means to relax after a harsh day with a few hundred skulls exploded from a point blank shotgun cartridge spraying it's cargo of pellets into a friends digital face.

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