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#1 Dreams-Visions
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Pretty embarrassing.

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#2 Dreams-Visions
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@RedentSC said:

its so funny how NOBODY.. not even lems are trying to defend Kinect here..... is that a sign they can see how poor it is but don't want to admit it.... its so bad they can't even think up BS to sell Kinect... haha i'm creased

There's nothing to defend. There was not a single piece of software during the entire lifetime of Kinect 1.0 (though an argument can be made for Child of Eden) that justified its existence or necessity to gamers. Period. To date, Kinect 2.0 appears to be instant-replay of Kinect 1.0's lifetime and software library. Mediocre Kinect games and middling implementations of insignificant features in games that do support a little functionality.

It has the same issue Kinect always had: reliability. You know the reliability you get when you press B on your controller? It works 100% of the time, and if it didn't you'd throw it away, wouldn't you? For the same reason you'd toss that controller is the same reason why developers can't use the device seriously or liberally in games. If you can't reliably offer 99.99% reliability of input recognition from Kinect, it's largely useless for modern games, most of which require timing, precision, and reliability.

You know, maybe if Kinect came with some sort of gloves that Kinect can see each of your fingers and movements in with 100% reliability, we'd see some interesting things. But with what we have right now...Kinect seems to have no future for core gamers. It can't be defended. Back in 2010 or whenever Kinect 1.0 came out, it was fair to defend it because we didn't know what to expect. It deserved a shot. But we've had 3 or 4 years of Kinect to digest and analyze...

...and what we've seen is nothing worth talking about for core gamers. Sorry, there's no debating or defending it. As I said earlier, MS has between now and E3 to develop a brilliant game or two that justify the existence and investment of Kinect 2.0. If they can't by then, they better be making plans for an SKU that doesn't include it.

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#3  Edited By Dreams-Visions
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@SerOlmy: we'll agree to disagree on this one. No problem. I found their presence neither boring nor tedious nor a chore. Further, your suggestions for changing them feel very near-sighted.

In short, I think maybe you didn't play the game enough to figure out how to interact with them in the flow if a match. Your suggestions shows me you failed to understand that and how to utilize them in a march without breaking a stride. That's all I see. But I played for about 20 hours, so I feel like I have a better grasp than most regarding the more subtle nuances of the game and how the things add up and into the whole.

It's okay if you don't like or appreciate it. Not every aspect of every game has to be enjoyable to you. Not every game is for you. Doesn't mean they aren't great; just not for you.

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#4  Edited By Dreams-Visions
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Well, it certainly won't lose any points for graphics. Damn.

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#5 Dreams-Visions
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WTF at this thread. Yo lemmings, take the L on this and move on. The reality is that Kinect has no meaningful games implementation to sell it to gamers. Not right now, and maybe not ever given how little MS or their partners have shown us to date. It's a nice piece of hardware, but if no developer can think of a way to use it that actually improves upon the gameplay experience, it will always be underutilized.

For those with kids, the Kinect Sports line is always nice. For those who just don't want to get a gym membership like everyone else, Kinect Fitness is an option. But those are very nice software options that provide very limited entertainment after a few sittings. Sadly, for gaming it ends there.

We can hope for something like a sequel to Child of Eden or similar titles, but given how it sold on the 360, that feels unlikely too. But really...if MS can't think of an implementation for it in games that appeals to the core gamer...if they can't create a game that stands up as a brilliant implementation of Kinect for gaming that really serves as the benchmark for what Kinect can be and mean to gaming...well, how can you expect us to convince anyone of its value? How can MS convince its partners to invest extra time or developers into games to add Kinect features?

Right now, all Kinect is good for is auto logging me in and accepting voice commands. I think that's pretty sad for an expensive inclusion in a box that came out at $500. Either they show us between now and E3 why a gamer should care about Kinect, or they will launch a Kinectless SKU before the end of the year. The clock is ticking. Sony is already pulling away in sales and word travels fast.

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#6  Edited By Dreams-Visions
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@SerOlmy said:

I mean that farming bots In TitanFall is about as "competitive" as playing a co-op shooter like Warframe. At least the enemies in Warframe shoot back.

That's a fundamental misunderstanding of their purpose. The bots aren't there to kill you. They're there to help you reduce the time of your titanfall drop. Also, some weapon attachments are linked to you # of bot kills.

Think of the bots as an entity in the game filling a role like minions or creeps do in League of Legends or Dota2. They're a means to a very specific end. In LoL and Dota2, their purpose is to get you faster access to items that increase your killing potential. In Titanfall, their purpose is to get your oversized friend onto the map, get certain burn cards and scopes and silencers. I don't think anyone would suggest LoL and Dota2 aren't "competitive" games because of the presence of bots, right? Neither should you here. You just need to understand what they're there for and how you should interact with them over the course of a match.


As for score, it'll be a 9. Because it should be a 9. It will get docked a little for not having a SP campaign and for it's very "cross-gen" graphics (read: very unremarkable). It will score highly for the overall gameplay, speed and fluidity. Gunplay felt great in the Beta and we only had access to like 6 primary weapons. The soundfx and musical score are also all head-of-the-class stuff, only equaled by Battlefield 4. Depending on how good all of the stuff not in the Beta fleshes out the game, it could have been something like a 9.4 (if they still used decimals).

Honestly, after 20 hours playing only 1 mode with 3 classes and 1 Titan, I never really got bored and still want more at this very second. The rush Titanfall can provide is something I haven't felt in an FPS game since...UT99 and Halo 2. It feels like a blast from the past...the best years of competitive FPS gaming, but with 2014 upgrades. I've been trying to go back to BF4 and KZSF since the Beta ended and they're just not as fun anymore. They're still fun mind you, but the excitement and exhilaration found in damn near every TF match is largely absent from those 2 games, for varying reasons. Their camp-ey nature as games, the small irritations (like things that obstruct your path that the game should simply allow you to step over without jumping), the poor net code, the countless glitches, or the dumb respawn placement systems. It all adds up to siphon life away from my ability to enjoy those games.

So yea, that's my opinion. TF is about an order of magnitude more *fun* than BF4, KZSF or CoD. It's not really even a debate in my eyes. It plays faster, it's more entertaining, it's more intense, it's more exciting. The inclusion of MOBA-style AI to farm (thus, always something to do), burn cards, post-game evacuation and Titans breathe a breath of fresh air into the rather stale chemistry of FPS games post CoD4. It's not as pretty as KZSF. It won't have the unnecessarily large weapon selection or 64 players like Battlefield. But it controls like a dream, its soundfx are to die for, and entertains better than both of them put together.

9 (9.4, old system), and our first GoTY candidate.

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#7 Dreams-Visions
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@theshensolidus said:

Wow, tons of wheel spinning in this thread. For a lot of you, this is going to be an endless level of rationalization and debate you'll be having all gen long. We have both games that have been released, that are being released, and that will be releasing both in the short-term and far-term that points to this power difference, yet you still hang onto some hope that it just isn't true or there is some misunderstood logic behind it all, when the reality is the simplest answer is the one that is definitely true.

Firstly - yes, we did get a new XDK (about 2 weeks ago in-fact). Some of you are implying these are new dev kits - wrong; its a software update. We're currently on the March update with the "new & improved" party/friends system. As has been said before, the major difference this XDK has given us is it freed up 8% of the originally 10% Kinect reserved GPU cycles (i.e. 10 processes out of a 100 were taken, it would now only be 2), meaning our drawcalls have theoretically been improved (we're still experimenting with it). What I will say this is helping us with across the board is FPS stability, which has been an issue many of you have noted in games released.

Don't go thinking it's going to make past games run better or future games development on the platform is going to be "omg, all da powah!" in terms of resources or potential fidelity, because at the end of the day our biggest limiting factor is still absolutely hardware, and nothing will EVER change that. Yes, drivers and software will become more streamlined and certain tricks to maximize the hardware will be understood, but even if we changed the development environment to the most streamlined available (something which it certainly IS NOT right now), we are still going to be held by the reigns of physical hardware.

Secondly - I have heard this sentiment from other developers over the last few months, and its something we don't quite understand. What, exactly, do we need to understand about eSRAM? I know many a programmer that have taken it as an insult to see comments saying "Devs don't understand how to utilize it", like it's way over our heads. Newsflash- its a 32mb memory pool. We've been working with memory constraints since the dawn of technology, there is nothing magical about it because it has a different name or because of its bus speed. Yes, it does suck that we have such a limited amount of 'the fast RAM', and yes it is causing us headaches. While people will throw around DirectX 11.2 (ugh) and Tiled Resources as some foresighted use case for eSRAM, the fact is that developers are always going to use those 32mbs of fast memory for our frame buffer, we pretty much have to for a number of reasons.

It's because of having to utilize the 'fast' memory in such limited quantity is why we see things like longer load times, longer install times, fewer effects and worse aliasing on multiplatform titles on the system. If we had 128mbs of eSRAM, many of our problems would be exponentially alleviated in the short-term. However, there would STILL be a power difference between the two platforms, you just would have started seeing the pull away in year 2 or 3 instead of year 1.

And i'll leave off with this - what does it REALLY matter what the system can do? No matter what, It's going to do the one principle thing that you purchased it for, and that is play great games. Okay, fine, multiplats will run better across the board on an opposing machine, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the games. PS3 owners went an entire generation getting their teeth kicked in with shitty ports, and its still continuing, but they still had amazing gaming experiences. And that is why you purchased this console; to play great games. Don't take up the banner of wanting to support a console just because you want it to be the strongest to win in debates. No, take up the banner of playing with the gaming console you prefer because you prefer it, and who the hell cares what other people think. You're your own person with your own opinion, never feel you have to justify your decision of purchase or support to random internet debaters. As long as you are getting the experience you want from the console you purchased, who the hell should have anything to say contrary to your experience and opinion.

Good post. And yet it's conclusion is somewhat nearsighted. Part of the experience you want from a console purchased is affected by framerate, resolution and effects. Lower than native resolutions introduce blur, artifacting and problems recognizing distant objects. Lower framerates need no explanation. Lowered effects take away from the ambiance and look that the developers hoped to give their audience. These are objective truths and problems that affect the One more than the PS4...and by no small measure. And it's only year 1.

As one who owns all 3 nextgen systems and a gaming PC, my One is now basically a Wii: I'll buy exclusives on it. Games I can't get anywhere else. Otherwise, everything is going to be bought on the PS4 or PC. Because as you said...it's about the experience...and some parts of the experience are measurable and objective.

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#8 Dreams-Visions
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@musicalmac said:

@Dreams-Visions@Locutus_Picard I see.

It still doesn't make sense to me, why would MS release a console that can't handle these titles at the resolution that has become standard on all televisions in the past few years? It makes such little sense, in fact, that it makes me wonder what it is we're missing. How could they choose so poorly the internals of the Xbox One?

It's so ridiculous that there has to be something we don't know. Right?

I don't know either, my friend.

I really don't know how they failed to properly target 1080p in a world where 1080p is the standard.

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#9 Dreams-Visions
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@shawn30 said:

So? Lol, is the game any good is the big question. 900p isn't nearly as big a deal as if the game is actually any good. That goes for any game on any system.

Both matter, thank you very much. And it matters because we're all still trying to figure out what we can or should reasonably expect from the One for output resolution. This is a game I simply would have assumed would be 1080p, like Strider. 900p makes me want to ask why. It's not running on Frostbite 2 with levolution. It's pushing a cinematic experience like Ryse. So what's the problem?

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#10 Dreams-Visions
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@musicalmac said:

Lindley found, “after sending a quick note” to his team, that the game is “actually internally at 900p.” He added, again, that he could confirm that point for us.

What does that mean? I just don't know what that means. Does that mean that it's 900p during development and that it'll be released at 900p?

It means that the game renders at 900p before being upscaled for 1080p displays using the One's internal scaler. Every One game that is below 1080p is upscaled to 1080p by a scaler to fill the entire screen.