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Edited By Clovergirl227

I can't see how they can pull this off, it's too massive of a project and that will reduce overall quality. An MMO will probably be the best genre to try and get all of Tamriel in, but at the same time it's just MMO. MMOs are hit or miss with people, I find them incredibly boring, bland, empty, ugly, and repetitive. MMOs make too many tradeoffs in order to get all that landscape into them, trade offs to such a point that I doubt TES fans will recognize it as the Elder Scrolls we know.

I hope i'm disproven, but I can't say i'm looking forward to this.

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Edited By Clovergirl227

I don't know about Doom, but Mass Effect 3's ending was abysmal. Anyone who played the series would know that the ending was counter to everything that had been built up. It contradicted Sovereign in the first game, had a terrible number of plot holes that made no sense to anyone (like the Normandy running away from battle in a stand alone scene with no buildup or context) the introduction of a new character that downright cheapened the main enemy, used circular logic, and a host of other things. It was lazy writing, possibly rushed by the publishers to meet a release date, which inturn seems to have been unchecked by the rest of the team. It was so out of place, so insulting, and just downright anti-climatic with no sense of closure. that damned an otherwise well written game.

'Artistic integrity' was also an invention by IGN in relation to ME3, Bioware made no mention to anything of the sort until that article came out, and I think the overwhelming (9 to 1) fan reaction and the unprecedented campaigns speak for themselves. It's one thing to have an ending no one expected, but it's somthing else to have an insulting ending that just bastardises the established lore.

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Edited By Clovergirl227

I'm very mixed on this...

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Edited By Clovergirl227

I really don’t like it when people go off and say Bio ware is obligated to care, but I think it’s really foolish of them to not care. The response from the Mass Effect community has been nothing short of overwhelmingly negative to the endings, they are just terribly written and carried out.

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Edited By Clovergirl227

It's anything but a "very small subset", it's essentially every Mass Effect fan that posts their opinion online. It's quite rare to run into someone who actually likes the ending. Bio ware isn't obligated to care, listen or react, but it is a bad idea to ignore such an overwhelming majority of the community, lest they develop a negative reputation which will hurt their image and future sales. A storyline isn't art however, the visuals are. The story needs to make sense, and at the end it simply did not. The things that upset most people is that Shepard is utterly out of character, the introduction of new a new character who essentially contradicts the established reasoning of the Reapers in Mass Effect 1 and 2. The silliness of the cut scenes which does not explain why the Normandy is in FTL, how the squad mates ended up on the vessel, and why dead squad mates are running around on it. However, the single most enraging part for most is the fact it literally destroys the Mass Effect universe regardless of the ending chosen. The detonation of the Mass relays destroy every inhabited planet in the Galaxy (That or its contradicting Mass Effect lore) essentially seals any possibility for anything else to happen.

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Edited By Clovergirl227

It's just trolling, it happens to everyone and it's nothing new. However, it's not about entitlement. Developers build up a fanbase based on primarily the original product in the series. People typically hate when a developer radically changes the mechanics and focus that has already been setup in a series, even small things are generally disliked intensely. DA2 was the bastard child of Bioware because it took an established series and turned it into Dynasty warriors with RPG aspects, and gave the finger to fans of the original and hence its established fanbase. Thats what people are upset about, but reporting on trolling is pointless, trolling is just the way of the internet, people generally don't give two craps about being insensitive on commentary responses.