Battlefront makes a good show on PSP but is too short to be worth while.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
Battlefront has come a long way since it's debute. The controls have gotten better, the graphics have been enhanced, and the score/music has been top notch. Battlefront supplies fun alone or with friends. It's a good time on line too. So naturally Battlefront is going to get it's time as a PSP only. It's a solid title but just too short to recommend for the price they ask.

Star War Battlefront Renegade Squadron follows Han Solos secret solders that help to make many of the battles against the empire possible. The single player campain is painfully short. You can maybe play through it in 4 hours. Through out this time Renegade will take you to places far far away, but the newly added levels are few and far between.

The graphics are pretty solid. They convey the classic Star Wars universe pretty well. They use a lot of textures though which can be grating on the eye. The animations are solid and the lighting and shadowing is ok. The details are pretty good and on par with early PS2 graphics.

The controls are good, they are responsive, but there are a lot of button combinations that require the need to either review the book or options screen. This can be annoying for new players and players that just want to pick up and go.

As usual the score and the sounds are wonderful. They are vintage Star Wars using many of the John Williams soundtrack and also remixing them.

There is a decent multiplayer mode that is good for connecting PSP (if you can find a friend that has one). But if you can't there are a couple of single player modes that will fill that void. The story mode is really short and unsatisfying. But through that you can unlock all the solders and the areas that you can do battle with.

Renegade is a good Star Wars game and action game. It'll wet your lips for a very limited time and leave you wanting more. It's hard to justify a large price tag on this game. All in all it's a good game and remains that way because the developers didn't add anything new to the franchise.