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#1 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

uh oh guys, i've been touting my 360 as being a champ but recently the system has been freezing up! It doesn't get the red ring of death but it froze like 4 times tonight so i unplugged it and let it sit for a while to see if maybe it's just heat or something, i only played it for about 20 min before it started freezing. DANG YOU MS!!!!! I love your system but this faulty hardware is bull. They should have gotten this fixed when they launched!\

p.s. any ideas what my problem is? is this what happens b4 the red ring, thanks in advance guys! and one more thing, does anyone know costco's policy? Someone told me they are much more strict on returns and i lost my reciept (yea, i really screwed up) but i figure it's in their system, i hope at least


mine did the same thing and gave the red light on about the 4 or 5th restart. you will most likely getsecondary error code 0102 send it to M$. if your warrenty is void for a firmware flash you can fix it on your own for about five bucks googlexbox eraser fix.its aGPU memory issue due toa solder connection becoming brittle and cracking. the fix works did it on a buddies console.

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#2 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

So I'm considering buying a 360. I'm quite the sheep and I'm still enjoying my Wii but I'm dying to get Too Human and my friend wants a game or two so I might be getting one. Is this something I should be concerned about? What is the defective rate like now, and is it the same in the Elites as in the others? TIA guys.OfficialJab

the elites are no different from the other 360s aside from the colour and larger hdd. as for the failure rate its pretty high. M$ has only admited to 3-5% but when the major big boxed stores were polled it was more like 30-33%. considering M$ has uped there warrenty to 3yrs and set asside 1.12 billion dollars for future repair costs i tend to believe it is much higher then the 33%. when you think about how many people who have voided the warrenty by opening there consoles to do case mods, firmware flashes, and cooling mods. the cooling mods are usually done to consolesto prevent further issues by people who did a self repair on the 360. so the numbers are probaly more like 45-50% i myself am on my 3rd 360 i was lucky enough to get over the counter exchanges done. i would say wait untill the winter time, the new chipsets are saposed to hit the shelfs in the mid fall. so wait till winter to see if the new chips will fix the issues. there saposed to run alot cooler.

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#3 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

Oh no! You need a receipt to be covered for the RROD. But I thought they just check the manufactured date?


You don't need a receipt for Microsofts warranty. Correct its the manufactured date or when it was first registered.

Edit: If you use store specific warrantys that could mess up your warranty because they dont tell MS that you have a new console-number.

(Some stores exhange the 360 for used ones that already can be registered to someone else, and if you need to transfer ownership you dont get "their" warranty since MS warranty is ONLY for the original owner).

well that would make more sense, i just wrote what he told me.maybe he was talking to a new customer service rep. or maybe he was just an impatient jackass who didnt want to wait to get it fixed. and knowing that i know how to fix what was wrong with his 360 got me to do it. eather way his 360 warrenty is void but now working

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#4 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

Oh no! You need a receipt to be covered for the RROD. But I thought they just check the manufactured date?


no man, read there warrenty policy. you need to include your (or a copy) recept/proof of purchase in the box the console is shiped in. its ridiculous the console has only been out since 2005 so you would figure by that fact alonethat all the consoles would be coverd under there new 3yr warrenty. but there not my buddie was told when he called M$ that because he had no recept he had to pay for the fix. which is why i had to fix it for him

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#5 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

[QUOTE="xxshafferxx"]yea man, if your ready to go the distance and do all that they will cave. give you what ever you want because its cheaper then fighting you in court and theres no bad publicity. 13and0
But you see, they aren't the bad guys here. That would be MS and the suppliers of the faulty hardware. He, like millions, have a case of action against MS if they sent in their 360 and got a broken one. If I do get one, and I'm NOT saying I will, I'm taking the fight to MS with the DCA, BBB, a lawyer and my state's AG. I will bring those bastards to their knees and have the AG demand a worldwide recall on broken 360s. The hell with this goody two shoes take it back to the store and get another broken one. I'm taking the fight to the enemy.

oh i definitly agree, the stores are not to blame. i just did the exchange because it was the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to get it replaced. scroll up and read one of the earlier post i made it explains that the type of solder M$ used is to blame for the 360s going "red death". i dont know if this is true but i read on another forum that the reason why M$ used a non-lead/tin based solder was because they had to comply with some sort of governmental rules and regulations crap. lead/tin based solder would have coped just fine with the heat the xbox 360 gives off. that being said i dont know if thats true. but yes M$ is still the one to blame they made the 360 after all. and givin the fact that a large amount of people in other forums are fixing there 360s by putting on different clamps to hold down the heat sinks suggests that the x-clamps M$ used are faulty as well. i love the 360 and the games it has and the things it does but the point of all my rambleing is that in the end M$ didnt test the 360 enough. they pushed up there launch date to beat sony and nintendo to the next-gen console market and now there paying the price. they have already set asside 1.12 billion!!! to fix the consoles and there getting tons of bad publicity.

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#6 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts
yea man, if your ready to go the distance and do all that they will cave. give you what ever you want because its cheaper then fighting you in court and theres no bad publicity.
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#7 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

[QUOTE="xxshafferxx"]im on my 3rd 360. (2 went red death on me) i got extreamly lucky, i bought the 360 at best buy and was able to get an exchange both times the console died. so every time the console died i got a new one. the moral of the story is, only send it off to microsoft as a last resort. for the love of jebus keep your recepts. (microsoft wont fix it for free under there new 3 year warrenty unless you have proof of purchase) if you have an extended warrenty through the big box type stores (like i did) and your not afraid to get a manager involved. chances are you can get a new 360 over the counter. trust me, im on 360 number 3 now and ive had a new one the same day they broke on me. 13and0
**** a manager. My friend got his father, a highly successful and rich lawyer, involved and got a new Elite and a FREE HD-DVD player after his CORE and Premium broke!(got a replacement after theCore, gotthe Elite after the Premium)I'm so ****in' jealous. The reason, you ask? Simple, the retailer didn't want to take the Premium back since he didn't buy the 1 yr. store warranty(only had the 30 day free warranty).He read some of the stories about the poor so called customer support from MS and didn't want to wait 1-2 months to play again.He threatened legal action but the store stood firm. He then filed a complaint and somehow they got wind of it and they offered him the Elite and free player. This was only recently and I doubt I would get lucky.

ha ha thats awsome. and i can tell you from experiance (i use to work at wallmart) if you go above the store manager to the district manager, you will always get what you want and then some. so long as you conduct yourself in a civilized maner. thats probly what his dad did was file the complant with the district manager. or spoke to him on the phone

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#8 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

so if my cousin buys a 360 for me in USA then he send the 360 to Bolivia Were i live and its (broken) i'm F*****

So bad that many xbox's are (broken) i wonder why is that happening


since im on my 3rd xbox 360, ive started researching why it breaks down so much. every hacker/moder forum i come across blames the "red death" on the quality of solder M$ uses to attach the components to the motherboard. (CPU,GPU,RAM.)these three components generate alot of heat, the problem with the solder they used is that after a while of going from hot to cold, hot to cold, the solder becomes brittle and cracks. these cracks result in coldcontacts (broken connections) between the motherboard and the CPU,GPU and ram. this is exactly why the "towel trick" works. (google towel trick if you dont know what it is) the towel trick works because the 360 gets so hot that the solder expands and temporarily seals the cracks in the solder. although it gets your console to work again ive never herd of it lasting longer then a week before you have to do it again, and there is serious potential for completely killing the console and starting a fire!!! that being said there are, from what ive found a fix for most 3 red light problems that wont cost you more then $20 if you can do the work yourself. to find the proper fix for your issue get the secondary error code (google how to find it) then google the fix for it.

to fix the 0102 error code do what this guy did, it works and it only costs 2 or 3 bucks in suplies. i know this works. had to do this to a buddies 360 as he lost the recept and M$ wouldnt fix it for free. his console has been going strong for 3 weeks now no issues


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#9 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts
im on my 3rd 360. (2 went red death on me) i got extreamly lucky, i bought the 360 at best buy and was able to get an exchange both times the console died. so every time the console died i got a new one. the moral of the story is, only send it off to microsoft as a last resort. for the love of jebus keep your recepts. (microsoft wont fix it for free under there new 3 year warrenty unless you have proof of purchase) if you have an extended warrenty through the big box type stores (like i did) and your not afraid to get a manager involved. chances are you can get a new 360 over the counter. trust me, im on 360 number 3 now and ive had a new one the same day they broke on me.
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#10 xxshafferxx
Member since 2006 • 30 Posts

i can tell you exactly what will happen next. your 360 will die on you within the next few days or sooner.you will get the 3red light ring of death, you will also get a secondary error code reading 0102. on the bright side this is the easiest red light problem to fix. its not a GPUfailure like most sites list it as. its a GPU ram issue, caused by M$ useing shotty solder. the solder weakens over time and and cracks. if you still have your recept send it to M$ if you dont have your recept you cant send it in for free. but this will fix it.


(im on my 3rd 360 so ive started researching the red ring o death)

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