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#1 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Nope, Ive managed to squeeze at least some level of enjoyment out of every Wii game that I own, including stuff like Red Steel, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Big Brain Academy and MySims.

I dont know, Im not really fussy.

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#2 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts
I very much enjoyed the Rush games on the DS, and Secret Rings was great too. Unleashed looks to be following the pattern of good-great, so I dont think its quite time to kill off the blue blur just yet.
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#3 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Im still not convinced that The Conduit will be a good game. The whole thing is really cliche, its been done a million times before,


it's been done a million times?, not on Wii; the closest is Medal of Honor2 and nothing else comes close at all.

Have we all only ever played games on the Wii? For Christ's sake, the story, setting and enemies are cliche concerning Sci-Fi FPS's in general. Never once did I say that it has been done a million times on the Wii before, so why is it people keep using that to try and argue?

Medal of Honour Heroes 2 is also tired and cliche. I dont care how good the controlls are, or how good the graphics are, I do not want to pay for a game that, when I put in the disc and settle down, I feel like I have played it a million times before, whether that is on the Wii or not.

Why cant people understand that? :S

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#4 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

You can and you cant. Most games nowadays have their roots in other stuff, yet they still try to do something new. The Conduit is actively trying to be a standard first person shooter, and I dont find them very interesting. At least Red Steel tried to be a little different. Metroid Prime 3 is excellent, Bioshock is excellent, Call of Duty 4 is excellent, Portal is excellent.

We really need another game like this, but on the Wii, not an every-other-scifi-shooter rip off. And with your point about maturity, I much prefer mature themes than shiney graphics. (see Bioshock).

May I ask what you found disappointing about NMH?

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#5 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Everyone knows that the 360 and PS3 are capable of producing visuals that blow the Wii way out of the water. Visuals are not the reason we buy a Wii, so a comparison like this is completely pointless.

The Conduit, admittedly, holds a little potential, and the character models show a lot of polish. If HVS get the bland backgrounds sorted out, and somehow make the tired old story not suck, then they may be onto something. But it will never look like a 360 game in motion.

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#6 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

The only ones i might like to see are Kameo, Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur IVBuryMe

May I ask why? Kameo kind of does, but the two fighting games just dont lend themself well to the Wii's control scheme, unfortunately. Those games would be all waggle and no skill. Other than Brawl, there hasnt been a decent fighting game that uses the Wiimote well (and Brawl barely even uses its capabilities). And Wii owners have to hang their hopes on Castlevania Judgement.

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#7 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Im still not convinced that The Conduit will be a good game. The whole thing is really cliche, its been done a million times before, and HVS is not making any apologies for that. They merely say that they know, they want it to be like that, and then spout on about graphics. That is never the best way to develop a game, but who knows. It could be a massive hit, but I still want to wait before I start hyping it.

I was one that criticised the game when the first trailer came out. Ive seen the second one, and Im actually starting to like what they are pulling out of the little white box. Im not convinced with the art direction, the environments or the styIe of the models, but the graphics are looking better and better.

I dont think, however, HVS will be able to create a game that made my draw drop as much as Super Mario Galaxy.

I would love for them to prove me wrong.


no im sorry but it has not been done a million times. name me one other fps-title for wii that has been done right...red steel sucked and moh 2 was decent. that's 1, not a million. mp 3 if not a fps but a fpa.

I never said it had been done on the Wii before :| I merely said that the content and story was tired because of all the other FPS games in existance... and Im right.

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#8 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

The Wii has a completely different menu of games and, for the most part, I like it that way; it gets quirky and inventive titles that wouldnt see the light of day on the other two consoles. Not that the other two dont get inventive games, of course, theyre just different.

Some games are just suited to the machine; Okami and De Blob are two examples of games that really needed to be on the Wii, and are :)

So, if I could, I would have (some ports, some remade):

Portal, Katamari, Starcraft, Viva Pinata, Overlord, Pokemon Red / Blue, Monkey Island... that kind of stuff.

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#9 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Either with the remote and nunchuk, or with the wheel. I refuse to play a Wii game with any other controller, and that includes Brawl. I find the standard controller to be so much better than anything else anyway.

An exception is Guilty Gear, though, where I use a classic controller modelled like a traditional SNES pad.

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#10 wallsy9
Member since 2007 • 261 Posts

Im still not convinced that The Conduit will be a good game. The whole thing is really cliche, its been done a million times before, and HVS is not making any apologies for that. They merely say that they know, they want it to be like that, and then spout on about graphics. That is never the best way to develop a game, but who knows. It could be a massive hit, but I still want to wait before I start hyping it.

I was one that criticised the game when the first trailer came out. Ive seen the second one, and Im actually starting to like what they are pulling out of the little white box. Im not convinced with the art direction, the environments or the styIe of the models, but the graphics are looking better and better.

I dont think, however, HVS will be able to create a game that made my draw drop as much as Super Mario Galaxy.

I would love for them to prove me wrong.