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#1 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


[QUOTE="TheMoreYouOwn"]Failing as in leading this gen? I know that's what you meant. Competitors miles behind.daledoback

lulz only in Sony world is losing in every category (sales, library, exclusives) "leading":lol:

lol. The denial is just amazing. Sony is losing in all categories yet in some peoples minds "They are ahead of the competition". I am at a lost for words.

It's not complete denial. If you're talking overall this gen the numbers support your comments. But right now and for the forseeable future, sony is slapping the crap out of both Nintendo and MS in terms of good games and good exclusives. I know which of my three consoles is going to see the most playtime this year, and it isn't the Wii or the 360.

Hopefully we'll see more for the current-gen consoles at E3, but I'm not holding my breath. Ninty's all about the 3DS and Cafe, and MS has their heads so far up their backsides about Kinect it isn't even funny.

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#2 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


That's not the point. The point is that if I play a game and find it to be total and utter garbage (and The Conduit is a perfect example), I'm not going to go take a chance on a sequel that scores even lower because the odds are I'll hate it even more than the first.

The conduit was so immediately boring when I played it that I couldn't even finish it. As others have already said, there are way better ways to spend your time and money on the Wii, even if you dont take any other platform into account.


Conduit 2 has improved upon Conduit 1

The opinion of one poster will not sway my opinion in the slightest when it's a game series thats already proved to me how lousy it can be, especially when a chorus of reviewers can't even agree that it's adecent game.

Even if your opinionwas correct, it would only mean that I'd have slightly less of abad gaming experience than I had with the first game. This means that it would either end up as a frisbee, a coaster, or pizza cutter before I even finished the game.

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#3 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


Im susprised people are actually pre-ordering this awful looking game


This. If I die, you can have my games.

Seeing as neither 2K or Gearbox has ever really let me down, I figured this was a day one.

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#4 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts

It's also unavailable here in the US (Gamestop), sans the PC edition.tjoeb123

Yeah, they stopped taking pre-orders some time ago. I'm glad I changed my mind on this one and got my pre-order in under the wire. :D

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#5 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts


Then there's the highlighting of clues if you stand around them too long, the rumbling that says 'Hi, i'm a clue' and the music that plays until you've found everything. Come on, it's good and all but you didn't have to think much did you?


You did know in the options you could turn off clue hints as well as have the music continue after all clues are found, right? The game could be made harder if you wanted it to be.

This is what I was going to say. Anyone who thought that made the games to easy could simply turn it off.

Great thread. Anyone who complained or tryied to rush through the game really missed this point of this one.

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#6 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts

[QUOTE="locopatho"]I don't play sequels to crap games that reviewed even crapper the second time around. Too many good games to be playing ;)LastRambo341
Higher score =/= better game Your precious GS says its a "GOOD" game ;)

That's not the point. The point is that if I play a game and find it to be total and utter garbage (and The Conduit is a perfect example), I'm not going to go take a chance on a sequel that scores even lower because the odds are I'll hate it even more than the first.

The conduit was so immediately boring when I played it that I couldn't even finish it. As others have already said, there are way better ways to spend your time and money on the Wii, even if you dont take any other platform into account.

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#7 standarddamage
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[QUOTE="PurpleMan5000"]Didn't they sell the most consoles this gen, at the highest profit margin to boot? I'm pretty sure they are THE most relevant console manufacturer.PurpleMan5000

THE most relevant console manufacturer? Absolutely not. Despite having the largest install base and the console that the cheapest to develop for, most publishers are still developing a lot more for the 360 and PS3 beacuse they sell more games with those two systems.

ON TOPIC: 3DS DOA? Not likely. Nintendo has a good grip on the handheld market, did a good job developing the 3DS, and I'm sure will enjoy the same 3rd party support the DS did.

I guess it depends on who you are referring the company as relevant to. From a consumer standpoint, Nintendo absolutely is the most relevant console maker. From a 3rd party developer standpoint, you are right.

Absolutely. From a consumer standpoint right now, the Wii is the most relevant. It's a household name. I was referring to developers and publishers.

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#8 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts

Didn't they sell the most consoles this gen, at the highest profit margin to boot? I'm pretty sure they are THE most relevant console manufacturer.PurpleMan5000

THE most relevant console manufacturer? Absolutely not. Despite having the largest install base and the console that the cheapest to develop for, most publishers are still developing a lot more for the 360 and PS3 beacuse they sell more games with those two systems.

ON TOPIC: 3DS DOA? Not likely. Nintendo has a good grip on the handheld market, did a good job developing the 3DS, and I'm sure will enjoy the same 3rd party support the DS did.

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#9 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts

[QUOTE="TheMoreYouOwn"]Nah, PSN offfers much more than Live, and doesn't charge you to experience the full extent of the game you bought.daledoback

Really? Please give examples of this.

Examples? How about every online title available on the system, for starters.Unless you catch a deal, you're paying $60 a year just to play those games online with Live.With PSN you pay $0.

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#10 standarddamage
Member since 2006 • 1143 Posts

[QUOTE="Jared2720"]I followed the plot just fine. What was so difficult about it?foxhound_fox

It started out in the middle (Marston going after his ex-gang members). Then went to the beginning in Mexico (tutorials suggest to me they meant to start there). Then went to where the story should have started at the end (Marston on his farm with wife and son). Then continued on far too long after that.

It wasn't confusing, it was poorly constructed. The progression of the story should have been handled like this:

Beginning -> Marston is introduced on his farm with wife and son, doing farm work, raising his son... only to get them kidnapped by the government and Marston blackmailed into taking out/bringing in his ex-gang.

Middle -> Marston goes out on the road in search of information about his ex-gang, meets all the major NPC's in the game and they end up leading him to those who he is looking for (and not introducing a new antagonist every time the one found escapes to the other side of the border).

End -> Marston confronts all his ex-gang members in a final shootout, ends up capturing/killing them all. He brings them to the government, he gets his family back, and rides into the sunset.

That is how one writes a story... not how Rockstar did it in RDR.

If they had done that then gamers would have complained it was too linear. :P

I actually enjoyed the way they had things set up, as it always kept you guessing a little: What was his family really like? What was the real connection he had with his gang? Who were the government men that were holding the family hostage? Etc. Etc. It wasn't the deepest plot I've ever seen, but at least it didn't show you all the cards at once.