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#1 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

AND IT KICKS SOOO MUUUCH ASS!!! Although I was very disappointed with Motorstorm...ewww...the only racer i've ever really cared for is the Gran Turismo series. This offroad arcade stuff didn't do much for me. So I traded it in...

I also bought Resistance: Fall of Man, and Oblivion! (both of which are absolutely awesome)

Hell I'm only like 30 mins to an hour into Oblivion and it already rocks!

Oh yeah, I bought a cheap wireless router for like 37 bucks, and it works wonderfully. Updates and demos download fairly quick, and when I tried Resistance online today I had no lag whatsoever.

I've even been messing around with the PS3's browser. It's not too great yet but it's still awesome just because you can surf the net from a console. ^_^

In other words people, I'm very glad I got this system. I think I timed it perfect also because once the NEWness of Resistance and Oblivion wear off, Lair will have come out. *evil laugh* As well as other titles.

Oh yeah while I'm here, I have to tell you guys a funny Gamestop story. This guy that worked there was an idiot. I told him about the upside down 7's in the Metal Gear Solid 4 title, and said that NOTHING at all is going to happen on that day. He says that MGS4 is going to release AFTER October of 08, or in 09. I was like "Dude you're an idiot. There's no way in HELL they'd release it that late." He also said that he was positive it would go multi-platform. *blank stare...brain cells popping*

Then, here's the clencher...he said "I'm SO confident that NOTHING will happen on 7/7/07, that if something DOES happen, come back to the store on that day, and I'll buy your reserve for MGS4."

Looks like I got a free reserve eh?

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#2 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts
Oh...I'll be damned. Guess I forgot about it. Well, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. lol...sorry bout that.
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#3 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts
MGS2 Substance was NOT on XBOX for the record. No MGS game has ever been on XBOX.
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#4 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

Hey now!!! Halloween's 1, 2, (NOT 3 cause it had nothing do to with Michael Myers), and 4-6 are all awesome! Was the acting top notch in them? Eh, not really but, consider the years they were released. Halloween H20 and Ressurection were kinda...ugh...but I still enjoyed them because of my love of Michael Myers. Compared to 99% of the other killers in horror movies, I think he's the scariest. Also, the Halloween series is more enjoyable to me than most others like Friday the 13th....Nightmare on Elm Street....Hellraisers...etc. And I'm DEFINITELY against MOST newer horror movies cause they completely suck.

That and has anyone heard about the prequel/remake of Halloween coming out? It's written and directed by Rob Zombie and it comes out August 31st...I can't WAIT!

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#5 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

Wow...didn't expect this big of a welcome! Thanks everybody!

Oh and believe me, I am more than deserving of this PS3. I turned 18 on April 1st, but I moved out of my dad/stepmom's house the day BEFORE...do to being tired of the mixed family drama. My dad promised to give me $1000 bucks to move out with but he never did so he owes me anyway. So believe me, I'm already involved in the HARD WORK. I'm still in high school, and I pay rent/bills/gas/etc. If anything, it'll get EASIER after I graduate, that way I can actually work full time and make lotsa money, and still have plenty of time to play my new PS3 (which it is confirmed that I'm getting it tomorrow FOR SURE).

I'm not off to college this year. I need to save money for a year or two first. But the college I'm going to isn't going to be like school, it's going to kick ass. Musician's Institute of L.A.!!! Nothing but lots of guitar and lots of videogames. MWAHAHAHA!

So yeah I can't WAIT till tomorrow to go and pick up my shiny new PS3. wait...uh oh...(feels premature ejaculation coming).........dammit.

Thanks again for the welcome guys. 

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#6 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

    Well, the day is coming for me to graduate high school. That's right people, on June 1st, I'll be officially DONE!!! And guess what my graduation present is? A Playstation 3 and a 22" flatscreen/widescreen 1080p LCD monitor to go with it. MWAHAHAHA! I should be getting both before June 1st though.

     So yeah I just wanted to announce my joy and gloat! I'm very excited to be getting one. Now I just gotta figure out what games/accessories to get. Probably an extra controller, Resistance: Fall of Man (since everybody says it rocks), and Oblivion (I wanted to play it even before it came to PS3, and I'll need something nice and lengthy to hold me over until even more awesome games come out).

     Oh yeah, I'll also need to get a wireless router for my modem PRONTO so I can download firmware updates, play online, play Home when it comes out, eh...so on and so forth.


    So yeah that was all. Just had to uh, express my EXTREME HAPPINESS. 

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#7 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

*coughcough* shoulda got a ps3 in the first place *coughcough*

      But welcome to the other side ^_^

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#8 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts

    Uh...listen to these people and play the others first, or you will be lost entirely. Part of what makes Metal Gear Solid one of the best series in videogame history is it's phenominal storyline. Of course that's not all, the games themselves are absolutely f***ing awesome as well. But you'll be missing out if you don't know the full story.

     And what's the deal with 3? I hear mixed reviews from people. Metal Gear Solid 3 seems to be a love or hate type of thing. I thought it was great. All the Metal Gear Solids are equally great IMO. Some are just better/worse in ways than the others.

     We all know that MGS4 will reign champion over the series though. There is no way in hell this game can NOT be amazing. And with online play as well? MGS3's online play was really fun (too bad it's not up anymore), but I'm sure MGS4 will kick it's ass in that department as well. I believe it will score no less than 9.0 on Gamespot. (but even if it doesn't, I'm one of the people that DGAF what gamespot thinks if I know the game is good)

      Do yourself a favor, obtain MGS's 1 through 3, and play through them all. Then preorder MGS4 and snatch the second copy the day it comes out. (I say second because I'll have already snatched the first copy of the game mwahahahaha)

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#9 rhyumavampire
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    Seriously, the Clock Tower for SNES is scarier IMO than all these newer horror games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame, etc. They're all great games, but Clock Tower for SNES is scary as hell!!! Clock Tower 3 could've been so much more than it was but it had several flaws. The voice acting of the killers was HORRID and it really took away from the scariness. The first guy was probably the scariest, *grunts* "Alyssa I love you....heheh..." but after that it was lame. The boss battles were also lame. The final boss/ending was also lame.

    What they REALLY need is a Halloween game. I've heard two seperate rumors over the years about a Halloween game being made and I never heard anything about it again. A game with Michael Myers would be kick ass, and scary!!! I mean, running through a house with the power out, Michael walking behind you with a big ass kitchen blade in his hand. That would be awesomeness. Only if they didn't make it gay though. I mean, if you blow Michael away with a shotgun, that's not cool. With the power of the PS3 they could make it so that like, pretty much every item in the house can be used/moved. Ya know, move a dresser in front of a door. Grab a lamp and hit Michael Myers...etc.

      What would be even cooler is if you could play as Michael Myers also. Person in the house is running from you, throwing stuff in your way, slamming doors, blocking them, etc. You gotta outsmart em, and stab them...mwahaha...and/or kill them in creative ways. (corded phone strangulation anyone?)

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#10 rhyumavampire
Member since 2004 • 110 Posts
Eh...if anybody knows anything about physics...leaving a device that isn't running plugged in doesn't use any energy. The flow of electrons have nowhere to go, so they don't just keep flowing. Unplugging everything that's not in use isn't going to do anything.