pupp3t_mast3r's comments

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I've been playing the game with the pre-purchase launch and I've seen a lot of MMO's over the years, and GW2 breaks every single generic mould of your traditional MMO and does it well... I know it's probably too early to call it but this game so far (at least from lvl 1-15 on my toon) is proving to be one of those games that redefines the genre for years to come and sets new bar for all games in the genre =]

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You guys mentioned you play every Monday at 6pm, do people just hop on to a particular channel to join the game?

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@dnlashrafi its out on steam, as far as i know there isn't a hard copy.

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How come you guys didn't level up drows silence at all? You'd think a 6 second stun as opposed 3 seconds wouldve come in handy in that match?....

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This just sounds like a lame deflection from a clearly diminishing company.... if they wana complain about the fact that sony and microsoft haven't released a new console yet how about addressing the fact that in the period both those consoles have been out not a single square-enix game has been able to match to its predecessors in either gameplay or storyline?? Basically this is the voice of a disgruntled exec who refuses to acknowledge that the only major mistake in terms of both the sony and microsoft consoles are the games they've had the clear delusion of releasing on them.

All I can say is a comment like that should belong on the tabloids right alongside with "UFO's land in Roswell" and "Who's Justin Beiber dating now?!"

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Edited By pupp3t_mast3r

It's one thing to market a game like CoD or MoH as fast paced FPS shooters but if the new MoH game's trying to stand out by advertising that the game's going to be more realistic it actually puts me off wanting to play it. Don't get me wrong, that's not to say I wouldn't love to play a proper War Sim game, but when you pick up a copy of Medal of Honor the last thing you'd expect or think they'd implement into the game is realism.

It just sounds like a sloppy marketing spin to make the game stand apart from what really has started to become identical gameplay to CoD games. If you're planning on making a game realistic try and implement ideas that make a player actually worry about when to turn a corner or peek out of cover to make a few shots. To actually feel nervous enough to count down the bullets being fired from an enemy magazine in order to figure out when they'd have to reload and to make your move. The last game that actually managed to convey that sense of realism across of Brothers in Arms, and it was actually incredibly enjoyable because it conveyed that sense of reality.

Realism doesn't always have to be a bad thing in a game and in a lot instances when implemented effectively into a game can actually improve the overall experience. I see where Tom's coming from but I think the most damage this marketing spiel is doing would be to itself. People are going to go into the game expecting a brand new menu to order from but find out all they got are the same meals just labelled differently.