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#1 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
what the hell is a condom!
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#2 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

[QUOTE="nowayjose09"]Way to be soft. No matter how candid the break up it's always going to be a point of contention. OP said they hate each other; how awesome is it going to be when you're all like, "No man I can't hang out with you, I promised Candy that I'd spend time with her." Loads of women out there - good friends are hard to come by.MrGeezer

You could turn it around and say "loads of bad friends out there, good women are hard to come by".

Firstly, who says women can't also be friends? Who says that this woman isn't going to eventually be the TC's wife/soulmate and the father of his children? Any time a friend EVER refuses to let you spend time with another person is when you find new friends.

The funny thing is that this looks like another (albeit unintentional) sign of disrespect for women. I don't see any other way for it to be possible for so many people to essentially say "she's not worth it, she's just a woman."

Fair point - no disrespect intended.

In regards to your above points:

a) Maybe I'm lucky, I've culled my friends to the point where I only keep good company. Good solid friends that are mature, sensible, but also super awesome. Can go out on the town with them, or talk to them about life's intricacies (without judgment)

b) In terms of looking for a partner; yes, it can be quite objective and unattached - I guess it's the whole notion of passing up an amazing woman, and feeling like there are none like her. While in truth, there are none exactly like her, there are plenty of amazing women that you'd still get on really well with. Maybe that is what I/others drive at. In fairness, any woman could just say - sure he's awesome, but there are plenty of other dudes!

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#3 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
Mate! Have more self confidence. And it's "friend" - i before e except after c! Girlfriends easily become close friends, but when something goes wrong - things can end up nastily and you need the friends that you, whoops, just alienated. Get yourself a fresh haircut, some brand new double-tongued low cut converse shoes and you'll be ready to sweep even Elle McPherson off her feet.
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#4 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts


Ive been best freinds with my freind for years, I have also kinda had a thing for his Ex-Girlfreind...

Dring last summer i pretty much spent all my time hanging out with him and his ex (before they broke up) and i always thought she was pretty and kinda cool.

but now they are broken and they both absolutley hate each other...

Im not sure but i think maybe should would say yes if i asked her out, but i dont want things to get sour between me and my freind.

advice ot!


Well if you are his best friend you would know already not to date his ex....dude find your own chick

She's not "anyone's" chick, even less so now that the best friend and her broke up. She's single, that's why you call her an "EX"-girlfriend.

Way to be soft. No matter how candid the break up it's always going to be a point of contention. OP said they hate each other; how awesome is it going to be when you're all like, "No man I can't hang out with you, I promised Candy that I'd spend time with her." Loads of women out there - good friends are hard to come by.
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#5 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
as far as I know it changes. I can't remember who said this but one of them was Lewis Hamilton. I think pre-fame, anyway. I bet it was that Nicole Sherzinger(sp) - she was too gorgeous and he had no more time for being super awesome anymore. :( That and all that F1 stuff.
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#6 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
Art is fantastic. I drank a bit too much today during Australia Day celebrations and created my own Pollock masterpiece... on the pavement outside!
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#7 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
Oh, another thing. Bush looked like such a gung-ho cowboy. If Obama does nothing but restore credibility on the world stage, then his presidency has been a huge success. Oh, and universal health care? Biggest reform since early 1930's. Have to remember his hands are virtually tied by spiraling debt, due to excessive spending on wars that he did not declare. In light of what he has inherited, I think he will still turn out to be the president that inspires America (and the world).
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#8 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

Here is a bad list:

1. Bush tax cuts expire. These were very, very positive and beneficial tax cuts for the economy. Obama will let them expire and we'll see a return to the horribleness of the 1970's economy, where people don't have money to spend...because the govt takes nearly all disposable income.

2. Higher social security taxes on high wage earners, and higher self-employment taxes on the self employed. Remember, small businesses are the great job engine in America. Obama is going to kill it by punishing the small business owners.

3. Abandonment of Israel.

4. Strengthening of Iran and Hugo Chavez.

5. Re-imposition of the fairness doctrine on broadcast radio.

6. Passage of the Employee Free Choice Act, which will make union certification elections no longer private--so union goons can show up at your house and thrash you if you vote against them.

7. Senior citizens, who are already responsible for 40% of federal spending, despite being only 12% of the economy-will receive huge handouts from Obama. If you make less than 50K and are a senior citizen, you pay no taxes! Wow, if only hard working Americans could get this deal.

8. Protectionism; imposition of tariffs and penalties on our trading partners. Protectionism will make us all worse off. Canada, our no. 1 oil supplier. will sell its oil to China. Thank you Obama! You are so smart!

9. The credit protection act that was a HUGE FAIL!!!!! Its worse now then what it was in the beggining, Obama singe handily gave the credit cards power to charge what ever they want. This is a reason why Government should stay out of business.

10. The endless printing of money.

11. Cap and Tax - hasnt passed yet but its bad enought it was proposed in the first place.

Higher taxes (point 1) will curb inflation. He's probably doing it to counter the effects of an economy that's just getting kick-started again. You guys have had such low interest rates during the GFC, and now that the economy is recovering, inflation will rapidly increase because consumer confidence would eventually lead to inflated house prices a la global financial crises in the very beginning. Protectionism, to a degree, can be useful, especially if the sector is large enough - and the prospect of unemployment is too grand. Protectionism *can* (not always) assist a country on the verge of recession, by creating employment. The argument in the long run, is that it's not really sustainable because it's not effective; capital flows from effective sectors to ineffective. Protectionism for America doesn't harm America as much as you think, it harms it's free-trade partners, like mine, Australia. We're smaller, and benefit more from exporting to you. You gave us a massive boost when Bush signed the Free Trade agreement some years ago. Haven't seen the figures as to what happened to your economy though! As for endless printing of money - there's a reason for it; increasing the money supply can, in the short term, boost an economy and reduce the contraction. At some point, the government will have to issue bonds and take money back out of the economy though. See! I did pay attention in class all those years ago. I think.
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#9 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
rumour mill: they're taking the story to the moons of pandora. or something. probably a new epic story! that isn't linear and predictable, I mean. Also, has anyone thought about how like the old Star Wars was just so revolutionary and has withheld the test of time? In the future when everything is in 3d, we'll look back at Avatar and be like, "Good points: well, it did introduce 3d......."
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#10 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

Youtube Safri Duo's - Played-A-Live


( - went and got the film clip for you! )