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#1 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

In Australia we have a phrase called "man up." It basically refers to the situation, in a given event, that a male acts in such a fashion that draws stark contrast to customary male response characteristics. Manning up also refers to closing Firefox and not posting trivial threads on a gamer forum. In order to regain previously (assumed) achieved bravado, simply watching motorsports (or blood sport of your choice) and drinking a six of any non-light beer is the most commonly known remedy. Good luck!


Man up

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#2 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

All this talk has made me thirsty. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer

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#3 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

I don't think it's about winning the war, guys.

It's about Seoul being really, really close to the North Korean border. :)

War = GG civilians.

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#4 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

Well, I thought a minute about them increasing prices - and yes, I agree with you, they would probably pass on the cost of the tax, if not in whole, in a large part... but I realised that in terms of mining - they can't actually increase the prices because they're competing on the world market. For example, England might sell coal to China at X, but Australia can do it at 0.90*X. If they raise their prices, they might just buy from England.

I voted greens in the last election, and that spilt into Labor. I've always swung in that direction, but I have to say - they were mad to get rid of Turnbull... a man of obvious integrity and principle. If they still had him, I'd cast my vote in his favour! :)

All I know is, we're being done by whoever is in power. Labor. Liberal. Greens(probably). Whoever else sits in the plush green and plush red chambers. No error. :)

PS: Just wanted to say: I'm an economics major at uni... so I have a pretty decent understanding of what could be happening - but there are intracacies that I can't explain. I could be right, I could be partially right, or I could be super duper wrong with no cherry on top :(. I hope that none of my former lecturers are gamer-geeks and stalk these forums. And if so, thank goodness it's anonymous because my recent results (passed, woohoo!) might magically turn into F's. :O

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#5 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

[QUOTE="mystic_knight"]daqua the two parties are both quite good at lying. To be honest i expected it to be greater than 1.5 billion the stimulus alone would not have been that small figure stated. Anyhow the super mining tax was a great idea but the way it was introduced left the only major income revenue for Australia in fear. People immediately backed out any finances backed into this business making it a double negative for the company. Even though i'm still going to back the ALP i believe the both of them are a bunch of idiots who have no clue in what the are doing. Kevin Rudd was still preferred over Gillard.pengo93

How in the hell is taxing the mining industry a good idea?

It's partly because a lot of the wealth generated doesn't get dispersed back into the economy; it's an oligopolistic model of competition. If you get the tax right, you're re-distributing wealth to a point where you're minimising the 'loss' to society.

Mining firms often have what's called natural monopoly - control over resources. They can produce at a certain cost and then charge abnormally high prices for goods because they don't have any incentive to sell to cover their costs. As far as I know, which is barely (take this with a grain of salt) - the superprofit tax is taxing profit. So you must remember that they are covering their costs. Their profit is just decreasing. If the legislation was introduced, they would still produce. They'd just moan about it. :)

They're being greedy and spreading misinformation.

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#6 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

Yeah, they've really bent us over.

See, if you don't like what Labor has done to KRudd (my personal opinion - he was overly arrogant) the alternative is, well, Tony Abbott. No thanks. That's why as a protest, ALP supporters were voting for the greens. Abbott wasn't gaining support, Rudd was just losing it. I read in the papers that Rudd wasn't "in" with the Labor powerbrokers, and consequently as soon as the polls turned south - they axed him.

What really bothers me is Conroy. His inability to debate, or yield against greater logic absolutely infuriates me. The guy refuses to be wrong. Ever! They've shelved the censorship debate because it is potentially an election-losing topic... and what with the lack of stance by the Liberals, we might not see any opposition. So, vote Labor back in, and we might have rubbish legislation pushed down our throats because we clearly wanted it (which is why we voted for them, right? Not because it was hidden from us :).

Politics: raising blood pressure globally since time immemorium!

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#7 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
mate there's no pretty way to suggest exercising. depending on personality, she might take it on the chin and agree with you or she might fire up and say O YA SO U THINK IM FAT you don't really lose weight by exercising, a solid, clean diet can do it. try this: hey gorgeous, the most precious queen of my life, i am tired of eating horrible foods - i'm going to clean up my diet, do you mind if i clean out the fridge? weight is lost in the kitchen, not the gym
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#8 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
People can pay me to stand next to them so they look better
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#9 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts
resin bonding - $250 a tooth. essentially gives you a completely new smile, unlike porcelain veneers you don't need the enamel removed so you won't be prone to BRAIN FREEZE! BRAIN FREEZE!
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#10 nowayjose09
Member since 2009 • 99 Posts

(inside joke)

explain to him the opportunity cost of you being there, and tell him how your personal utility suffered because you could have been doing something from which you derived more enjoyment!