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@darthrevenx: You've clearly given this way too much thought. But judging by your handle, you have an obsession with Star Wars, sooooo.

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@edhc44: You do realize with timelines and ages that's not physically possible, right? When Luke meets Obi-Wan, he's like 60 something and Luke is like 20 something. 30 years have past since the Return of the Jedi, meaning if Obi-Wan, who was already dead after the first film, which was a few years before Jedi (meaning like a total of 35 years, give or take, since he died and the events of Epi. 7) would have had to had his daughter conceived and birthed 10 years after his death, seeing how Rey is roughly 20 years old at the beginning of Epi. 7.

I'm not a hardcore Star Wars nerd, but just a person who's smart enough to add and subtract dates and numbers. That theory is just straight up wrong.

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@skemaal: Or better yet, a CEO of a video game retailer, who doesn't actually play games that aren't being presented to him while sitting in a board room. Curious to see how the managers of Gamestops would have reacted (if allowed to openly) if Nintendo showed off the console at Gamestop's annual Managers conference.

I'd bet the reaction would be much different when in the hands of actual gamers, not suit wearing, financial whores.

Ages ago, back in college, I worked at EB Games, before the merger and we were told we had to wear Khakis and polo shirts. I for the love of me could not understand why were dressing like circuit city employees or car salesman. This just showed me the mentality of the management staff, why on earth would you dress people in business casual attire at a store that sells video games that promote driving around, shooting people, picking up hookers and running people over. Our clientele were primarily teenagers and men in their twenties, granted we had the occasional female gamer, but 90 percent of the people that came in that store were guys, maybe in their 30's too, but all of them were jean and t-shirt wearing guys, who liked to relax and be chill. Not uptight, tie-wearing suits.

I, as an assistant manager, had to take a conference call once, I tried to argue my point with the DM, had the support of every other store manager in our district and even tried to settle for jeans, sneakers and a polo shirt. Something that showed our customers, that were relaxed and cool like them. I was shut down and never invited back to a conference call.

This blind mentality is exactly why companies like Gamestop are losing customers. Their lack of foresight is what will cause them to lose to Amazon, Best Buy, Target and Walmart.

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Why haven't they just re-mastered Anarchy Online, improved/modified the gameplay for consoles and released that? That is the best game they've ever made and I enjoyed it for years. This Conan looks bland, boring and barren, not to mention, the faces on these characters look like they were rendered by a first-year 3D design college student.

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@chaazin: Why would you assume that I'm just an unskilled player, other than just to pass on the COD hate. I didn't trash BF, I merely said for me, it just wasn't as fun as I thought it would be before the Beta. I played countless hours of BF4, Battlefield 1942 and even Hardline, which I hate to say was the worst BF. I'm good, but I'm not going to try and paint a picture of how good, because what you think of me is irrelevant.

Point is, that after you take away the SW: Battlefront visuals from Battlefield, the game is just the same old Battlefield, with less customization and more running to become engaged where it matters. Some of you may like that, and that is perfectly fine. For me, this year, I'm just not going to buy both BF and COD like I have every other year. I'm not a fan boy of either franchise, as I play everything. I can tell you this though, had there been no beta, I probably would have bought BF, but now that the beta gave me a sense of the game what it's really about, it's controls and combat, EA basically saved me $60.

However, if you'd like to challenge me in COD to test my skills, feel free to message me and we'll work out the details.

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So I really, really wanted to like Battlefield 1, but for some reason I just can't find myself wanting to buy it. I really enjoy the satisfaction when sniping someone and the visual, my god is Battlefield beautiful. But that aside, the game feels, well, shallow.

Other a than a few guns that you can upgrade with better ones, the customization is really lacking. The game, visuals aside, simply feels like the same old Battlefield, slow and a lot of running. Since vehicles are stolen by the other 31 players 90% of the time, getting back into the action (especially if your team is losing points) can take forever.

I had this game pre-ordered, but I think I may actually cancel it. I'm going to stick with the beta and try and find that honey pot that makes me say, ok, I'm sold. So far, it just hasn't happened for me.

That being said, I'm not here to cause a BF vs COD argument, but after seeing the COD MP at XP, I've become more interested in COD and the idea of custom weapon creation, that's really unique. I also like the new mechanics like shooting someone and seeing their bodies float as their artificial gravity stops, the black hole bomb, the new "in space" setting sets up a whole new level of gameplay that we haven seen in a COD. But I'll wait until the Beta to get hyped, as BF1's beta, let me down.

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@csward: When he landed on earth, he was slightly silly, but once he got the Mjolnir back, he was all serious and back into the whole Shakespearean talk. I enjoyed the first two movies, but I'm really hoping this whole "buddy" movie concept with Hulk pans out and really lightens up Thor's personality.

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Something tells me that IW has something in store with this MP reveal. This secrecy thing over the MP aspect of this game is very unusual, considering for BO3 they had people in Beta well before now.

I get the feeling that either they have a big surprise, as in, vehicles, bigger maps and 32/64 player support, for certain maps. This fits with their statement on this game, that it's back to basics, with more of an emphasis on larger scale war.

Or, they have some type of new gameplay we haven't seen before in MP, but I'm leaning to a few aspects from suggestion number one. This type of change (or addition) to the COD franchise would close the gap with what makes BF special (i.e. big open battlefriends with support for 32/64 players).

I have no clue, but I just feel (and partially hope) that Infinity Ward ups the ante with COD by matching Battlefield with large scale battles with vehicles, while keeping the same 6 v 6 game modes for players who still want that style of gameplay.

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@Richardthe3rd: I think you're right, it would cannibalize their WoW sales, but at some point they need to let go and realize that WoW is no longer the juggernaut it used to be. If this new exp fails to bring in sustainable numbers (i.e. they get back 5 million customers upon the Exp release, but after 2-4 months they lose 4 million) then they need to think what's next.

I think Overwatch proves that consoles can be a viable business strategy for Blizzard and WoW on consoles is probably past due, as it should have happened 3 years ago on the PS4 launch. But, WoW on consoles would make the franchise available to players who've never played the game before because millions of console players aren't PC gamers, this could really bolster numbers. So whether it's a full fledged WoW PC port to consoles or just the PvP Battlegrounds element, a' la, Overwatch style in 3rd person, something's gotta give.